anybody else feel associated with a bunch of different kintypes based off of a single one??
like for my astral hellhoundkin kintype I also consider myself
- astralkin
- celestialkin
- hellhoundkin
- demonkin
- canine/dogkin
- deity/godkin
??? or am i just weird
13 notes
9:11 pm • 5 December 2014
9:11 pm • 5 December 2014
bubblegum-shadows reblogged this from hellhoundkin and added:
My demon kintype is an almost shadowy being with lots of sharp teeth and tentacle-tendrils instead of wings, etc. I’ve...
catkinclara likes this
roguesareth said: Yupp, Angelkin, Demonkin, elemental ( water)kin, deitykin and vampiric all in one. With Jaguar shifter being seperate
roguesareth likes this
a-wild-kin-appeared likes this
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niggakinsunite reblogged this from hellhoundkin and added:
im a niggakin ;3
ghostdemonboy likes this
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canine-alienesque reblogged this from hellhoundkin and added:
Nah that made sense. When I IDed as Cheshire, I would also fit myself under catkin, spacekin, astralkin, and...
eight-times-nine said: You’re right, that is weird… It’s hella fcking cool though :O
pokemon-battle-revolution likes this
eight-times-nine likes this
alien-hearts said: nah you aren’t just weird. I mean like…I’m alienkin. but could also be classified as monsterkin, shapeshifterkin, and probably even stuff like bearkin and caninekin. it’s all the same kintype however.
hellhoundkin posted this