The King's Pen: Official Blog of Rob Regal

Formerly known as Lyriciss.
DC born. Maryland raised.
Popular stranger. Artist. Father. Dreamer. Believer.

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For My #Nobles

Yeah, it’s a comedy movie, but it’s a comedy movie about successfully killing North Korea’s leader in a pretty gory fashion. I think white folks are de-sensitized to that type of shit, because…well, let me break it down as simply as possible.

If there was a movie about killing Nelson Mandela or President Obama, I’d be just as offended as North Korea is about this movie. But if there was a movie about killing Obama, I’m 99% sure white people wouldn’t give two fucks about it because they felt detached from him and his leadership from the moment he was elected. The President before Obama was a fucking idiot and drug addict (yeah, I’m looking at you, Bush), and the President before Bush was constantly good for water-cooler convo and late-night comedy jokes for most of his presidency, so yeah…white Americans don’t really tend to respect their leaders. In my humble opinion, white folks honor the actual American flag more than whoever the President is, so they’re just not gonna get why North Korea’s so up in arms over this shit, but…I get it.

It’s offensive. It’s pretty damn racist (even on the most basic level, the Korean accents in the movie are off as fuck). And it’s a movie about killing a nation’s leader. But in typical White America fashion, if they don’t get what they want (even at the possible cost of peoples’ lives), then their “freedom is lost”. What-the-fuck-ever.

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    Well, for the main topic at hand, I’ve posted my thoughts on that with more clarity a couple minutes ago (I realized the...
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