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[–]InfoSponger -1 ポイント0 ポイント  (15子コメント)

I am not he purist for tone that my brother was, but like you, he transitioned over to an electric and wanted to just hear the guitar without the coloring a lot of amps can add. He did some research and determined that playing through a keyboard amplifier was the only logical solution.

Please note that I am only relating what HE determined was the solution for HIM and not me pushing the only possible solution for you to explore. There are amps for guitars, basses, keyboards, vocals and even acoustics that all have their components chosen to cater to it's intended use.

But check out the keyboard amps because I actually could hear the difference between his guitar through my am dry and his amp dry and his sounded better for a dry sounding guitar tone.

[–]realkman666Explorer at heart -1 ポイント0 ポイント  (14子コメント)

/r/Guitar/ in a nutshell

[–]InfoSponger 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (13子コメント)

Normally I would let this be, but I can't honestly decide if you are being complimentary as if saying, "This is the kind of post that isn't preachy and judgmental that /r/guitar needs more of"


Trolling me in saying, "This is just the sort of non descript and unhelpful post I have come to expect from /r/Guitar "

[–]realkman666Explorer at heart -4 ポイント-3 ポイント  (12子コメント)

It's not trolling if I think your advice is shit. Can't accept that someone thinks you're wrong? Finish primary school then we'll talk, shill.

[–]InfoSponger -2 ポイント-1 ポイント  (11子コメント)

I answered the question with a general direction to pursue. I asked you a question. Both done as a gentleman. Had you responded in kind, perhaps this exchange wouldn't turn into some sort of pissing contest for you, but, you have already shown you are just a self perpetuating stereotype of trolldom.

What ever could be so broken down inside of you that you automatically perceive someone asking you a simple question automatically leads the asker being upset? Please tell me you have a logic filter in which you can process that you "thinking" I am wrong is purely an opinion of yours and I have no problem with you having any opinion at all. Opinions, by design, are not black or white, right or wrong. Opinions are purely subjective and merely different, not wrong.

But if it is "shit" you want to talk... let's talk about your insecurity and immaturity that feeds your need to feel superior. By the way, this will be the portion of the program where it becomes frighteningly clear that I have long ago finished "primary" school. For you see... you have already revealed you are not American at least in your nomenclature so perhaps this is an inferiority complex commonplace with many young foreigners when met with a gentlemanly American who is willing to respect them despite their "Non Murican" suckage.

But, just something for you to take away from this little galactic asshole fest you want to exist in... think about this...

Psychologists say that only 1 of 3 reasons can explain your behavior"

  1. Buried beneath all of that edgy machismo there is a scared little girl who is desperately banging away trying to get out of the closet.

  2. Like a caveman your brain is underdeveloped and because of this you have poor command of your impulses so you act out in displays of Cro-Magnon proportions.

  3. You have a tiny dick.

How about you check the list and choose one so the collective WE in /r/guitar can know how best to interact with your PARTICULAR form of dickhead in the future.

[–]realkman666Explorer at heart -2 ポイント-1 ポイント  (10子コメント)

Do you really think I'm going to bother reading all that when you call me a troll for thinking you're stupid? Grow up.

[–]InfoSponger -1 ポイント0 ポイント  (9子コメント)

annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd..... troll status confirmed

[–]realkman666Explorer at heart -1 ポイント0 ポイント  (0子コメント)


[–]Franco_DeMayo -1 ポイント0 ポイント  (7子コメント)

This coming from the guy who had a total meltdown over an icemaker? You are a special brand of retard sir.

[–]InfoSponger -2 ポイント-1 ポイント  (6子コメント)

You do of course get the art involved in having a MELTDOWN about an ICE MAKER, right?

Thank you for finally encapsulating my genius! I was getting worried no one woul..... wait... did my Mom pay you to come say this?


[–]Franco_DeMayo -1 ポイント0 ポイント  (5子コメント)

Now you sound like those "it was just a joke" guys from YouTube.

"Congratulations Captain Paper or Plastic! Now... less arguey.... more baggy da grocery! You can start by bagging up the goddamned ice tray from amazon for less than 10 bucks!"

That's not art. That's you being a douche. A racist douche at that.

Also, you subscribe to fucking ladder theory. More "art", I suppose.

Finally, for a man with boots older than many of us, you really do call on mommy a bit often. If you need her help, that's perfectly fine. She can tell us what a "nice guy" you are, and how you have so many friends among the "brown people".

Plus, you keep one tidy ass fucking basement.