Rave Party 1997
Sit on my face
you fucking piece of shit. i can't believe this. you fucking garbage human. i will be angry with this forever. this is my fight. this is my war. fuck of

we're srgt peppers lonely farts club band
we hope you will fuck up your life


awful music

i'm sean call me sean because I am him
Posted on 25th Nov at 5:39 AM, with 236 notes









ahh yes…. veganism.. very expensive.. third world nations.. always eating chicken and steak and drinking cows milk… not.. grains and legumes.. oh no. those are very expensive..

this is kinda bullshit tho isn’t it? in a lot of first world nations it’s far cheaper to buy ur calories from a fast-food joint than peruse the aisles at a supermarket… im totally behind veganism, but only if u have the privilege to afford it (i live in perth, aus, so i don’t know what food-prices are like where u r living, but here it is way more expensive to eat vegan)

no that’s wishful thinking perpetuated by non-vegans trying to claim like classism is real so they can continue suckling the bloodied teats of cows and tearing at the corpses of nonhumans 


well uh… classism is real tho. i’m not against confronting those who can afford (and are able) to eat vegan with the ethical dilemmas of eating meat. i talk about it to heaps of people because it’s super important to stop the meat industry and all associated atrocity, but some people are not physically able to go vegan, and a heap of people definitely can’t afford to.

a cheeseburger at macdonalds or whatever (haven’t eaten fast food except kebabs for 8 mnths or smth) is like $2 or something, that’s cheaper than pretty much any vegan meal, how are some celery sticks or carrots going to compete with that?

poor people who can’t afford not to contribute to murder and torture and rape deserve to die to reduce their ethical + environmental impact

um. what?

poor people who can’t afford not to contribute to murder and torture and rape deserve to die to reduce their ethical + environmental impact. a life is a life no matter who it’s being stripped from. surely it only makes sense you’d wanna reduce the death toll as much as possible? surely that’s logical? so kill all ppl who cant afford not to contribute to killing. if u think that’s heartless then maybe u should rethink the amount u value a human life vs a nonhuman life 

Wow, you’re deluded. So rather than ‘let’s try and build a system that works’ you just think ‘kill all the poor people?’ or kill all the people who refuse to go vegan? Logically lowering the death toll through murder! Yeah! ‘Kill all the people who can’t afford not to contribute’. Yeah! Let’s not think outside of the status quo, fuck poor people! Good economic plan, I like it, that’s really gonna work out. Who’d you get that from, Malthus? Shit, guys wife thought his ideas were bullshit.

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  6. frazzzles reblogged this from g1itteringgabriel and added:
    Reading through this made me want to fucking slam my head against a wall…
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  12. inkyubus reblogged this from disease-danger-darkness-silence and added:
    psa tumblr user zanzenzai is fucking insane and wants to kill off everyone who can’t afford to be vegan
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  16. ineedmyfantasyworld reblogged this from psionictrickster and added:
    This is why people on tumblr gang up on the vegans. Seems as though every other comment is from an elitist asshole
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  26. gostpayter reblogged this from th0sewh0dreambyday and added:
    actually they can’t grasp the concept of poverty (read their responses)
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  30. deathgranted reblogged this from rosencrantz-minus-guildenstern and added:
    Wow. Tumblr vegans are stupider and more bigoted then I thought!
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