Student Demands Finals be Postponed… Professor’s 1-Word Response Is PERFECT

Tuesday, December 16th, 2014

Sometimes, one simple word is all that’s needed to make a point.

That’s exactly what a college professor just used to rebuke a self-important student.

Della Kurzer-Zlotnick, a female student at Oberlin College in Ohio, recently wrote a rambling and impassioned email to one of her instructors, Michael Raney.

During three vain paragraphs, the self-described “white, middle-class” student described the incredible trauma of reading about Michael Brown and Eric Garner.

She then demanded that Raney allow students to postpone an important final exam.

He responded with just about the shortest response possible: “No.”


Kurzer-Zlotnick could have taken the hint, and dropped the issue.

However, she instead publicly posted the message to her own Facebook page, and complained about not getting what she wanted.

“Professors and administration at Oberlin need to be held accountable for their words and actions and have a responsibility to their students,” stated the pompous young lady.

Apparently to this self-important student, college professors are beholden to her. How dare the school require undergraduates to actually attend exams!

The entire email is both hilarious and sad. It’s a perfect example of the arrogance that so many of her generation display — and of a mentality of victim-hood when dealing with anything inconvenient.

“Black students and other students of color have to focus on their survival and are expected to put energy into finals,” wrote the distressed student, “while the white students, who may also feel shaken by these events, but not to the same degree, can focus most of our time on studying and preparing for finals.”

Yes, how shocking that students at a college are expected to put energy into studying for finals!

The claim that black students must “focus on their survival” is simply hysterical. Are the “Hunger Games” being held at this school?

Both of the incidents mentioned in the email occurred months ago, and neither of them happened in Oberlin’s home state of Ohio. After reading Kurzer-Zlotnick’s distraught pleadings, however, you might think that a zombie outbreak or foreign invaders are stalking students.

Assuming that black students are completely helpless, and unable to study for finals after a months-old news event, is nothing short of racist.

One would think that anyone smart enough to be accepted into a university could handle studying for an exam, no matter their skin color.

“Just because the murders of Eric Garner and Michael Brown do not (seem to) threaten the survival or safety of white people does not mean that they are not severely affecting students on our campus,” earnestly stated the student.

It is interesting that a seemingly educated student decided to call the shooting of Michael Brown a “murder,” despite the fact that the grand jury investigation clearly showed that it was self-defense.

The grand jury found that the police officer used justified force — but actual facts apparently are not important when it comes to calling somebody a murderer in order to cancel a pesky exam.

Hopefully Kurzer-Zlotnick is not majoring in law.

Are you tired of the hysteria and helplessness that so many liberal students display? Share this article on Facebook and Twitter!

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