Kate. Vegan. Bisexual. Feminist. Plant Lord.
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Ewwww this white dude I know has made like, a big point of mentioning his native ancestry…he’s like some small fraction Blackfoot and I’m like “Well personally I wouldn’t be proud of the likelihood that one of my ancestors was a rapist but hmm sure okay” and he’s like, “Thanks for insulting my ancestry…from what I understand, they were married.” Like…….native children were literally stolen. You don’t think white men stole women, too? Jesus christ how ignorant can you be. Stop white people bragging about their tiny fraction of native ancestry 2k14

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  3. bluegone reblogged this from lady-feral and added:
    Is that how you spell “teepee”?Fuck, for twenty years I had no clue. That’s how prevalent racism is. You can’t even...
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  12. vegan-vulcan reblogged this from indigenous-vegan and added:
    Important commentary^^^
  13. indigenous-vegan reblogged this from vegan-vulcan and added:
    THIS is why it’s hard for me to trust white or white-passing people who claim a small blood quantum. It’s like being...
  14. finnstar72 reblogged this from vegan-vulcan
  15. galicianjackal said: wonder when he’s going to start wearing “slutty Pocahontas” costumes and say “it’s OK, my great-great-great-great-grandmother was a Blackfoot princess”
  16. sapphirewaterfalls said: even if they were married that doesn’t mean it wasn’t forced…or the history could have been warped to seem consentual