Okay, gonna go on a rant here for a second.
I am sick and fucking tired of assholes doing something harmful, attacking people, acting like dickbags of the first water, and then turning around to say that ‘They’re good people, they’ve run a successful Charity!’
Fuck you. Just. Fuck you.
There is NOTHING in running a charity that actually makes you a good person. I’ll fucking say it. There isn’t. It just means that there’s something you care about enough to give money to it. That there’s something you care about in the world that’s not you. Congratulations, have a fucking cookie. Doesn’t change the other shit you do.
Seriously, with how openly homophobic the Salvation Army is, with how Gamergate people or Bronies try and brush off the bad behavior in their groups with ‘Well, we’ve given away money!’ and don’t just fucking own up to their bullshit, I’ve come to see charities as just a fucking cover. PETA is a Charity. You get me? PETA is a fucking Charitable Organization, and we’re supposed to believe that they’ve got goodness in their hearts?
So no. I don’t fucking care anymore about you having a ‘charity’. It doesn’t make you a better person. And no, before you fucking ask, I don’t care if you hold money BACK from charities because of my opinion. It just proves that what good you’ve done is conditional to people looking at you positively. Fuck. THE HELL. OFF.