Often times I hear Black people say these misinformed things like “We can’t say that about white people, we’re being just as racist as they are.” or “We can’t complain if we are saying these racist things we are no better than them” and all I can do is shake my head. 

First of all how white people feel about Black people is null and fuckin void. It does not matter what people say/feel about you. These feelings will always exist in some shape or form. The real issue is that White people are in POWER positions to impose their racist views on black people. Example?
These coward ass cops are comfortable shooting Black Men down in the streets BECAUSE they know the LAW is behind them. Facing racism at work? You know why? Because likely your boss is white and company in which you work for is white. POWER Positions. Get it?
WHITE SUPREMACY is very real and it is set up for white people to control everything. Black people have no power therefore we can NEVER be like Whites until we gain control of our own education, economy, and Military
RACISM is really just  WHITE PEOPLE oppressing Non-Whites…
It doesn’t work the other way around. 
So please stop saying and believing that bullshit about Black people being racist. Emancipate yourself from propaganda. 
Post written by @solar_innerg

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