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[–]LudavicMaster Guardian Elite [非表示スコア]  (23子コメント)

Yeah He can see half the map - this is absolute bullshit

[–]NurfedSupreme Master First Class [非表示スコア]  (11子コメント)

3/4ths of the map. They can see short A too.

pixel boost - illegal is most leagues and valve even patched this shit out of inferno/mirage/dust2: https://imgur.com/a/kCizf

[–]LudavicMaster Guardian Elite [非表示スコア]  (0子コメント)

This has actually really annoyed me. I don't care for either team but using an exploit like this ... Terrible

[–]dotoonlyMaster Guardian II [非表示スコア]  (0子コメント)

just use this official img to show how illegal it is. They even know it for 2 months


[–]Typindemwords [非表示スコア]  (0子コメント)

Pretty much the whole map. If you don't see them in the 3/4, they're going to be in the last 1/4

[–]modcowboy [非表示スコア]  (2子コメント)

When LDLC were getting picked by the auto the team captain should have made it a priority to find the boost. They should have used an eco to bait a team mate and look for the tracers. This was a failure on LDLCs leadership. They could not think on their feet.

[–]Bk_NastyMaster Guardian II [非表示スコア]  (1子コメント)

i think they thought they were getting shot through walls so they weren't sure where it was coming from. OlofM didn't shoot unless he was certain he wouldn't give away the position so it made it that much harder to find.

[–]modcowboy [非表示スコア]  (0子コメント)

They would see that they were getting shot through the wall on the kill feed. No way pros are that dumb that they wouldn't see they were NOT getting wall banged.

[–][削除されました]  (1子コメント)


    [–]NurfedSupreme Master First Class [非表示スコア]  (0子コメント)

    The bottom guy is floating in the air - that's a pixel boost.

    [–]MustbhacksESEA Player [非表示スコア]  (2子コメント)

    Except this isn't a pixel boost, it's a legal boost in every aspect.

    [–]NurfedSupreme Master First Class [非表示スコア]  (0子コメント)

    Did you even look at the second screenshot? the bottom guy is floating.

    [–]WillumpsMaster Guardian I [非表示スコア]  (0子コメント)

    It is 100% a pixel boost. Here's a better view:


    [–]OPDidntDeliver [非表示スコア]  (0子コメント)

    Over half: he can see the quick way to B, he can see down towards connector, and he can see towards bathrooms. The only place he can't see is long, and if he sees no one else he knows it's long.

    [–]skidoosh123 [非表示スコア]  (0子コメント)

    It is called doing your homework. This shows exactly how much time fanatic has put into thus game to gain every advantage possible. This is why they have been destroying teams. They clearly know every inch of every map

    [–]quickclickzMaster Guardian I [非表示スコア]  (0子コメント)

    absolute brilliance*