A pocket guide to politically correct names
Group: Dark-skinned individual of African ancestry
Acceptable names: African American
Unacceptable names: colored, black, coon, nigger, porchmonkey, spook, mooncricket
Note: African Americans may refer to each other as “nigga”.
Group: Individual related to the Spanish speaking peoples of Mexico, Central America, South America, and parts of the Carribean.
Acceptable names: Hispanic, Latina (for women), Latino (for males), (nation of origin) American, Latin American
Unacceptable names: spic, wetback, beaner
Note: ”brown” is borderline acceptable, though not prefered as the term is too easily confused with individuals related to peoples of the countries of the Middle East, Central Asia, and India
Group: Individual related to the East Asian peoples of China, Japan, and their neighboring countries
Acceptable name: Asian American
Unacceptable names: gook, zipperhead, chink
Group: Individual related to the countries of the Middle East, Central Asia, and India
Acceptable name: Nation of origin only. Do not add “American”, that is offensive
Unacceptable names: terrorist, towel head, dune coon, sandnigger, habib
Note: Brown is sometimes acceptable, but avoided as it easily confused with Hispanic
Group: People indigenous to the Americas
Acceptable name: Native Americans
Unacceptable names: indian, tonto, redskin, savage
Note: Native Americans are not personally offended by the word “indian”, but must never be called such, as it is deeply offensive to politically correct people
Group: Females
Acceptable name: woman
Unacceptable names: girl, female, bitch, cunt, twat, dame, broad
Group: Males
Acceptable name: boy, male, asshole, dick, rapist, sexual predator
Unacceptable names: man
Group: Individuals of European ancestry
Acceptable name: white, whitey, cracker, honky, peckerwood, devil
Unacceptable name: human being
Group: non-heterosexuals (except for asexuals, beastophiles, bisexuals)
Acceptable names: gay (men who are sexually attracted to men), lesbian (women who are sexually attracted to women)
Unacceptable names:
Gay - faggot, queer, homo, queen, fairy
Lesbian - dyke, butch
Group: Individuals equally sexually attracted to men and women
Acceptable name: pervert, skank, confused
Unacceptable names: bisexual
Group: individuals who have reduced physical capacity due to illness or injury
Acceptable name: differently abled
Unacceptable name: cripple
Note: ”disabled” or “physically challenged” are acceptable, but not preferred
Group: individuals who have reduced mental capacity due to illness or injury
Acceptable name: gifted
Unacceptable name: retard, dunce, dope, idiot
Note: ”mentally disabled” is acceptable but not preferred
Group: individuals who are either delusional or behave eccentricly
Acceptable name: mentally ill
Unacceptable names: crazy, loony, nutty, interesting
Note: Individuals who are genuinely mentally ill and individuals with unpopular opinions or a disdain for authority are grouped together here