
残りのコメントをみる →

[–]srs_throwaway343 -22 ポイント-21 ポイント  (19子コメント)

You have a very interesting post history, friend.

Can we get a Rule 2 or would that be too triggering?

Edit: Yeah. Didn't think so. Please take your hobby-horse to a different sub and stop shitting up badpolitics like you did badhistory.

[–]DurianMDFreedom Vs Socialism 12 ポイント13 ポイント  (18子コメント)

Rule 2: It's just a bad argument. It creates a strawmen for /pol/ users and 'SJW's which are designed to look like each other so that the creator can say 'SJWs are very similar to /pol/ users with the implication that feminists are fascists to be drawn by the viewer for propaganda purposes, while never actually making a solid argument for the reasons mentioned above.

I'm not OP, but the rules don't actually say who has to make the explanation, so I took the politically correct liberty myself.