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17 Times Queer Tumblr Totally Owned 2014

“What if, instead of gender, we all had Pokemon types?”
posted on Dec. 29, 2014, at 5:56 p.m.
Sarah Karlan
Sarah Karlan
BuzzFeed News Reporter

1. When this survey question was carefully answered:

2. When this swift exit was taken:

3. Every single time the dashboard just knew:

(The Tumblr dashboard always knows.)

5. When a pun was used to “once in a lifetime” effect:

6. When this mournful ode was penned:

8. When the #facts were unapologetically laid out:


9. And the word “partner” was put into context:

10. When religion was brought into the conversation:

11. When someone thought the deep thoughts:

13. When Ellen Page came out of the closet and somone was ready:

14. When things were taken to church:

15. And the best part of sexy time was revealed:

17. When the term “bone titties” was born:

18. And when the record was set straight, pun intended:

19. But perhaps most memorably, that one time Dave showed up:

What a year, what a time to be alive.

Sarah Karlan is the associate LGBT editor for BuzzFeed News and is based in New York.
Contact this reporter at
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    17 Times Queer Tumblr Totally Owned 2014 "What if, instead of gender, we all had Pokemon types?"

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    • Matt Spencer · Top Commenter · Anglia Ruskin University
      On #2: Except Homo as a genus comes from Latin for human, whereas homosexual is derived from Greek, with homo meaning the same. You cannot compare the two, and trying to do so makes you look like an idiot (even more than not putting a space between genus and species).
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