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[–]mayonesaMonarchist [非表示スコア]  (0子コメント)

"Racism" is a nonsense term made up by liberals to slander nationalism.

Is it morally wrong to believe that your race is better than other races?

No, every race should believe it is better than all others. And if members of that race are honest, they will admit they do. Anyone else is a liar.

Is it morally wrong to believe that the European-descended populations should preserve their political representation in European and Anglophone countries

No, because morally right actions is a set limited to those actions which achieve their goals. Diverse societies are popular with politicians because the voters have nothing in common and thus are easily manipulated. Government cannot take the place of culture in restraining bad impulses and keeping us together, but government hates culture because it is competition, hence government tries to destroy it through diversity.

What do conservatives think of the long list of influential people (Political leaders, artists, journalists, etc) that subscribe to views that would be popularly described as "white supremacist"?

If you're white (Western European), you should act in the interests of your tribe.

What do conservatives think of current momentum behind popularly described "racist" (and very conservative) movements such as the European New Right, paleoconservativism, neoreaction, identitarian, and ultraconservative nationalism?

These are defending against two problems:

  1. Liberalism tends to become Communism over time and destroy nations, leaving third-world husks behind.
  2. Diversity as a program has destroyed social order and left "Brazil II" in its wake.

We have seen that liberalism and Communism are the same thing with a difference of degree only. We are trying to avoid the fate of the Russians.