White, pansexual, AMAB-agender 20-something from Bloomington, Indiana.
Trans pride 24/7
You should expect: Butts, queer stuff, feminist stuff, art stuff, music, skirts, obscuria, embarassing levels of excitement , puns and general japery. Don't call me man/bro/dude.
Catching Elephant is a theme by Andy Taylor
Dear Tumblr,
You know where you so called social justice bloggers need to be going? Into the real world. Don’t just sit behind a computer screen and tell people who have heard it a million times about social justice. Take it to the real world, take it to where it matters. Because this weekend I’ve come to find that I live with two very vicious bigots who are no longer going to bite their tongue. If you want to actually help people, I advise you to take it to the real world and help people who are actually bigots, those who are actually harmful to society’s progress towards tolerance and acceptance. Help people like me who are actually being suppressed by their homophobic parents, their racist siblings, their sexist families.
Actually help where help is needed.A friendly reminder of what matters most…
Sincerely, Van.
Three things:
- The vast majority of us don’t need to hear this because we already do it. Assuming that we’re only activists while we’re online is pretty damn insulting.
- The vast majority of us are so vocal about it on here in part because we know we’re safe here. Yeah, we can get threats, but no bigots/racists/sexists/homophobes/transphobes can get to us physically here. It’s a safe space for us to be able to discuss these things as much or as little as we choose to.
- Why the hell is this tagged “heterophobic” and “heterophobia?”
I assume that because I have never once heard an activist actually speaking out around me whether it be at school, or elsewhere in public. Not once.
Activists of the past didn’t really have the option to protect them selves via computer, so many of them were killed doing it, and it made a difference Now, I’m not saying go out there and start as many violent riots as you can to get yourself killed for a cause, but I just…. I don’t know about that one.
And they’re tagged because I was literally just throwing in ANY tags I thought of. Don’t over analyze.
And how limited is the area in which you are? To assume that something doesn’t happen just because you haven’t seen it doesn’t make much sense, especially when you’re young and have lived in such localized and insular environments.
That certainly does sound like what you’re saying…but let’s discuss the rest of what you said. Before the internet, a huge portion of activism was done through the distribution of pamphlets and the organization of very prominent, very public events. Both of these afford the activist different forms of protection - the first, anonymity of face and location, and the second, a completely focused public eye. It’s not unheard of for people who are being intensely watched to be targeted for violence, but it is less common. There has always been a “safety wall” present in activism. It’s just taken a different form now.
Dear Tumblr, You know where you so called social justice bloggers need to be going? Into the real world. Don’t just sit...
a brilliant response, it really is.