Some e-cigarette brands reviewed and compared

ecigarette-20Electronic cigarettes are all the rage these days. Occasional or weekend smokers use them, people who are tired of the smell of tobacco in their clothes use them, even hard-core smokers use them. Why so many people switch to e-cigarettes? The answer is that this little electronic device simply has too many advantages over traditional cigarettes for you not to use them.

E-cigarettes have become almost necessary nowadays that smoking has become legal in almost all public places, even the outdoor ones. Passionate smokers find themselves quite frustrated when they are not allowed to drag a few puffs after a meal, with their coffee or a nice glass of wine. With e-cigarettes, this is never a problem. Users of electronic cigarettes often say they are not really smoking – they are vaporing. This is because e-cigarettes emit vapor, not smoke. They use a nicotine solution that is turned into vapor with the help of an atomizer. The vapor is not harmful for anyone and it does not smell nor pollute the air, so using an electronic cigarette even in a closed public space is not a problem.

With more and more e-cigs manufacturers on the market, it might be a good idea to compare a few of them and see which one suits your needs the best.

Bedford Slims is one of the trendier manufacturers of e-cigarettes. They offer a good starter kit with one battery, six cartomizers and one USB charger for $34, which is a fair price. The problem with this kit is the relatively short battery life, so you might find yourself in a situation where the battery runs out before your next order is in. Bedford Slims also offers a $12 mini kit which is basically disposable since it does not come with a charger and only has one battery and one cartomizer. Another problem with this brand is that their selection is less than impressive, both in terms of flavors and e-liquids and of freebies and accessories.

ecigarette-19V2 Cigs is considered by many to be the leader of the e-cigs market. Their Express Kit comes with one battery, two chargers and ten cartomizers for $59.95, which is $30 cheaper than the Green Smoke’s kit that comes with the same items. On the other hand, their batteries are not exactly cheap ($30 for the highest capacity ones), but they are still a bargain compared to Green Smoke. Another strong side of V2 Cigs is the selection. They offer a wide range of flavors and they also have several options for e-liquids, which is great since many brands don’t even offer e-liquids.

If warranty is an important factor for you, then you should consider Bull Smoke. They have switched to lifetime warranty and in addition to that they send the new unit very quickly, which is always good if you are an avid smoker and don’t want to wait. The prices are lower than V2 Cigs, but they are still not the cheapest ones on the market. The Ranch Hand Starter Kit comes at $74.95 and includes two batteries, two chargers and ten cartomizers. As for the selection, they have three battery sizes and several flavors for cartomizers, but they do not offer e-liquids.

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