The MRAs are outraged.
Not because a violent misogynist killed people.
They are outraged that people had the nerve to blame their influence. This young man took to heart many of their philosophies. He was taught that if his perceived entitlement was not fulfilled, it justified his behavior.
I’m filled with such saddening disappointment. A huge wake up call was shot across the bow of all men, and many of us seem only concerned with deflecting blame.
This “outrage” post is stickied to the top of the forum. That is their top priority.
It does not occur to them that maybe their first priority should be to condemn this behavior—to say that using violence as a response to rejection is not okay.
Your mothers, your sisters, your daughters… they are frightened. Just saying “no” is now a fearful prospect.
That is not okay.
But instead of worrying about them, all you seem to care about is not being blamed.
You say not all men are monsters?
Imagine a bowl of M&Ms. 10% of them are poisoned.
Go ahead. Eat a handful.
Not all M&Ms are poison.
And the second “outrage” begins with “a man can’t hit a woman” because that’s the top priority of MRAs
i mean like you guys are doing it all the time and one of you just attempted to kill a bunch of us and you’ve got a lot of support so why the fuck are you still complaining?
This. This is the MRM in a nutshell. And instead of condemning bad behaviour and distancing themselves from “people who don’t represent the movement” they blame the people who point it out.
(via smitethepatriarchy)
A core value of men’s rights is celebrating (and upvoting a story about) a judge who victim blames a 13 year old girl who was raped by a 21 year old man.
This is the human rights movement Reddit truly deserves.
Via: /r/againstmensrights
im going to vomit all over the mens rights movement. again.
fucking NO
MRAs love the sexualization of minors and demonizing young girls that are victims of abuse
This summary of men’s rights activism is remarkable in both its accuracy and succinctness. Nice!
(via stfumras)
This was actually said by a prominent member of the Men’s rights community on Reddit who then proceeded to get 24(!) upvotes:
Wearing a skirt has consequences. If we use state violence to protect women from the consequences of her choice to wear a skirt, we remove her agency. This man didn’t assault her, didn’t touch her… all he did was take a picture of what her choice in clothing exposed to the public.
How is that criminal to the point of deserving of state violence upon him?
This is saying that protecting women from the consequences of their choices in clothing is more important than men’s freedom.
Now that’s what I call a real men’s rights issue. Could you expect anything less from a hate group?
Screencap (and more info) over at the always excellent Man Boobz.
Mens Rights Activism: hard at work defending sexual harassment.
men’s rights: where a man’s right to sexually harass a woman based on whether they’ve decided she meets some standard of “modesty” she has no say in, should supersede a woman’s right to basic personal boundaries and human decency.
men’s rights: when a woman freely making the choice to do whatever she wants with her own body, not affecting anyone else in any way, needs to “accept the consequences of her actions”- but men who choose to harass women shouldn’t have to face any consequences for THAT choice, even though it hurts someone else.
men’s rights: a “movement” (purposeless online misogynistic circlejerk) where rights are defined as behaviors that you feel entitled to carry out without being even mildly criticized for it, no matter how many other people are negatively impacted by that behavior.
men’s rights: where being asked to show basic human decency towards women is “infringing” upon a man’s freedom not to do that, even though that is how a society is supposed to fucking function. because fuck them, you shouldn’t have to consider other human beings when you make your choices. how dare they?
men’s rights: you got yours (basic human rights). so fuck everybody else. now, let’s talk about how poor people don’t deserve to earn a living wage, because then the services you use every day might cost you an extra $20 per year.
men’s rights: a movement dedicated to preserving and forwarding the rights of men to continue the subjugation and abuse of women.
I think the idea that a post on reddit with only 24 upvotes (and 16 downvotes) should condemn the men’s rights movement as a whole is a bit silly, regardless of whether you believe in that movement or not.
Oh, I agree. It’s a statement like that combined with everything else said by men’s rights activists that condemns the “movement”.
The quotes are necessary because a constipated sloth has more (bowel) movement than men’s rights activists do.
On Reddit, you can literally be banned for calling out pedophiles.
Like, they’ll get rid of you.
They don’t want people who out pedophiles on their website.
Pedophiles? Totes okay. People who call out pedophiles? Banned.
I’ve got some advice for Reddit. Go ahead and stop worrying about profitability. Like, give up. As long as your moderators proudly make your site a protected haven for pedophiles and child pornographers, no investor worth a damn will come near your website. And you must know that. You’re not idiots. I can only conclude that protecting pedophiles is more important to you than making money, which makes you awful, awful people.
Are you referring to a specific recent incident?
I’ve been threatened with rape, with death, and being raped to death, and community moderators were like “welllllll you did act like a feminist on the internet so…the fault is both of yours, really.”
reddit is awful. everyone should leave reddit. I did, and I’m much happier
(via misandry-mermaid)
When we published our investigation of gun trafficking on Reddit