全ての 31 コメント

[–]Super_Zac 12 ポイント13 ポイント  (7子コメント)

[–]compuguyBleeding Magenta 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Honestly, every wireless carrier sucks in some way. The best carrier depends on where you live and commute/travel to on a daily basis....

[–]ChumstickTruly Unlimited -2 ポイント-1 ポイント  (5子コメント)

To be 100% fair, I switched to T-Mo from Sprint because I travel constantly and Sprint just wasn't cutting it. Many an area where I literally saw "No Service" in the upper corner of the phone. Not rural places out in Oklahoma, but 2nd and 3rd largest metro areas in a given state. I hate Sprint.

...Now I have "Truly Unlimited" and sometimes "Bleeding Magenta" as my flair. I've also socially forced three co-workers into dumping AT&T for T-Mo. It's becoming religious for me.

[–]ExpAwesome 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

To be 100% fair. You should have looked at some coverage maps before signing the contract.

T-Mobile doesn't work at all back home where my family live. I just have to suck it up when I visit because it is so cheap here in the city. But T-Mobile is GSM so I can just buy a cheap prepaid sim if I need to.

[–]Super_Zac 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (3子コメント)

Well I'm not dissing you for it, you have every right to do that.

I'm always impressed by T-Mo's coverage in really remote places, though there still is no service at my school inexplicably which frustrates me. When I'm, on a hike in the literal middle of nowhere I can browse Reddit, but I can't even text people at school.

[–]ChumstickTruly Unlimited -1 ポイント0 ポイント  (1子コメント)

Oh, we don't have the coverage of AT&T and Verizon, to be sure. But mixed with the billing options and customer service I've received, I just make sure everyone knows how pleased I am for the bang/buck ratio at T-Mo.

[–]Super_Zac -1 ポイント0 ポイント  (0子コメント)

I agree, my family saves a ton of money with T-Mobile which is definitely worth it, especially because At&t also has no coverage at my school and is way pricier.

[–]WindAerisTruly Unlimited -1 ポイント0 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Schools are definitely because of no low spectrum deployed. That's what is getting fixed next.

[–]_FluX23 23 ポイント24 ポイント  (12子コメント)

Honestly after thinking it over, the Sprint downvote logo shouldn't be here because it makes us look like a circlejerk.. after all we want to help people with problems not celebrate the #3 carrier.

If you added it to tmo cj that would be nice though :)

[–]that1twinguy 6 ポイント7 ポイント  (1子コメント)

AS someone who visits both subs because I take interest in both companies but have Sprint, this is really childish. Seriously, a sprint down vote logo?

Each provider has their weaknesses and there are plenty of dissatisfied TMO customers, just as their are plenty of dissatisfied sprint customers.

You've essentially created your own circle jerk. Enjoy.

[–]jwyche008 [非表示スコア]  (0子コメント)

I'm on reddit is fun so I never knew of the sprint down vote button however I would like to remind you that this was once a T-Mobile fan subreddit so of course it makes sense to shit on #3. Of course now this sub is borderline run by T-Mobile so the down vote button wouldn't really be appropriate. Not criticizing anyone just making an observation.

[–]Kar98_Byf42 11 ポイント12 ポイント  (1子コメント)

Do we have to do this childish cirkle-jerky shit? Because at that direction, I'll just unsub altogether.

[–]TerryYockey 3 ポイント4 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Are you sure it's not the fan boys over at /r/Sprint? :P

[–]XodiumMade it worse 2 ポイント3 ポイント  (2子コメント)

This should apply equally to the Sprint people that come over here too. Sometimes they do take a legitimate interest in T-Mo's network deployments and tech and want to discuss it.

However, when they're being asshats and coming over here just to stir the pot, bombs away, I say.

[–]snakester 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (0子コメント)

We're not all bad. I'm a Sprint customer right now, since for some inexplicable reason T-Mobile has been doing network upgrades all around me, but leaving pretty much a circle with me in it out in the cold. If they would get off EDGE in my area, I'd love to try them.

I like discussing cell phone service in general, and I feel like this place is much more accepting of different views. I've honestly given up on warning Sprint potential customers of the few issues I've had with Sprint over there since I get down voted into oblivion (basically their credit department fucked me when I started service and I didn't notice it right off, and they won't fix it until I've been a customer for 18 months, so I try to tell people to watch out for a couple of things the salesmen would say that would mean they fall into that trap).

I've had none of the problems with their service people speak of, I went in with realistic expectations and wound up being satisfied. They definitely respect my area more coverage wise than T-Mo has done.

When I'm in the Sprint sub, it's like a circle jerk of "don't say anything bad, even if it's true!!!!" When I'm here, it's much more relaxed.

TL;DR Sprint sub feels like people trying to one up each other with Sprint awesome stories, here feels like a party where people like to talk phones.

[–]chewypabloTruly Unlimited[S] -5 ポイント-4 ポイント  (0子コメント)

We can't generalize them. It's cool. They can jokingly mess with us too. Don't understand the insults though...

[–]drmacinyasha -5 ポイント-4 ポイント  (2子コメント)

Might want to share this with the mods and fanboys of /r/Sprint, not the good users of /r/TMobile. I don't see us downvoting posts to -6 just because someone comments that their tower is slow and they switched carriers because of it.

[–]ExpAwesome 4 ポイント5 ポイント  (1子コメント)

How are Sprint people fan boys but us good users.

I used to have sprint. Great company. Switched to T-Mobile because GSM phones are more useful.

Don't let your fanboyisms cloud your judgement. Verizon and ATT are the real monsters.

[–]drmacinyasha -3 ポイント-2 ポイント  (0子コメント)

It was half a joke, half pointing out "holy crap downvotes everywhere for not saying that Sprint is Christ's second coming combined with everything better than sliced bread".

/r/Sprint has serious issues with excessive downvotes that make the sub into a de facto circle jerk because anything not praising Sprint goes poof.