1SG Katrina Moerk gets ARCOM for trolling

| December 27, 2014 | 697 Comments

First Sgt. Katrina Moerk

No this is NOT satire, it’s not the Duffel Blog, it’s Military.com and it is about 1SG Katrina Moerk who got an Army Commendation Medal for scolding other soldiers in a social media chat room;

First Sgt. Katrina Moerk, now the first sergeant of Charlie Company, 741st Military Intelligence Battalion, was browsing a social media network’s community page earlier this year, when she came upon a video that she found offensive and sexist. When she commented as much, several respondents attacked her with insults. Some of these respondents were wearing uniforms in their profile photos, the first sergeant said, so she wrote to them directly.

“I looked them up, introduced myself and explained to them why they were stupid. And I [copied] the director of the Army SHARP program to help their units improve their SHARP training, because it was obviously lacking. And it’s kind of blown up from there,” Moerk said.


“I tried to explain why I didn’t care for it,” she added, “and [said], ‘If you don’t know who you’re talking to, be careful what you say in an open public forum on the Internet,’ and it just made it worse. When I started calling them by rank, they figured I was in the military and made jokes about calling people out on the Internet, or [that] pulling rank on the Internet is like calling somebody out in a bar.”

Things died down online, she said, but Dr. Christine Altendorf, the SHARP director, brought Moerk’s email to the attention of Lt. Gen. Howard Bromberg, then the Army’s deputy chief of staff for personnel. Shortly thereafter, the Army launched three administrative investigations, because Soldiers from three separate major commands were involved, either through producing the video or making inappropriate comments.

Her sergeant major called her the epitome of what an NCO should be. Lucky for her, an Army First Sergeant didn’t have more important things to do than to troll the internet looking for trouble. I come across things on the internet that offend me and I click away, I personally boycott that website, I don’t turn into a nosy scold. Lucky for her she clicked into something that the Army leadership is focusing on these days.

I have three ARCOMs from my two decades of service – I earned mine by doing my job and working towards the successful completion of the unit’s mission. Silly me.

ADDED: Here’s how she trolled the social media. She trolled me looking for me to grunt and call her names;


Thanks to Chief Tango for the link.

Category: Army News

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  1. Marine_7002 says:

    Uhhhhhhhh…will someone please enlighten me on just what exactly a “woobie” is?

    • Ex-PH2 says:

      USArmy wool blanket.

    • OIF '06-'07-'08 says:

      The “woobie” is the nickname given to the standard issue poncho liner, either in woodland, ACU, or MARPAT camo patterns.

      • CLAW131 says:

        The woobie Poncho Liner I have in my emergency sleeping bag roll is a straight OD color, no camo pattern at all. I guess if I ever were to sell it on EBay or Craig’s List, it would be defined as an “Ye Olde Woobie”

        • Currahee John says:

          Geez, Claw, that IS an old one! Mine from 1976 was woodland camo!

          • CLAW131 says:

            John, I think it is circa 1969 issue. The best piece of TA-50 I ever had was a wet weather jacket with a sewed in poncho liner. I had it made during my first tour in Germany (1975ish),kept it for the rest of my career, and when I started my retirement outprocessing I gave it to the young Buck Sergeant who had been my S-4 shop’s M577 Track Driver.

            • Marine_7002 says:

              Ahhhhhhhhhhh, thank you all.

              Guess I carbon-dated myself by having to ask the question. :-D

            • nbcguy54 says:

              Sounds like the Graf Jacket except we used a “surplus” wool army blanket. Best winter coat I ever had.

            • Redleg says:

              We called that (wet weather jacket with liner or blanket) our “Baumholder” Jacket (I see it referred to as Graf Jacket below). Saved me on many a freezing road march in the drivers or TC hatch of a M109. Wish I could find someone to make another one for me today!

        • streetsweeper says:

          Mine was Blanket, wool. O/D green, one each.

      • Nicki says:

        My daughter got me a MARPAT one for Christmas, since the ex absconded with all three of my woodland camo ones in the divorce. Now I’m constantly wrapped up in it, and my husband thinks I’m nuts! LOL

    • Sapper3307 says:

      U wu be cold without it.

  2. Chris Dever says:

    Since she got a medal for doing her job trolling some social media site…maybey she should be held to the same standard and get an Article 15 for conduct unbecoming an NCO for the public “asshat” comment after noting that she is 1SG.

  3. thebesig says:

    Awarding 1SG Katrina Moerk an ARCOM for this, while denying it for actions in combat, shows where the priorities now reside.

    Now, I’m not defending what the other said that caused her to go after them. I’m not defending their response to her. But, I’m going to do my part in the horse glue department by repeating what has already been repeatedly said.

    If she found out who they were, she could’ve also found out who their 1SGs… find her counterparts and speak to them as her counterparts. Let the individual units handle this without having to hear about this from their seniors in the NCO Support Channel and Chain of Command.

    Her going for a higher echelon point of contact essentially made those units, where those Soldiers came from, look bad. This isn’t just the unit, but also the Soldiers within the unit. Who knows, their attitudes may have been a reflection of what goes on throughout their unit.

    let the senior enlisted in the unit deal with it anyway. Many are aware of SHARP, EO, and other requirements. If they’re anything like my unit, they’re taking action to find out if these issues are taking place for the purposes of weeding it out.

    Most, if not all, of her counterparts would’ve been thankful for her. Instead, they got broad sided from above, by Soldiers who also got broadsided from above, by Soldiers that got broadsided from above… all because she had a power trip and a narcissistic drive to punish those Soldiers outside of what we, in the NCO community, understand would’ve been the more professional and appropriate approach.

    Now, she has an ARCOM for something that we got for going to Iraq/Afghanistan.

    She shouldn’t gotten a letter of appreciation at best for her effort, signed by the first colonel in her chain of command. This is my being “nice” about her efforts. That didn’t warrent an ARCOM.

    On the other side of the coin, she should’ve gotten action taken against her for jumping the chain of command.

    She had to have a SHARP chain of command, parallel to her own, that she could’ve passed this up to. Someone in her chain of command, or NCO support channel, could’ve had the brains to contact their counterparts in order to get the errant Soldiers dealt with.

    This should’ve been handled at the lowest level possible. :roll:

    • nbcguy54 says:

      Seems like a few hundred posts ago, I threw out the phrase “NCO Business”. You sir have just pretty much defined it. Thank you.
      It appears that in some AD circles, that isn’t taught any more. Used to be that the NCO Corps was the backbone of the Army. With senior NCOs like her, it’ll soon be the chickenbone of the Army.

  4. H1 says:

    Odds on which major news service will pick this up tomorrow?

    • Ex-PH2 says:

      It will be on ‘The View’ first, with that obnoxious mouth Rosie O’Donnell at the head of the line.

      After that, the news services will pick it up, and it will go from there until someone at the highest higher-ups figures out that this entire business was a blow-job on an ego trip by this dingaling senior NCO.

      Congratulations, Moerk, you just embarrassed all the other hard-working women in the military.

      Oh, while I’m at it: the adjective ‘misogynistic’ is incorrectly used by you in your refusal to accept criticism of any kind. These MEN here are NOT misogynistic male chauvinistic pigs.

      Please keep your misanthropic opinions where they belong: in your sock drawer with the butt pads you sit on when you get butt hurt.

  5. Dave Hardin says:

    The people that supported her actions and awarded her will either circle the wagons or wash their hands of her. It is beyond belief that the Defense Dept and high ranking members of the military were sucked into this.

    There is a civilian contractor that needs to be held accountable here. I understand their mission statement, I agree with most of it. Their conduct in this matter shows a complete disconnect with the very people they are trying to influence.

    This precedent can not be allowed to stand. Trolling the internet for awards and a fast track to a promotion is simply egregious.

  6. Animal says:

    Wow. This is still going??? This has to be some kind of record. Still wish I could be in her company office tomorrow morning.

    • Ex-PH2 says:

      Me, too! Then hot tea and donuts afterwards.

      • Animal says:

        Fortunately some of her better work from her blog was preserved here for others to read when she blames all of this on someone else.

      • Flagwaver says:

        Tea? I thought you were Navy, not Air Force.


        Make mine Chai and I’ll spring for the donuts.

        • Hondo says:

          She was Navy. She was just being nice and offering this “fine E8″ an appropriate beverage based on that individual’s demonstrated ability to work professionally with others.

        • Ex-PH2 says:

          Flagwaver, you have not had my ‘make the coffee and clean up the coffee mess’ sea story, have you?

          I think that was about 18 months ago. I have to look that one up, because we were all spinning yarns.

    • H1 says:

      This one has legs.
      On many levels.

    • Dave Hardin says:

      Oh, I will bet they will rally round the wagon. This has every appearance that it was planned. She and those coaching her were expecting a backlash. She has a persecution complex and her coach suffers from Munchausen by proxy. Of course that is just a layman’s opinion. Mark my words, they have their action plan already laid out.

      Sucks when there are a few of us that can read the tea leaves as well.

      • Ex-PH2 says:

        It seemed premeditated to me, too, but why anyone would go to this length is a mystery to me. Awards and promotions are too shabby and shallow.

        She’s not a victim, no matter how much she waves the victim flag around in the air. She created this shitstorm in toto. It is fortunate that her blather could be copied before she closed it off to people, but why would she close it off if there is any truth in it?

        That smacks loudly of pure hypocrisy to me.

        • Castle says:

          I wonder if she did all of this on company time, or if she did this on her own personal time?

          It’s sad when a soldier dies for his country he at best gets an AAM but a trolling 1SG get’s an ARCOM

  7. Animal says:

    I posted this last night, but I’m reposting it so it’ll be easier to find tomorrow.

    Again, straight from her blog before she restricted it.

    “But I have endeavored to lead by example. I ate after my Soldiers, despite how hungry I was, while sitting on a rail head in Louisiana. I gave my woobie and space blanket to one of my Soldiers, despite how cool the night air was, because he was cold and couldn’t sleep. I ensured that my Soldiers shared all of our rations with the fire team who supported us on such short notice, and no time to prepare for themselves. I kept my tongue, when I wanted to scream at the Lieutenant who demeaned, demoralized, and insulted me because I was a female. I kept my tongue, so that my Soldiers would learn to choose their battles. I teach my troops everything I know they will never be taught. I pass on the quiet secrets that I have collected over the years, and the enthusiasm that I have acquired for this profession that I keep. I cried when one of my best Soldiers chose to leave the Army rather than fight a misogynistic First Sergeant. It broke my heart to see such talent, lost to this Army, and I still harbor guilt because I was not able to protect her. I fight tirelessly to ensure that my Soldiers are taken care of, regardless of personal opinions. It is right thing to do, but rocking the boat never makes for friendly waters or welcoming shores.”

  8. Animal says:

    And from another poster, again straight from her blog:

    “A Noncommissioned Officer responded that “no one cared,” when I attempted to explain why I found the video distasteful.

    I was infuriated. I paced my house, and cursed. I was outraged at the absolute audacity of Soldiers to be so disrespectful to someone that they did not know. I knew they were Soldiers and service members, because they had photos of themselves in uniform on their individual profiles. Being diplomatic on Facebook was not getting my point across. I looked them up in Global, and decided to send them an email. It was a great piece of work, my email. I cannot tell you how many times I had to delete expletives when referring to these Soldiers. I wanted to jump through the computer and choke them, I was so angry.

    It was obvious in my mind that they needed better training in their units. The email that I sent to their AKO and .mil accounts was professional, to the point, and informative. I did not mince any words. I got my point across very clearly. Then I thought I would courtesy copy the director of the SHARP program and introduce her via this correspondence to areas that were in need, with regards to SHARP training. Christine Altendorf is the Director of the ARMY SHARP program. She is an SES, whom I included in an email to internet trolls. Had no idea the ripple effect that I was about to cause. The aftermath of this action has resulted in several careers ending before they had a chance to begin, NCOs being relieved of their leadership functions, and eight Soldiers losing their clearances for creating a satirical video.”

    • nbcguy54 says:

      And her getting a precious little medal at the expense of other’s careers.

      Is she really so clueless that she didn’t think this would happen?
      I’m curious to see how the Army is going to bury this story…

    • Ex-PH2 says:

      She had no idea that this ‘teaching moment’ of hers would become an internet shitstorm? She’s not very bright if she didn’t realize what the result would most likely be.

      As has been thoroughly explained, at great length, by other people, the proper thing to do is to notify the senior NCOs for whom those soldiers worked. Let them handle it. That is THEIR job.

      Did she follow the proper procedure? No, she did not. She thought it would be a really, really good idea to include the people in charge of the SHARP program, without giving anyone at any other level a single thought or a chance to handle the problem themselves.

      If this is not a glory hound at work, then what is it? If this isn’t a self-serving snot toad with an inflated ego tripping the rift she’s created, then what is it?

      If it isn’t the dumbfuckingest, ass-backwards thing anyone has ever done, anywhere in the world including North Korea, then what is it?

      She, and she alone, is to blame for those people losing their jobs over this. None of that had to happen, but she doesn’t even accept any responsibility for it or imply even slightly that this is not the result she had sought.

      If this chick isn’t a prick personified, then what is she? (Besides a bitch on wheels.)

    • Redacted1775 says:

      So she threw a hissy fit? With all due respect (which isn’t much, I can assure you), you ought to find a new line of work Top.

    • Stark says:

      Wow. That is an amazingly self congratulatory post. Reading that, it’s pretty obvious that this whole thing is about her, and that she’s using her butthurt over this to gain attention.

  9. A Proud Infidel®™ says:

    WOW, 441 Facebook comments and 529 thread comments in about 24 hours, that tops Monkress, Bernath, Church, and “Blobfish” Chevalier for that many in that amount of time doesn’t it? By my count, 970 total comments as of when I hit the “post” button!

  10. Old 1SG, US Army (retired) says:

    She should of handled this via the NCO support channel, they still have that don’t they? A simple 1SG to 1SG phone call would have sufficed… But oh no, we can’t do that… let’s get our 15 minutes of fame here.

    Do I agree with the some of the shenanigans that folks post on the Internet, NO. Do I need the SHARP coordinator to rectify a problem with one of my troops… Hell NO!

    Surprisingly SHARP has had a few bad apples make the news… so I guess they thought that this would improve their image…

    Remember folks, the Internet is forever… Geez, I remember when the only thing I had to worry about was my troops making the blotter report! That damn thing spread faster than a viral YouTube video!

    • CLAW131 says:

      Top, in their MI Cyberspace world where accountability formations and section sergeants’ meetings are held by E-Mail, where every belch,fart and bowel movement is instantly reported and commented on by Facebook and Twitter, I highly doubt that they have even the slightest notion of what the NCO Support Channel is or how to use it properly.

      • Flagwaver says:

        I got out as an E-5. Because of the deployment schedule, I didn’t even go through PLDC. However, after I was pinned (complete with a 1SG punch to the chest to make sure the velcro was securely in place), I was given the briefing about the NCO Support Channel. Yeah, I was as junior as the come, but it was still there.

  11. Graybeard says:

    And things like this, my friends, is why a couple of vets I was listening to this past week do not care that they don’t have this-and-such recognition.

    Of course, reading Linerer’s “Phantom Warriors” shows that this type of nonsense is nothing new.

    • MustangCryppie says:

      Other than medals for valor, most decorations are just chest candy. I have a few and I barely remember what they were for. What I do remember are the actions that I was in and the shipmates who were there with me.

      The only recognition I really want is the respect of my compatriots. Hard to earn, easy to lose. Looks like the 1Sgt lost it big time.

  12. Dbie Johnson says:

    Apparently her command has now told all of the Soldiers in her batallion are barred from commenting on the story, positively or negatively. Seems to me they don’t agree with the award either, lol.

    • Ex-PH2 says:

      Can you supply a link to that?

    • HMCS(FMF) ret says:

      If that is the case the command may just be trying to step away from this as quickly as possible. They may also be seeing their E-8 as a “liability” issue to the command instead of being an asset.

      I’m not sure how promotion boards work for SNCO’s in the Senior Service, but this whole affair may have ended her chances for E-9 or screening for CSM.

      • A Proud Infidel®™ says:

        I’m sure of that as well. I see this stunt of hers as little more than an attempt to politic herself into some cushy desk job in some HQ writing policy memos, and it’s backfired on her big time!!!

      • Eric says:

        If you’re on Active Duty, you are selected to attend the Sergeant’s Major Academy. (Select, Train, Promote is the process)

        The board is made up of a General Officer (president) and a bunch of voting members, usually E-9s, sometimes O-6s are on there too, depends on how they work it out.

        While the board “shouldn’t” take into account what they know about someone, I’m sure it happens. They are only supposed to go by what’s in the promotion file. But no one can say there isn’t some “Hey this guy’s in my unit, he’s awesome” or “This punk? Yeah right” going on.

        At the same time, there are multiple members of the board, so even if one person gets “personal” about a potential promotee, there are still a bunch of others who will determine based on what they see.

        This is pretty much the same for all Senior boards (E-7 thru E-9), the only difference is that for E-9, you get selected to be “trained” as a Sergeant Major, then once you graduate, they’ll find you an E-9 position to fill. You are also selected by MOS, so one MOS might have 50 selected for E-9, but another MOS might only have 1. It also depends on how each troop is “rated” by the board. So you really do compete against your peers, in your MOS.

        In the case where you have someone so significantly publicized, I am sure the whole board will know her name.

        But that’s probably the longer version of what you were asking about.

        • HMCS(FMF) ret says:

          Thanks – it’s pretty much how the Navy does/did it while I was in.

        • streetsweeper says:

          I remember my oldest brother preparing to go in front of the selection board for E7…the boy was like a cat on a hot tin roof, lol. It’d taken him a while to make it to E7 (late 70’s) IIRC. E8 wasn’t a cake walk for him, either. So, if this *woman* (using the term loosely) made it this quickly to E8, something was afoot somewhere. Unless Mother Army got the warm fuzzies promoting her quickly, maybe I’m clueless how she would have made it back in the 70′ & 80’s.

          • Eric says:

            For the Army, for about the last 6 years, for E-8: TIS is 12-14 years and TIG is 3-4 years.

            So it is entirely possible for someone to hit E-8 before 15 years depending on their MOS and timing.

            I didn’t make E-8 until about 18.5 years on my second look. But others have made it a lot quicker. Just how things are these days.

            • streetsweeper says:

              My brother made E8 (MSG) about three yrs from retirement, IIRC. I do remember his promotion party afterwards…hehehe.

          • A Proud Infidel®™ says:

            I have NO DOUBT she has whipped out her “Quota Card” to get ahead every chance she’s had!!

  13. A Proud Infidel®™ says:

    I posted ONE simple reply to Daniel A. Bernsth’s rant on that thread, and…


    That critter is one ILLITERATE bigot!!!

    • Ex-PH2 says:

      I guess he doesn’t actually know, does he?

    • propsguy says:

      I know I’m not the brightest guy here, but I tried reading that idiotic mess he wrote over on mil.com and all I came away with from Not a CPO Daniel Bernath was…..

      American Legion! Conspiracy! Illuminati! Tin Foil Hat! Purple Aliens! I eat paint chips!

      Did anyone else understand what he was saying?

    • Flagwaver says:

      You little troll, you.

      Jonn, can we put him in for an ARCOM?

    • A Proud Infidel®™ says:

      OH, BTW, the “Bernathian” tsunami of comments continues, already just over 1,000 with the Facebook and thread comments combined, I wonder how soon each will hit the 1K mark?

    • A Proud Infidel®™ says:

      Aaaaaw crap, I BROKE IT!! I just looked again for more of his lunacy to find that all of it was deleted, his rants and my replies. I don’t blame that site’s moderator(s) one bit, he was off the wall posting something VERY slanderous and libelous about another TAH Regular, but I still feel like I was the dweeb that broke it!!

      • Ex-PH2 says:

        Proud, I noticed that, too.

        Now how on earth do we keep that rant for posterity? Do you think MilTimes would e-mail it to me? ;)

        • A Proud Infidel®™ says:

          I’m sure someone screen-saved it, Ma’am! After all, THE INTERNET IS FOREVER, just like Daniel A. “Crashing Cockroach” Bernath is one VERY illiterate Anti-Semitic BIGOT!!

        • Instinct says:

          I’m not sure why we would need to keep it, it’s the same stuff he spews all the time, just with the words rearranged.

          I think I can make an algorithm that would do the same thing and then he could just mail it in and save himself the typing.

      • Flagwaver says:

        Please say someone screencapped that. I’m interested in seeing what he vomited out.

        • A Proud Infidel®™ says:

          It was some incoherent babble about the American Legion conspiring to make Vets commit suicide along with an eruption of incoherent anti-Semitic slurs as soon as I posted a reply saying that all anyone needs to do is Google Search his name, and…. then he really vomited some incoherent gibberish!!

  14. SJ says:

    568 comments on an ARCOM thread? Damn. I miss one day. Do I have to read all 568 or is there a CLIFF Notes on this?

    • SJ says:

      Since a 1SG is involved, does it have anything to do with PT Belts?

      • propsguy says:

        She saw something on Youtube that made her boobies hurt.

        It was made by a group of dumbass enlisted in a barracks somewhere.

        She started an internet flame war with them

        They told her to fuck off
        She then internet stalked them, found out who they were and forwarded everything to the 3 star in charge of Sharp.

        We are all discussing how she should get out of the army, go get her womyn’s studies degree and go protest something.

        • propsguy says:

          And she got an Arcom for getting her boobies hurt that took the rest of us a year in theater in Iraq or Afghanistan or other shitholes to get.

          • SJ says:

            Propsguy: thank you for the most excellent summary. I owe you a bev of choice for saving a hour or so of my life.

            • Ex-PH2 says:

              Yes, but remember, SJ, the Cliff’s Notes version is for saving time.

              The stuff that will have you fall off your chair laughing is the reason you read for content.

              Cliff’s Notes = summarized

              Content = stock up on your favorite adult beverages and food and settle in for the long haul.

              Pick a day when it’s snowing outside and you’ve done shoveling snow, because indoors the SH and IT will be flying.

      • A Proud Infidel®™ says:

        PT BELTS? That’s something VERY IMPORTANT, it has to be addressed by a CSM!!

  15. SJ says:

    PS: imagine, a bunch of 18-19 year olds doing dumb shit in a barracks somewhere. That would have never happened in my ole White Name Tape Army (geeze) (sarc/), and if it did, said troopers would have become experts on the operation and maintenance of buffer machine, 1ea. Not a single officer would even know about it.

    • Hondo says:

      That is precisely what should have happened here, SJ. And it would have – if this Moerk had worked within the NCO chain vice blue-falconing her professional peers by bypassing them and taking it VFR-direct to an SES at the Pentagon.

  16. Old Trooper says:

    Ok, after mulling this over for a day, I have come to the conclusion that she is every bit the narcissist and poor leader that others have surmised.

    She gets herself all offended on the interwebz and goes about handing out some counseling online. She identifies herself as a 1SG, however, the others don’t know if she really is, or not, and she suspects they are military, but does not know, so they hold firm on their trash talk until it is confirmed she is, indeed, what she says. However, by that point, she has already contacted the Pentagon, instead of their chain of command. Her reasoning for contacting the Pentagon, instead of the offenders CoC is that she believes that there is a lack of proper leadership in those units and, being the narcissist that she is, is the only one that can straighten out the other units by having pressure applied by higher-higher. As a narcissist, she didn’t have the ability to see that SHE is the one who is a failure in leadership and that SHE is the one who needed a counseling session due to the fact that she by-passed every CoC and went right to the head of the line, which shows she doesn’t lead by example. It’s amazing that there are those within the military that support her and her actions, which there are many examples in the comments, both FB and the comments section on this thread.

    Those are the type of military minds that don’t see her failures. She is not a good NCO, as some think, because in this one action, she has shown that it is all about her and that she thinks her opinion on what constitutes good leadership is the only one that matters. She had no intention of going through proper channels or procedures from the start. yet, big Army decided to be as political as her and award her something she does not deserve.

    As a narcissist, she doesn’t give a shit that she ruined livelyhoods and careers of others, just to get her 15 minutes of fame. In her narcissistic mind, they are the problem, not her. In her mind, she is justified in any and every action she takes. The pantywastes in the Pentagon are looking to keep their own careers, so they trumpet the failures of her and encourage that type of bad behavior in others. They are just as much at fault as she is. Those that defend her are fooling themselves. Don’t use her as an example of a good leader, because she’s not, unless being a whine-tit to try and get ahead is your goal in life. If you choose that route, just remember that it’s a short term goal and the reward won’t be as big as the backlash. She is now damaged goods and will be for the rest of her military career. 1 fuck-up erasers 1000 attaboys. She fucked up.

    This whole thing leaves me with a giant case of the ass.

  17. ChipNASA says:

    Hey Jonn……you’re an asshat….

    …and the rest of us are all dickweeds.
    Now does everyone else feel better??

    /At least no one called you a cotton headed ninny muggins

  18. Ex-PH2 says:

    When this is all over, and this chick-a-dee-dee-dee decides maybe she should just pack it and find another job (like, take retirement), wherever she applies for work will probably have a Human Resources department.

    Since almost all civilian companies now have background checks, someone in HR will very likely stroll through the internet looking for stuff with her NAME on it. The fact that she created a shitstorm of bad PR for the USArmy all by her lonesome, and that her name is forever associated with someone who doesn’t understand or follow procedures, just jumps the fence and rats on her colleagues to get attention, is going to stick out like a sore thumb.

    It’s even worse that the order went out from on high where she is stationed that NO ONE IS ALLOWED TO MAKE ANY KIND OF COMMENT ABOUT THIS WHOLE AFFAIR. It isn’t working because Operation CYA never really does.

    Big Army is beginning to look like Big Stupid by trying to clamp down on this.
    (No offense meant, Jonn.)

    And we still have not seen the video that caused her to start this nonsense in the first place. I want to see it for myself. I have said that I think she’s a self-aggrandizing, self-important, edible fungus, but I would change that to poisonous fungus, the kind that destroys morale instead of building it. She’s made it quite clear, by her behavior and her own admissions, that she not only does not like criticism, but also can’t be trusted.

    If this is what political correctness is doing to the military, I want my tax money back.

    • Animal says:

      Just read her latest post from her restored blog. She still doesn’t get it. The only thing she acknowledged being out of line for was calling Jonn an “asshat”. Nothing about cutting up Army business in a public forum. Nothing about her perpetual confrontations with those SHE sees as being the problem in the current military. As you have repeatedly stated PH2, it’s all about her in the end. Nothing about straying from the necessity of putting her troops before he self. Nothing. I keep going back to the example she gave of having to eat after her troops and giving up her creature comforts to a soldier who couldn’t sleep. I’ve got no sympathy for her. She is a first sergeant. That is just what they do. I’m gathering she is a victim of some type of assault. If that is the case then she needs to seek justice and insure that the accused doesn’t create another victim and seek treatment for herself. Since she is a first sergeant the second part needs to be done discreetly and with the good of the service in mind.

      Just my thoughts.

      • Ex-PH2 says:

        If, as you guess, she is a victim of aggravated sexual assault, otherwise known as rape, she needs counseling and not on the Armyh’s time, and yes, whoever did that to her needs to be punished for it.

        She perpetuates her victimization by seeking out and tageting people like these soldiers, who may or may not have acted like assholes and blew her off. Then she pulls rank and does exactly what she complained about someone else doing – jumps the CoC.

        I haven’t seen that video, therefore I can’t judge for myself what those guys did or said. But she is SO FAR pver the line in this that she will have a very difficult time getting back INTO line.

    • Flagwaver says:

      So, does this mean that we’ve become another GOOGLE HIT thread?

  19. Commissioner Wretched says:

    Her blog is available again … and today’s post ends with the comment (I’m paraphrasing here): “If you have a problem with the fact that I got an award, take it up with the Department of the Army.”

    I got news for you, MSG Moerk … you can indeed tell a three-star general that you don’t think you deserve an award for something that was basically just doing your job (not mentioning the jumping the chain of command and all that). And if you have any real pride, you certainly will not wear the ribbon on your uniform.

    • Old Trooper says:

      Ok, now my case of the ass, with her, just went to full on baboon ass!!!

      This petty little doorknob still doesn’t see that she did anything wrong. What the flying fuck has to be said to get her to understand why we’re pissed off? SHE is the one who elevated this to DA level! No one else! So; as I stated many times before, I have a problem with a snotty little whine-tit that is so wrapped up in her “love me” bullshit, that she can’t see how fucked up of a leader she is. The best thing she could do is strap on her hello kitty undies and shut the fuck up!!

    • MustangCryppie says:

      Oh, man! That caps it. She IS just a schmuck.

      The 1Sgt obviously believes that she deserves the ARCOM for her act of “courage.”

      A real senior NCO would refuse the medal.

      • Flagwaver says:

        You’re assuming that she’s a real Senior NCO. More than likely, she’s a twit that was promoted through the ranks in some touchy/feely MOS and thinks that’s the way the real Army works.

        I saw it just a touch with a female admin-type who transferred into my last unit. The first time she heard an off-color joke being told to a female soldier, blood started shooting out of her eyes.

        The MSG in charge of the admin monkeys dissuaded her of her view of the Army real quick, so did the female former Marine E.O. NCO when she tried filing a complaint over a joke that that same E.O. NCO had originally told the offending male soldier.

      • A Proud Infidel®™ says:

        SCHMUCK? – No, not to me anyways, I think she’s more of a “Bernathian” SHMENDRICK given the number of lives she’s made extra-shitty from the top down, it’s gonna take a while for the Army to wipe this dirty diaper she has flung in its face!!

  20. streetsweeper says:

    Lemme guess. Somebody helped her rewrite that post. lol

  21. Enigma4you says:

    Her blog is back

    • nbcguy54 says:

      I’m sure she put it back up to try to entrap some more victims. Gonna be interesting to watch this episode unwind.

    • Ex-PH2 says:

      This is a quote from her blog:

      ‘I was singled out, and humiliated on the internet by someone jealous of perceived success.’

      No, young lady, you were NOT singled out. YOU put yourself right up at the front of the pack. And to whom are you referring as someone jealous of you? No one on this blog has suggested that you do snything more annoying that go pound sand or go scratch your ass, you ninnyhammer.

      I find it incomprehensible that you malign someone else in one of your posts for jumping the chain of command to get something, and then you do exactly that yourself. That is blatant hypocrisy at its worst.

      You are smug, self-involved, and self-serving.

      You write at length about the qualities an NCO should have but you fail miserably at the most important one: TOPS. Take other people’s shit. You even wrote about it, but did what your wrote sink in? No, it did not. You don’t like being criticized or even looked at sideways. If you’re that hypersensitive, you don’t belong in the military at all. You spend far too much time patting yourself on the back.

      A little piece of humble pie would do you some serious good. But since I doubt that you’ll ever get a plateful, eventually you’ll have to eat crow.

      No, WE as a general group of the population are not at fault for this, Miss Gloryhound.

      You are. You brought this on yourself. Nobody did it for you.

      And unless you provide a link to that offesnive video, I refuse to believe anything you say about it or those men.

  22. OWB says:

    What a Class A jerk, waste of oxygen, and useless piece of crap.

    Listen up, Missy: You are personally responsible for making the US Army look foolish, dishonoring all the women who served before you, acting like a clown, disrespecting the sacrifices that all military members have made through the centuries, and generally proving yourself to be worth not a moment’s consideration from anyone who served honorably.

    Get over yourself. The defense of our nation cannot afford people as self-absorbed as you obviously are, Katrina. Bless your heart, but you just can’t seem to see anything beyond what you want at any given moment. You seriously need to find another way to make a living because national defense isn’t it, by your own claims and admissions.

  23. nbcguy54 says:

    I apologize in advance for the length of this post, but I felt a bit compelled to point out some of the hypocrisy that MSG Moerk has thrown out there. For a quick review, as we all know now, she observed a video made by Soldiers that contained some offensive matter, and as a Senior NCO, called the troops out on it. Nothing wrong there; however instead of using the Chain of Command to ensure that her point was taken, she chose to go straight to the Army SHARP Director in DC, thus allowing fellow Senior NCOs and Officers the opportunity to be completely blindsided by the upper crust of the Army. That she also received an ARCOM for these actions is of no matter to me personally. How she skipped the Chain of Command and allowed fellow NCOs to get slammed is what irks me. But what irks me even more are her own words which really contradict her actions. Below are a few statements from her own blog. Happy reading…

    • As a Noncommissioned Officer and enlisted Soldier, one of the things that frustrates me, is the narcissistic sense of entitlement from some junior officers
    • I thought that I would dust off and clean up what I had lying around in my own toolkit, and put it out there for some edification…..
    • Integrity. It is something that you cannot get back once you have thrown it out. Your word as a Soldier, as a Leader, as person, rest on this one value. Your integrity is your bond. Your troops should never doubt the orders that you give them are legal, moral, and ethical. When you tell them that you will support them, you do it. You don’t shut your phone off, because your “girl” is in town. You don’t ignore their phone calls, because you need your sleep. When your troops need you, you be there. That is integrity. When you see your Soldiers being screwed over, you fight like hell for them because it is the right thing to do, not the more popular. Take responsibility for your shortcomings, and the blame for your Soldiers’ as well. You can’t take the praise, and deflect the blame. It doesn’t work that way if you expect to have loyalty or respect.
    • Social Skills. Don’t be an asshat. Don’t ask Soldiers to rate how hot your wife is, to look at pictures of chicks on dating sites, or to “hang with you.” Don’t brag about your exploits, your education, your new ride, or how hung over you were at PT that morning. Don’t assume that you are superior because of your commission, your education, or your training. Most importantly, don’t be afraid to ask for help. That Platoon Sergeant is there to mentor, and ensure that you are prepared to lead Soldiers as a Commander. Behaving like a narcissistic prick is contradictory to EVERY Army value. Don’t be that guy. If you are taking this personally, you may not be that guy yet, but some introspection might be needed.
    • Let your NCOs conduct the training, and don’t be quick to take over “because of your experience.”
    • TAPS. Take other people’s shit. This one is most near to my heart. The wheel is round, for good reason, and gets the bus rolling. Young leaders, so intent on making a name for themselves, subject their troops to unnecessary hardships when systems are already in place. They want to break out of the wheel, and recreate the world from scratch. We have doctrine because it is tried and tested.
    • Praise in Public, punish in private. This is the big one. Never seek the limelight.
    • Humility. This one is the most important, and hardest to put into the toolkit. It takes time, patience, experience, and the ability to admit that you don’t know what you don’t know. Rank does not “make a leader.” “X” number of years doesn’t mean you know everything either.
    • I do not need to haze my Soldiers to gain their attention or their respect.
    • Specialist (Promotable) “Jones”, as I first met her in 1998, used her race and gender to get herself to the E-5 board. She chose to go to the Battalion Sergeant Major and lodge an equal opportunity complaint against the Platoon Sergeant and Commander. Over the next two years she developed a reputation and stigma for stepping on anyone she could to advance her career. She took credit where credit was not due, and lay blame for what was wrong on everyone around her. This stellar example of a Noncommissioned Officer has always demanded that she be treated with respect, but has never shown respect for those around her.

    • Ex-PH2 says:


    • Animal says:

      Wow. Just wow. Just when I think I can’t be surprised by her beliefs anymore she proves me wrong again.

      • Redacted1775 says:

        I figured she had numerous character flaws, but after reading this, holy shit. She needs a mental eval, like, pronto.

    • thebesig says:

      Originally posted by 1SG Katrina Moerk:

      As a Noncommissioned Officer and enlisted Soldier, one of the things that frustrates me, is the narcissistic sense of entitlement from some junior officers

      As an NCO, a senior enlisted leader, you shouldn’t let the rank and file know about your negative feelings about your seniors, peers, and juniors. This isn’t to be confused with a “constructive criticism” outlook on someone’s shortcomings.

      If you feel that some of the junior officers have a narcissistic sense of entitlement, that’s fine. But, if you go post something on your blog, something that could be read by your juniors, you actually do damage.

      First, if you refuse to respect your seniors, how could you expect your juniors to respect you? This kind of “in your face” anti senior attitude in front of the rank and file contributes to destroying discipline. It encourages disrespect for the ranks complained about, and it tells the juniors that if you disrespect your seniors, it’s OK for your juniors to disrespect you.

      You say, “praise in public, but punish in private.” That quote is an example of a public punishment, where you’re humiliating a group of people in front of the juniors.

      You, as their resident expert, should utilize proper tack to talk to them in private… then present a united front with them in front of the juniors.

      This “do as I preach, not as I do” mentra isn’t going to get you the respect and obedience that you think you rate.

      • Green Thumb says:

        Usually the 1SG is supposed to be tight with the XO (1LT).

        I guess she missed that as well.

        And her blog is more or less about what she is complaining about in the EM ranks.

        What a turd.

        And where in the hell is the CO on all of this?

        Glad I was Infantry.

    • Old Trooper says:

      Everything she wrote describes her to a “T”, but she’s too narcissistic to notice that which she accuses others of being, is right in the mirror.

      Not only is she a narcissist, she’s a big ass hypocrite.

    • Eric says:

      Wow, just wow.

      And which one did she NOT do herself just by calling out people on the internet, then CCing the SHARP Director at the Pentagon? Sheesh.

      I’m guessing that someday when she makes E-9, she’ll be the type of E-9 who thinks she can make E-10.

      There are two types of E-9s, those that think they can make E-10 and those that know they can’t. The ones that know they cannot, use their rank to support their Soldiers, regardless of who they piss off to do it.

    • propsguy says:

      Herr Doktor Frued would most liely label this as “projection”

  24. Ex-PH2 says:

    Maybe we could have a separate contest?

    At this point, having read Ms. Moerk’s secondary post in which she again refuses to accept any responsiblity for being a hypocrite and a barracks lawyer, well – the E-8 doth protest too much, methinks.

    Now she’s boring me to death. I need pizza and a good white wine.

  25. Ex-PH2 says:

    646 comments right here on TAH.

    536 comments posted on FB.

    Congratulations, Ms. Moerk, on creating a mountain from a molehill. Enjoy the ride.

  26. propsguy says:

    She seems to be doing the “Look at me , look at me! LOOK AT ME!” thing and now she’s pissed that everyone is looking at her.

    To Paraphrase that great sage Mr. Miyagi

    Be Attention Whore yes? OK
    Be Attention whore no? OK
    Be Attention whore so-so? Squish, just like grape.

  27. Sapper3307 says:

    We are still waiting for the video that started this poop tsunami.
    Daniel Bernath is not a CPO, ever

  28. H1 says:

    Aaaaand she’s gone dark again.
    I believe I read “diplomatic” and 1SG in the same sentence.
    If so, we’re done.
    The 1SG is equal parts Mom and Deaths Head.
    Either corrects the problem.
    Or removes them from the gene pool.
    They are the last stop before taking it to the old man for action that can have long term implications.

  29. nbcguy54 says:

    Looks like her blog has gone Top Secret again. Reckon she didn’t approve of us actually reading it and using her own words against her.
    My guess is that she just copied and pasted a bunch of stuff but didn’t bother to read it. Just saying…

  30. Smaj says:

    What in the wide, wide world of sports is this stupidity? Asshattery, thy name is Moerk.

  31. propsguy says:

    Wait the fuck a minute here….

    If Her BTC put out a Batallion wide gag oreder on anyone responding to this issue on line yesterday,

    nd she goes and responds to us on her blog today…

    Isn’t that directly disobeying a lawful order?

  32. Johnson Bronson says:


    I think she tried to set me up one time (bust me for inappropriate behavior): At a time when we worked together, she came in to my office in civilian clothes and looking okay. Meh.

  33. Dave Hardin says:

    Oh there is more. It is a funny thing when people phuk up and are too slow to understand they are dealing with a group of people that have far more experience in the game than they do.

    I remembered years ago when my command tried to obligate my wife into being the go to wife during one of our deployments. Being a SNCO an all they were under some impression she could be ordered around. I am afraid the SgtMaj and his wife found out how untrue that actually is.

    The Army may give orders to member of the command not to talk about it to anyone. That order has no authority when it comes to their dependents. Wives put up with enough shit, they dont like being told to shut up.

    In fact some like to talk. A lot.

    People in grass huts should not stow thrones. The memory of a spouse can be rather caustic from time to time.

    • A Proud Infidel®™ says:

      “People who live in grass huts should not throw stones.” – True, I remember it as “People who live in glass houses should not throw stones.”. People who live in grass huts also shouldn’t play with fire!

  34. A Proud Infidel®™ says:

    I’m absolutely certain that someday after she retires, she’ll st be internet famous enough that finding a job will be a real chore unless some liberal outfit is desperate for an EO quota! Maybe she fancies herself being some talking head “expert” in the liberal snooze media one day?

    • propsguy says:

      I think you may be onto something there. MSNBC will hire her as their “Senior Military Analyst”.

      She’ll so a weekly guest shot with Rachel Maddow

      • Dave Hardin says:

        Unless of course Maddow makes a pass at her. Her amazing ability to self sacrifice for the benefit of others will be eulogized for generations to come. One of Bob Ross’s last paintings was of her. It’s called ‘Last at Supper’.

  35. thebesig says:

    The way that 1SG Katrina Moerk went about doing this, after the initial correction, the way she’s handling things now, the way that she’s behaving, the tone that she’s setting in her blog about this, suggests that she was promoted way too fast… promoted beyond her maturity and professional level of development.

    I’d like to see video that sparked this bru ha ha; the screen captures of her initial attempt to straighten out the other Soldiers; their responses to her; etc.

    I wouldn’t be surprised if I see a pattern that one would find in a brand new E4 NCO… with all this new “power” and “authority” under his/her belt… going on a power trip. Saying that she’s a Specialist/Tech 8 was being too kind, even though this may be the more appropriate rank for her.

    If 1SG katrina Moerk sees this, here are some things she could do to try to address the negative public opinion she’s getting from many in the military and veteran communities…

    She could post citations to all of her ARCOMs, with sensitive information redacted.

    Who knows, this may be one of many things that she did for her unit’s SHARP, or related program, to increase SHARP awareness. She may have been in position to get this award even without this event.

    We wouldn’t know that unless we saw the actual citation, and write up, of that latest award.

    Another thing she could do is to post screen captures, redacting the last names and pictures of the others involved, of the exchanges that she had with these Soldiers.

    We’d need to see for ourselves what she said, and what they said in response.

    It’s evident that she was in the right, as a Senior NCO, to administer on the spot correction on the other Soldiers. Our disagreement is with the way she handled the aftermath of that on-the-spot correction… going well above their units instead of working with her counterparts at each of the concerned units.

    There’s a section in the NCOER that deals with Army Core Values. For the NCO support channel, within each unit, for the Soldiers involved with the video, we’re looking at a “no” in one or more of the values.

    This is generally a “kiss of death” for a Soldier’s career. If a QRB sees this, these Soldiers are “done.” If they make it through this process, they may have to wait a few years before they have a shot at a fair shake at a promotion board.

    She could also show the video if that’s still possible. If not, she could generate a “play by play” of what happened… and identify the part that she had issues with.

    They way she’s handling this now suggests that the assumptions being made in the military and veteran community may be center mass.

  36. Tim says:

    View the Video Case Study on the CAPE Website:
    Confronting Unethical Conduct on Social Media

    • thebesig says:

      Her perspective, very brief summary of what the actual video was about. Two people looking at the same thing could walk away with different attitudes about it.

      It’s like the difference of opinion that a mother and a father would have over the father’s “tossing” the baby in the air before catching him/her.

      The father thinks that the baby is within short, easily catch range, the mother thinks that the baby is practically being sent into orbit.

      A more detailed, “Johannes Hans Fallada interview” type detailed, narrative from both sides would be better… the actual video would even be better than that.

      I’d also like the perspectives of the Soldier’s involved.

      Granted, they fucked up with the way they responded to the 1SG. I have no patience for insubordination… she had administrative/general authority to put a stop to this. Regardless of how they felt she was in the tact department, if they were wrong they should’ve un-fucked themselves quick and not do what they did.

      I’m not defending them.

      But seeing the video, or a detailed descriptive narrative, as well as the actual comments, would help put things into more focus.

      • Dave Hardin says:

        Since you are not defending them, I will. The content of their posting may have been offensive. Their comments to this 1stSgt may have been offensive. That is not material insofar as their right to be defended from the consequences of a senior non-commissioned officers misconduct.

        She states all she wanted was to make an on-the-spot correction. Her actions speak so loudly I can not hear a word she is saying. In her on-the-spot correction she reported them to a senior representative at the Defense Department. That is an awfully big spot. That is called jumping the chain of command.

        If someone identifies themselves as General Chesty Puller while posting on a Facebook thread, I am under no obligation to stand and salute the keyboard. I am under no obligation to accept their assertion as credible. Setting a policy that one may extend their authority of rank through the internet and into my living room on an unsecured format is simply ridiculous.

        She had no authority to put a stop to anything. The claim of insubordination during a chat online in a non-secured public forum is without merit.

        I can not find in the UCMJ or the COC where it states that members of a command may only post humor or parody online if it is approved not only by their command but by every SNCO within the military.

        Furthermore, these members commands have no authority to punish their actions either punitively or non-punitively. Allowing the military to set the standard that they can is unacceptable.

        I may post a parody about Suzie Rottencrach being gang banged anywhere I choose. If the moderator of that group or site find it offensive they have every right to delete it and ban me from posting again.

        She agreed to the terms of use when she chose to participate in that group. The only person who has authority to stop this is Suzie Rottencroch, a mythical figure.

        These individuals are victims of misconduct by either her, their command structure, or both. The entire command structure acted irresponsibly as far as I can determine.

        She has made statements that she was being accused of Stolen Valor, being persecuted for doing the ‘right thing’, and made derogatory and insubordinate comments about other people who have identified themselves as members of the military online. She disobeyed a direct order not to comment further about the incident online.

        She deserves nothing less than a reduction in rank for her actions. She can not have it both ways, either what she did is wrong or there is no standing for what they did as being wrong.

  37. Jason says:

    I served. I think she did her job, but she failed to follow a chain of command. In my time skipping the chain of command was a death warrant. First Sergeant, if you want to lead by example, skipping these soldiers first sergeants is a disrespectful thing to your peers. You went full national and didn’t handle it at the lowest level. You missed that part in your training. Yes, correct them. Yes, correct the female in the vid for being so easy. Yes, take this to the soldiers command and put it in the laps of your peers. That’s why they are there! You do not deserve a medal for this. I never got a medal for doing my job.

  38. Bob says:

    So why is everyone calling this nitwit a First Sergeant??? She is not wearing 1SG rank and if you look at the photo of her award presentation it says Master Sergeant, she works for the Deputy Chief of Staff G-1 at the Pentagon

    • nbcguy54 says:

      She currently is assigned as a 1SG in an MI company. When she got the award she was a MSG. But since the news broke, they’re referring to her current position/rank.

  39. The Other Whitey says:

    I’ll bet (master)Bateman considers her a model NCO

  40. propsguy says:

    Her blog is still “down” I’m going to assume that her command ordered it.

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