HWAH: and so begins our journey to health!
Hi folks! I’m proud to welcome all of you to this exciting new project dear readers, be ye fan, critic, or just curious link followers.
I’ve been recently inspired by the proud, wise people in the HAES (Health At Every Size) movement. The more I thought about it, the more I realized that this…
The movement is spreading DOWN WITH CIS SOBER PATRIARCHY.
7:53 pm • 31 July 2014 • 11 notes
Fucking appropriating trans sober behavior is no different than black face!
Fucking culture appropriating shit lords at Vice magazine are lampooning the plight of the trans sober community in an attempt to entertain the cis sober shit lord patriarchy and or course to shame and silence us. Here’s the fucking article: http://www.vice.com/read/this-guy-went-on-an-all-alcohol-diet-for-a-week-722?utm_source=vicefbus
So the premise is that the author of the article goes on an “alcohol only” diet for a week and talks about the effects on his body. He frames the article in a way that shines negative light on many of the struggles we trans sobers suffer.
Oh, so I’m supposed to feel shame and be concerned about my health when I shit 15 times a day and sometimes it’s bright red? Yeah fuck off asshole, you sound like my drunk shaming Dr. who won’t even consider that I need alcohol to be healthy.
Oh, and your migraines? That’s what we get when our bodies aren’t at their optimal BAC’s (mine needs to be .22 to be healthy).
2:32 pm • 23 July 2014 • 7 notes
Response to Sober Privilege Deniers
Many shitlords send me PM’s telling me sober privilege isn’t a thing and that I and my fellow trans sobers are just alcoholics and that we should get professional help and such. Having never been trans sober, they are impervious to the knowledge of their own privilege, so I am making a sober privilege check list in an attempt to educate you, even though it’s not my job to do so.
This is a response to sober privilege deniers
- If you’ve never been denied entry on a flight because you are too “drunk” to fly, you have sober privilege
- If you can go into public without fear of spending a night in the drunk tank, you have sober privilege
- If you can go to your regular bar without the bartender rolling their eyes and acting standoffish because you often get “too drunk” while enjoying their establishment, you have sober privilege
- If you can go to a Dr. and have them treat your actual conditions, rather than just tell you that you need to stop drinking, you have sober privilege
- If you aren’t told that you are a bad example to you children just because your BAC has to be a little higher than most peoples (mine being .22 for optimum health), you have sober privilege
- If you don’t live in fear of your children being taken away from you by the state just because you’re at your optimum BAC most of the day, you have sober privilege
- If you aren’t in fear of losing your job because of your medically necessary BAC level, you have sober privilege
- Basically, if you are treated as a respectable human being instead of being viewed and treated as some freak show, then you have sober privilege.
Feel free to add any examples you can think of
12:57 pm • 3 July 2014 • 19 notes
Hey everyone, lots of my life revolves around drinking, and I play in an Irish punk band called Whiskey’s Lament. We’re based out of Portland Oregon. Give us a listen and tell us what you think!
2:26 pm • 2 May 2014 • 6 notes
Sober privilege is being able to maintain an erection
So, as you all know, I am a trans sober activist and a leader in the trans sober community. We are one of the most marginalized groups in the history of our species, and face discrimination in terms of employment,and operating motor vehicles, among many other things. Sometimes, it seems, even our bodies want to marginalize us, and doctors often times refuse to treat the condition at hand, flippantly telling us we just need to “sober up” (um fuck you shit lord, I need a BAC of .22 JUST TO BE HEALTHY).
Anyway, I care deeply for the environment, and when I heard that pornhub.com was planting a tree for every 100 videos watched I thought, “Damn, this is some great synergy, I am going to do my best to help the environment”. I fired up my Ipad and proceeded to get to work.
Well, I hadn’t been drinking that much and because of this my body wasn’t at 100%, and without being too graphic, I got through like 2 videos and nothing was happening down there, and I had 98 more to go before contributing to the environment! I was bound and determined to make a difference, and I thought, “You know what, I’ll just go to the doctor and get some viagra, problem solved”.
When I finally got to the doctor, and told him of my desire to help the environment, and the lack of, let’s say cooperation from a certain part of my body, he laughed and stated that he could smell the whiskey on my breath and that I was very drunk, and that if I sobered up I’d probably be able to maintain an erection, and he didn’t prescribe me an viagra. He had the nerve to call me an alcoholic. I left dejected, hurt, and angry that my desire to help mother nature would not happen.
3:36 pm • 1 May 2014 • 18 notes
[tw: fat shaming, abuse, ableism, fat discrimination]
Thin privilege is thinking it is some how acceptable to post this horribly hateful, ableist fat-shamey facebook status:
"I’m anti-alcohol shaming. You should all be ashamed of yourselves, he can’t control that he drinks, an who are you to say…
Fatties over at TiTP marginalizing my muh condishuns again.
6:09 pm • 22 April 2014 • 35 notes
Baby Born Drunk After Mom Collapses During Drinking Binge
This speaks volumes about the oppression we face as tras sober people. The mother is obviously trans sober and it’s very likely the baby is too. She was just giving the her CHILD the alcohol it, and she, needs to be healthy. Of course the shit lord cis sober patriarchy will probably take the child away from her.
7:11 pm • 2 April 2014 • 6 notes
Sober Privilege is Being Able to Donate Blood Plasma
It’s been a while, TiSP, since my last post, well, because I was suffering from crippling memory loss for quite some time. Of course, the doctors I went to see in regard to the issue weren’t helpful, and basically told me I was just drinking too much and my memory loss was from blacking out. I informed them that I was not drunk, but trans sober, and that my BAC just needs to be a little higher (.22) than most peoples. They never want to treat my conditions. Every health issue revolves around my drinking with those shit lords.
Now, I’ve come too, I can’t remember the last three weeks, and it seems some asshole has been stealing from me because there’s no money in my bank account. Well guess how else I was victimized today, while trying to sort this out? Let me tell you …
Not knowing where my money had gone, and having a splitting headache from not being at my optimal BAC, I figured the best thing for me to do would be to go down to the local blood clinic. They’ll give you like 60 bucks for plasma, and that would be enough to get some Bacardi 151 shooters, get my BAC back to optimal levels, and then have the wherewithal to go report my money stolen to the police.
Now, my BAC was dangerously low. When they tested it at the clinic, I was only at .08, nearly 3 times less than where it needs to be for me to be healthy. The fuckers told me I was drunk, and that I couldn’t donate blood plasma until I sobered up. I told them about my memory loss, the money that must have been stolen from my account, that I was not a drunk, that I identify as sober and therefore deserve to be treated as such, and that if I didn’t get the 60 bucks I couldn’t get my Bacardi 151 shooters, and therefore would probably be too sick to go report my money stolen to the police. Also told them that .08 isn’t that high of a BAC when your trans sober and they should cut me some slack.
The fucking shit lords kicked me out and told me they’d prosecute me for trespassing if I didn’t “sober up” before returning.
12:54 pm • 31 March 2014 • 12 notes
Shitlord Authorities at my Local School System are Oppressing my Child
As all of you now know, my wife and I are both trans sober. We have to maintain a specific BAC to be healthy, mine being around .22. Well since being trans sober is a genetic condition, it’s no surprise that our son is also trans sober. We’ve been educating him about intuitive drinking and health at every sobriety level, making sure his BAC is at optimal levels, and generally being damn good parents to the little bugger.
Well he just started kindergarten and the fuckers called the authorities on us. Why? Because we simply sent him to his first day of class with the alcohol his body needs to be healthy. Any trans sober friendly doctor will tell you that if a child is trans sober, they should have a BAC of between .08 and .12 depending on their size. We packed his lunch with a half bottle of wine so that when the alcohol his body needs to be healthy that we give him for breakfast wheres off, and his BAC falls to dangerously low levels, he can get it back up again. Fuck me for caring about his health, right?
Well the school is threatening to have him put in foster care and take away all parental rights. I literally fear for my sons life, as we all know that when a trans sober person is deprived of the alcohol their body needs to be healthy they can suffer life threatening seizures. I feel so afraid and lost. At least I have my Bacardi 151 shooters …
3:42 pm • 28 February 2014 • 9 notes
The Olympics, Trans Sobriety, and Health
Many of my posts to TiSP revolve around the hypocrisy of how trans sober people are treated in the healthcare industry. I’ve personally have been denied surgery just for being at my optimal BAC (around .22), have had multiple doctors ridicule and drunk shame me when I tell them about my condition, and am discriminated against by insurance companies for merely trying to get them to help pay for the alcohol my body needs to be healthy. Never mind doctors completely ignoring the genetic causes of fatty liver syndrome and cirrhosis and routinely denying trans sober people liver transplants unless they stop drinking the alcohol their body needs. But I digress.
The hypocrisy of it all really hit for me home while watching the Olympics. I mean, the established medical community has the audacity to judge me for my behaviors I have no control of, but practically worships the unhealthy lifestyle of these so called “athletes”. Just today, for example, I witnessed a skier break their rib cage from a fall on a practice run. Even though choosing to ski in such dangerous conditions is purely a choice, and completely avoidable, I bet his injury will be covered by his insurance plan, UNLIKE THE ALCOHOL I NEED TO BE HEALTHY YOU FUCKING SHIT LORDS.
12:13 pm • 12 February 2014 • 2 notes
cosmicbreaker asked: Hi, Wil! I'm not trying to be antagonizing. You seem to be rather progressive, and really vocal on a lot of social issues. I'm bringing this up because I feel like you'd take it seriously. Using 'spirit animal' is kinda uncool. Different forms of it belong to specific cultures that are already having a hard time with erasure/delegitimization, partially through appropriation. I've heard suggestions of using 'patronus', or 'daemon' (from His Dark Materials trilogy) as alternatives. Cheers!
I got a lot of messages like yours that were bordering on antagonizing, but I’ll respond to you: this was entirely news to me, and I never meant to be offensive.
I’ll be honest: I think it’s a little much to get upset about this, but I am fully aware that I’m living life on Scalzi’s Lowest Difficulty Setting, with the Celebrity Cheat enabled, so I’ll own that reality up front. My ancestors murdered untold numbers of Native Americans, and I hate that my country was built on their blood, and I hate that the worst poverty in America exists on Tribal lands. What I hate the most is how many Americans don’t know or care. Those issues are, in my opinion, more important than words. Having said that, I see the point you make, that so much has already been taken from native people, and when a White Guy takes something more, it’s uncool.
I never meant to take anything from anyone. I think Spirit Animals are really cool, and I love everything I’ve ever learned about native or aboriginal culture. I’m not trying to appropriate or lessen anything by expressing how much Kelly Sue inspires me, and how I try to be more like her.
It’s amazing how problematic this apology is. I don’t even think Wil gets that he’s whitesplaining.
For the education of those who might find themselves in this situation, here’s a primer on what’s wrong with this response.
First: “I got a lot of messages like yours that were bordering on antagonizing, but I’ll respond to you”
I didn’t like the Tone those other people used. Yours was appropriate! I’ll talk to you.
Second: “I think it’s a little much to get upset about this, but…”
This doesn’t affect me and I’ve never given it two seconds worth of thought. And even though I’m about to launch into a whole explanation of how I get it, I need you to know that my first reaction is that everyone is oversensitive.
Third: “My ancestors murdered untold numbers of Native Americans, and I hate that my country was built on their blood”
This outpouring of white guilt somehow brings it all back to me and how I feel. Curious that.
Fourth: “I never meant to take anything from anyone. I think Spirit Animals are really cool”
Fifth: “I’m not trying to appropriate or lessen anything by expressing how much Kelly Sue inspires me, and how I try to be more like her.”
The point is not what you were or were not trying to do, it’s how what you did affects others. Why don’t you express your admiration for Kelly Sue in ways that are not appropriative? Why MUST you express admiration in this exact way?
Also, how fucking hard is it to say: “Oh, I did not realize that invoking Spirit Animals like that is a problem. I won’t do it again." ? That’s really all you needed to say. You didn’t need to whitesplain or get defensive AT ALL.
Let Wil Wheaton serve as an example of What Not To Do! Trust me on this, y’all.
I didn’t realize that invoking Spirit Animals was a problem, and I won’t do it again. I thought that was clear from my reply, and I regret that I didn’t make that explicitly clear.
Also, would you please excuse the fuck out of me for explaining my thought process, and attempting to share my admittedly complicated and uncertain reasoning. Please excuse me for acknowledging that I’m a privileged heterosexual white male in a manner that was not to your liking. Please excuse me for admitting that I haven’t thought about something that doesn’t affect me, because it does not affect me.Excuse me for — wait. I’m sorry. That’s not what I mean. I don’t mean that I need you to excuse me for anything. What I mean is: you’ve shown us all a spectacular way to alienate a potential ally with your self-righteous anger and indignation.
Here’s a pro tip for you, incredibly angry person: when someone is polite and respectful, reasonable adults ten to reply to them a lot faster and with more thought than we do to someone who is a condescending, angry, belligerent asshole. I sincerely hope that you are able to find peace and happiness in your life, and that you’ll continue to speak out about issues that affect you. As I said, you have to have the courage of your convictions and you can’t just sit down and shut up.
You can also not be a dick about it.
Wil, I’m a Native American woman who grew up on a rez. I’m currently a social services caseworker who still spends a lot of time on Native lands. Somebody sent me a link to your tumblr asking for my opinion on the “spirit animal” thing. I don’t know much about you, but if I have to give you a piece of advice it would be this; don’t back down next time. These people don’t listen to things like “logic” and “reason” when they are in one of their social justice tizzies. It’s not even worth trying to be kind or polite to them.
If I had a dollar for every time a middle class, white, lesbian with a Women’s Studies degree tried to tell ME how to appropriately respect MY OWN CULTURE AND HERITAGE, I could probably buy a goddamn reservation and turn it into a theme park.
Mr. Wil, you aren’t disrespecting Natives like me by using the term “spirit animal”. We WANT to share our cultural heritage with white people! I gave a friend from another country a ceremonial headdress just a few months ago because he thought it was “cool”. You know what? That shit IS cool! I want everyone to know about it!
Native Americans of all tribes pride themselves on being generous with out cultural iconography. We love having friends in our homes, of all colors! We love sharing what makes our nations so great and unique. We love giving and receiving gifts (except for blankets….you white fuckers can keep those. Ours are prettier and have less smallpox.) Yet our cultural traditions, our languages…they are all dying out. Our own children don’t want to learn Navajo. Our numbers are small and our elders are dying. Nobody wants our traditions to die with them, so we share with everyone we can! So long as somebody isn’t actively trying to make fun of us, we want to give the gift of a culture that transcends generations and skin color. In modern America, there are actually a pretty large number of “white” people who have Native blood. Their skin may not be brown like mine, but their blood is the same.
To the social justice warriors on Tumblr. You know what’s racist? PEOPLE WHO AREN’T NATIVE AMERICAN TRYING TO WHITE KNIGHT FOR MY FUCKING CULTURE. If something offends me or “appropriates” my culture, leave it to ME to stand up for what’s right. I’m not an ignorant heathen savage who needs educated white folk to save me from OTHER white folk. For the love of God, do you not see that your bullshit tirades on Tumblr about spirit animals and hairfeathers are the SAME MOTHERFUCKING THING that Europeans tried to do to my nation YEARS AGO?
If you are a social justice warrior, go play in traffic. I don’t want your help defending a culture you know nothing about.
Wesley Crusher is a whitesplaining cis sober shit lord who appropriates culture.
5:26 pm • 10 February 2014 • 3,793 notes
My Story and Thanks - With Trigger Warning
I am trying to submit anon, since I am not ready to come out as trans sober yet. I cannot thank you enough for carving out a small space for us to talk through our plight. I had almost completed a program to become drink free, but have been sleeping like crap, depressed and moody. I had been shamed and misunderstood for the last 20 years and finally feel like there is a safe space away from the cis sober bullies that have run amok in our media. They almost shamed me out of my intuitive drinking to keep my body healthy and functional.
I have almost now gotten up to my prior optimal BAC of .16 (I know, I am just a baby here).
Sober privilege is not forced out of your optimal BAC. Sober privilege is not having to hide who you are and be terrified about being discovered.
6:22 pm • 5 February 2014
hoodlessichirin asked: Whoever is running this blog has done a really great job i almost tho it was legit holy frick
That would be me. And stop thinking the plight of the trans sober is not real, shit lord. We are easily the most oppressed group in America today.
6:47 pm • 31 January 2014 • 13 notes
This is Sober Privilege
Figured it was time for trans sober people to have a subreddit on reddit.com to share our stories of oppression.
3:16 pm • 29 January 2014 • 5 notes
hoodlessichirin asked: Wait I think I got the meaning of trans sober and if it means what I think it means oh my god I think I'm gonna be laughing the rest of the night
While I and my fellow trans sobers are drunk all of the time, we identify as sober, therefore society should treat us as such. Yet we deal with constant harassment and oppression in terms of operating motor vehicles, job discrimination, health discrimination and such. We are easily the most over looked and marginalized group of people the world has ever seen.
6:09 pm • 28 January 2014 • 8 notes