The start. Obama was elected because he's black! Crossposted to: /r/Whiterights, /r/coontown, /r/paleoconservative, and /r/niggervideos. Don't worry, guys, they're not racist, Obama is the real racist.
According to /u/Baldylox:
Obama is the POTUS and gets away with egregious abuses of power solely based on the color of his very thin skin. is a legitimate argument, but you're not allowed to say that out loud.
Bill Whittle speaks up! Obama was able to pass Obamacare without being impeached, because he's black. Clearly, Obama is worse than Nixon. He is also a dictator, because clearly we have lost all democratic proceedings and Congress is letting him be more black. See: 'Thug in Chief'.
Return of the White Man! If it wasn't said enough, Obama is a dictator and literally Pol Pot/Hitler/Stalin/Mussolini. This is a 'repost' (see: Patriotric American's post) of the prior link. Will update this as more patriotic duties are performed.