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Closed to new replies
April 10, 2006


Replies: 363

Stop dissing otakukin, I am one.

Greer-The-Raven Featured By Owner Apr 10, 2006  Hobbyist Digital Artist
Now, I know you aren't even going to bothing listening to be, but I'm going to talk anyway.

You know what pisses me off? People who just randomly decide that Otakukin are crazy. ESSPECIALLY Otherkin who descide that Otakukin are crazy. Pot calling kettle, okay?

I completely and utterly fail to see why believing you possess the spirit of an anime charcter is any more out there than believing you are a dragon, or believing in the christian god. Okay? None of them make that much sense.

I believe that I am Ken Ichijouji, also known as the Digimon Kaiser. I believe that there are an infinate number of alternate worlds/realities wherein everything happens. Every possibility is explored. There are worlds with Sailor Moon. There are even worlds like this one, except nobody mocks otakukin. (Far fecthed I know, but it has to happen somewhere)

And I believe that sometimes souls can cross the barrier, resulting in reincarnations of demons and dragons and whatnot. The only difference betwen otherkin and otakukin is that the storeis Otherkin come from are a bit older.

Devious Comments

JoshClarkeDraws Featured By Owner Apr 10, 2006
This is one "prefix-kin" thread too many I'm afraid... :)
aeritikruel Featured By Owner Apr 10, 2006
meresoftwilight Featured By Owner Apr 10, 2006
Are the influx of these compaints due to the recent article at
Seriously though, people really shouldn't have an issue. The amazing thing about people is that we can believe whatever they want.
Some beliefs are just "weirder" in the world's perspective.
thundercake Featured By Owner Apr 10, 2006  Professional Digital Artist
Super saiyan insanity, Batman.
katminamoto Featured By Owner Apr 10, 2006
...Lol. Sorry to hear about Osamu

KouichiKimura Featured By Owner Apr 10, 2006
I'm Kouichi Kimura us Digimon characters need to stick together LMFAO
katminamoto Featured By Owner Apr 10, 2006
Stfu Nicole.
Soreiya Featured By Owner Apr 10, 2006
aw twas all in good fun let me live a lie LOL
Polymethodic Featured By Owner Apr 10, 2006
......But i'm ken..........
Soreiya Featured By Owner Apr 10, 2006
ooh I smell a bitch fight between you and the other Ken

I will stand here watching because I'm passive kitty boy Kouichi LOL
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