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Omnicat] <
We will of course be playing Star Citizen. If you have a game package, you can join our subversion efforts right here. See you in the 'verse![12-18, 01:05] <
NoobSubs> And everything that studio has ever made.
[12-18, 01:04] <
NoobSubs> I mean everyone in that studio.
[12-18, 00:39] <
[TRVE]> Cause there's also Takahata and that dude is godlike.
[12-18, 00:38] <
[TRVE]> You mean better than Miyazaki.
[12-18, 00:35] <
NoobSubs> Gundam Seed is better than Studio Ghibli.
[12-18, 00:30] <
Abunja> Apparently, moving to another country seems more expensive for him.
[12-18, 00:08] <
n0xiety> dat scream
[12-17, 23:39] <
[TRVE]> Is that 00 fanboy in the video?
[12-17, 23:04] <
cyatek> i think all this crying is gonna end up making me watch seed out of curiosity
[12-17, 22:51] <
[12-17, 22:46] <
[TRVE]> Moving to another country is not an option?
[12-17, 22:38] <
Artemix> I love how the price of the gas got lowered everywhere except where I live. Makes me wanna start a serial killer career.
[12-17, 22:22] <
SneakiestNEG> I like Sidonia. Gene splicing people with plants is not a bad idea. They are already doing it with animals.
[12-17, 21:50] <
jofs> I don't know what i'm talking about anymore, Think i'll finish "Katanagatari"
[12-17, 21:48] <
jofs> and i'm white and barely alive. And ofc a cat
[12-17, 21:48] <
jofs> Looks a lot like me, and i
[12-17, 21:43] <
xell17> It looks like taxidermy at least.
[12-17, 21:30] <
xell17> I think it's actually dead.
[12-17, 21:27] <
jofs> This
cat just woke up from a 20 hour benso sleep i recon
[12-17, 20:41] <
[TRVE]> That's what you get with a limited budget. Want good CGI? Go watch game cutscenes, those had much more money pumped into.
[12-17, 20:28] <
xell17> Okay, just rewatched the first Sidonia scene and it still looks as juddery as I remember it. The mech stops every second frame mid-air and it looks like a game with fps problems.
[12-17, 20:21] <
etatoby> it's like diving into the anime world ^__^
[12-17, 20:21] <
etatoby> the Baby Princess ova is a 2D anime, with every item in the scene placed into 3D space. It looks awesome
[12-17, 20:19] <
etatoby> I was referring to stereoscopic 3D, or 3DTV
[12-17, 20:19] <
etatoby> actually I hate 3D CGI in anime as well, with a few exceptions (GitS)
[12-17, 20:19] <
HarmfulMushroom> Can't wait for the Yamada-kun to 7-nin no Majo OVA to air
[12-17, 19:50] <
xell17> Yeah. so I heard. I was planning to give it another chance when the BDs out.
[12-17, 19:47] <
nataku411> It took a while to get used to the CGI characters, but I thought the mech animations were really cool. Animation aside, Knights of Sidonia was really interesting
[12-17, 19:45] <
xell17> They still seem not to get it that cgi animation will look juddery as fuck if you only animate every 4th frame.
[12-17, 19:43] <
xell17> Really? I saw the first couple minutes of the first episode and turned it off because it looked like ass.
[12-17, 19:42] <
nataku411> Knights of Sidonia had some great 3D CGI
[12-17, 18:55] <
JacobSwaggedUp> I wonder if anyone is going to upload the new ikkitousen blu-rays for season 2 and seasons 3
[12-17, 18:46] <
etatoby> does anybody know of other 3D series like that?
[12-17, 18:46] <
etatoby> it's really nice how they did a 2D anime with 3D depth in that ova
[12-17, 18:45] <
etatoby> A big THANK YOU to its uploader and seeder
[12-17, 18:44] <
etatoby> After looking everywhere, finally I found it here! The 3D version of Baby Princess 3D Paradise Love
[12-17, 18:14] <
TheM4gicMan> @Dat Size stalled at Futsuu being dead
[12-17, 18:07] <
Dat Size> herkz, Tamako Market Love Story status? Please...
[12-17, 17:47] <
herkz> what he said
[12-17, 17:42] <
[TRVE]> This chatbox is not for support. Go to IRC for that.
[12-17, 17:38] <
ultimatum177> any mod here ?? plz i need help i have uploaded the torrent without being logged in and i dint get nyaa tracker in it.. so i need to delete it and upload it again so that i can get help with nyaa
[12-17, 17:19] <
5H4D0W> DALII BD 720p anyone know if eng subs exists?
[12-17, 14:26] <
(⌐■_■)> MM! has no season 2!! ≡/( .-.)\ ︵╰(«○»益«○»)╯︵ /(.□. /)̨
[12-17, 12:51] <
fenris_6> oh wait, it says it's not on sale yet. *facepaw* well sorry for bothering you all.
[12-17, 12:42] <
ultimatum177> how do i delete the torrent from here which i have uploaded without being logged in ??
[12-17, 12:39] <
fenris_6> hi people~, anyone here knows where I could get, or at least listen to, this album: ?
[12-17, 12:33] <
hazardous> damn it! no parasyte this week (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻
[12-17, 11:48] <
ravenleaf182> then again, I am using Saw as viable therapy so...yeah. there went that argument.
[12-17, 11:47] <
ravenleaf182> actually they went into a lot of detail how he had to alter the coffin and do stuff to make sure she wouldn't suffocate and so that she could break out :P its basically the "Saw" treatment. Its difficult, but not impossible, she had a way out but she had to work for it and want it
[12-17, 11:43] <
[TRVE]> The Spanish festival has a different theme, of course, but still it is a good, non-harmful way to cope with such experiences.
[12-17, 11:42] <
[TRVE]> If approached and done correctly.
This is a somewhat good approach, Grisaia's is not. It is very likely the victim is just scared shitless and simply suffocates. Well done, MC-kun.
[12-17, 11:37] <
ravenleaf182> you say that sarcastically, but there is a lot of therapy in that solution.
[12-17, 11:18] <
[TRVE]> Yes, the epic story where burying someone alive is perfect therapy.
[12-17, 11:13] <
ravenleaf182> Grisia has a lot more going for it than the H scenes, at least in the visual novel. Honestly, the H scenes were terrible, but the story is pretty epic
[12-17, 10:12] <
n0xiety> ok it seems d-gray man only released in 704p. And i just watched a 704p part of and it was pretty close to 720p. Atleast it was way better than 480p but it seems i can't find it anywhere. No wonder i remember it better looking. The channel it aired must have used 704p version.
[12-17, 09:50] <
shaddrag> Read the comments on the DF torrent.
[12-17, 09:40] <
n0xiety> Is there any better version of d.gray man than 480p? I remember watching a couple of episodes while it was still airing with bigscreen TV and it wasn't this bad.
[12-17, 08:58] <
[TRVE]> Yeah, they better not remove the only thing that made their product sell.
[12-17, 08:18] <
Abunja> Yosuga no Sora best H scenes (¬‿¬)
[12-17, 07:43] <
ravenleaf182> and I'll be ticked if they remove all the H content. the H scenes weren't really all that good, actually they were really mediocre, but still.
[12-17, 07:37] <
ravenleaf182> I'm just going to leave this here:
[12-17, 07:36] <
Mayobe> How come the evil ninja girl was a foot shorter after Arata grabbed her boobs...
[12-17, 07:10] <
n0xiety> 00 all the way mate
[12-17, 07:10] <
n0xiety> SeedSucksIt dat scream in the background
[12-17, 07:03] <
shaddrag> Just get the DF one.
[12-17, 06:41] <
dannyngxp> D. Gray-Man no seeders stuck at 79.4%
[12-17, 05:51] <
[12-17, 05:35] <
Mkilbride> Dragonball DNBL torrent broken
[12-17, 03:21] <
Bulu_indah> @kanbaru @Krudda I'm sure a significant number of SoL anime and manga that depict anime and manga as being something of shame/not in majority favor.
[12-17, 03:21] <
Abunja> vv behind his glasses ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)>⌐■-■
[12-17, 02:52] <
(⌐■_■)> `just watched buzzer beat one scene really made me o(╥﹏╥)o *sniff
[12-17, 01:15] <
Krudda> weaboo crushing news!
[12-17, 01:09] <
kanbaru> New Flash: Anime is not even that big in Japan. They have many imports other than animation.
[12-17, 00:42] <
mtndew> Is Japanese Santa Claus real?
[12-16, 23:50] <
SneakiestNEG> Thing is Japan is not even TRYING to sell anime here. Their loss.
[12-16, 23:47] <
SneakiestNEG> Honeypot? It is still better than CR. Besides good luck catching me! Wait why is this candle flickering maybe the wind *shinobi*
[12-16, 23:45] <
NoobSubs> Shooting myself in the head with a real gun would hurt though. I want Persona gun.
[12-16, 22:59] <
vivan> NoobSubs, yeah, time to get real gun
[12-16, 22:54] <
NeVe12p4wNeD> @
MisterDonut: Ponderings are awesome.
[12-16, 22:53] <
NoobSubs> I just finished watching PERSONA3 and now I feel like putting a gun to my head and pulling the trigger. Am I normal?
[12-16, 18:00] <
xell17> davido-kun is my role model.
[12-16, 17:58] <
Artemix> A study shows that piracy actually improve sells instead of the opposite.
[12-16, 17:53] <
Shunbin> davido-kun ?
[12-16, 17:37] <
ignitionguez> the japanese gov should be thankful to nyaa, cause their animation product became popular :) and its prop sold out everywhere
[12-16, 17:36] <
shaddrag> herkz is a weaboo
[12-16, 17:33] <
paulo27ms> herkz wishes he was japanese like all the cool dudes
[12-16, 16:36] <
herkz> this site has been controlled by the japanese government for months
[12-16, 16:10] <
haseo> by Santa Claus