Tuesday, November 25, 2014

A Letter to My Fellow Americans Regarding Ferguson

I am writing this essay and it will serve as the only effort I will ever put forth regarding this Ferguson, MO, cop-hate issue. I am way too busy being a PROUD African AMERICAN to waste time caring too much.

It's 11am and unfortunately only 27 degrees outside in Cleveland, OH. I just woke up and it is 72 degrees in my home. I slept uninterrupted and peacefully because hot air continuously pumps through the vents of my ADT-monitored, police-protected, gun-protected home. 

My beautiful Irish/Jewish wife is downstairs doing laundry and waiting for me to get up so we can go to the store.

Yes, I know 11am is late to be getting up, considering the "Early Bird" and all, but I was up all night 3D printing prototypes and editing a promotional video for my start-up company, which will launch a crowding-funding campaign next month. It's called Selfie|Z and I've been putting all my efforts into it since March. Unfortunately, I was laid off last year from my web programming job, so I decided it was a good time to take advantage of the robust free market economy we enjoy in this country.

So now I'm up. I step into the shower to wash my body. A refreshingly powerful stream of crystal clear, perfectly heated water runs over my body. I stay there for 8 minutes and in that time 8-10 gallons of clean, drinkable water flows from shower head, to body, to drain. 

I think nothing of it. 

Sometimes I do reflect on the reality of a person in a place such as third-world Africa and the fact that many of them die because they don't have access to the basic life-sustaining necessities I take for granted on a daily basis. I don't give it much thought though, I have too many first-world things to do today.

I go downstairs to eat breakfast. Thank God there is a huge temperature-controlled box keeping my food fresh. There are cupboards and a pantry full of food as well. 

Having the option to be fat is great! 

We're middle class, but all things considered, even the poor in our country have it pretty good here. We as a nation try our best to take care of everyone. I like that about America, it makes me proud. So I smile as I turn on CNN to burn a few minutes while I consume my Lucky Charms. 

To my utter dismay I see people of all races protesting and rioting because they say our country is corrupt. They say our country is becoming a bad place. They say our legal system and the police that took an oath to serve and protect us with their lives are now trying to KILL us. WTF!?

They are not smiling. They are angry. They are looting. They are rioting. 

Small business owners are stripped of their right to take part in our free market economy. Their businesses are burned. Their dreams are dashed and they did nothing wrong. 

They are the unlucky ones. 

The store owner that Michael Brown robbed before he was killed had his shop targeted. I guess getting robbed wasn't enough, now his business is temporarily and unnecessarily destroyed. What a bad year to be an honest minority businessman in America.

8/19/2014 - Getting Robbed

11/24/2014 - Post-Getting Looted
But no one seems to care. Al Sharpton is telling an audience of millions that white people hate black people.  White cops hate black people. They are murderers. They are killing our black children.

Well, not "our children" per se. I don't have any children. But if I did, they would have the utmost respect for the police. Even more so for them than for me. I love my family yet I can only claim to be willing to die for them. Those officers do it everyday and for not nearly enough money. They do so without complaint and with the very real possibly of never coming home to their own children and families ever again.

I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure those guys are not the bad guys. When I go to the bank at night and I see a cop, I am not fearful the officer will rob or murder me. 

Honestly, I'm looking out for people that look a lot like Michael Brown. Not black people, but people that are not doing what they are supposed to be doing. People that will rob me. People that may murder me. 

That's why, even though I live in the suburbs, I keep my concealed Sig-P226 in my shoulder harness while at the ATM. Not for the cops, but for the guy that just committed strong-armed robbery at a local convenient store and may now be looking for me. 

I'm looking out for people like the guys that robbed and shot local pub owner Jim Brennan in the head earlier this year. He was gunned down and murdered at his own business in this very same suburb. I watch enough Lockup on MSNBC to know they're out there. I'm also confident that the cops I see are looking for these types of individuals as well. 

Thank God.

After breakfast, I log on to Facebook and everyone seems to be equally as angry as the rioters. Angry at our police, angry at our courts, angry that justice was not served for a young black man. To all the outraged, uninformed commenters I have only this to say:

Do you really think police are the bad guys? Do you really think prisons are full of innocent people and that law-abiding citizens are joining the police force just to kill black men? Do you really think anyone that is NOT a sociopath really WANTS to KILL anyone? 

If I were to believe the rhetoric coming from social media I'd think the cops should be in prison, or dead, and the criminals should be walking and living freely. 

Imagine that. Imagine if there were no cops for even one night. Imagine the bedlam. Imagine the chaos...the horror. 

Unfortunately, you don't have to imagine. Just turn on your television and you can see it in real-time. 

I am a young black man. 

I am not afraid of the police. 

I am thankful for them. 

I am afraid of criminals. 

I am afraid of ignorance.

I am afraid of civil unrest. 

So I am off to the store with my wife. I will do so with the confidence that any would be criminal looking to do us harm will be deterred by those men and women in uniform that pass us by every few minutes. Those men and women that are risking their lives for me and my family every single day.


  1. Replies
    1. You're such an idiot. I am black, too and I do not deal with these issues on a day to day basis. I do not fear cops in general because they are the symbol of peace. YOU SHOULD BE AFRAID WHEN YOU GET STOPPED BY A COP and disagree with them. Cops are constantly profiling. In the past three years I got stopped by cops more than 10 times because of the car that I drive (it is completely disheveled). Every time they saw me---- a young black girl who speaks properly--- they let me go. No write up or anything. Does that make the issues less true? No!

      This is a ridiculous article. Cops are less likely to assault someone who is capable of defending themselves vocally or affluent. Racism exists and cops are above the law. We have to stop pretending that this is not an issue. My family has not been to jail and we do not deal with cop issues regularly but just because we do not have to experience it regularly does not mean that it is not a reality!!!!!

      THINK. READ. Personal experiences are not enough to publish peer-reviewed articles..... This article is completely worthless and I want to make it clear that as much as some people might like your diary post it is not relevant to life.

    2. Hi. I agree that profiling does exist. I'm white and I drove a beat up car. I had a dui and they Constantly ran my plates. I had a special hardship license permit to drive to and from work. I was continually stopped. I presented my paperwork and allowed to move on. I had a girlfriend who was a black cop who became a detective. I really appreciate her because she helped me get beyond my fear of officers and realize that they are people who "become " their jobs. Once a cop always a cop. It's difficult Not to do. She told me so many stories. I love her as a very special strategic force for good in my life. I've been hurt by police but also helped by them. The dui arrest was the best thing that could have happened to me at that time of my life. I've been sober 12 years. It would be great if more black people could serve in law enforcement. Especially in predominantly black areas.

    3. If you are entitled to YOUR biased opinion, then so is Darnell Ford. Calling him an "idiot" merely illustrates your own ignorance. I'm seeing article about white teenagers killed by police, yet no riots, no Al Sharpton moronic rhetoric. Are the police perfect? Hell no, However Mr. Ford's comments about a scenario with NO police is frightening indeed. The actions in Ferguson currently are disgraceful and are not helping one little bit.

    4. Hello rainingbubles,
      I have been watching what is happening in Ferguson and I have to admit, I am concerned. But I would really like your take on this situation. Why are the people rioting using Michael Brown as an example of police bias? It seems to me that Mr. Brown contributed to his own situation. How can you sell me on the idea that Mr. Brown is worth fighting over? The grand jury reviewed the evidence, and it seems that after robbing a store, Mr. Brown tried to intimidate a police officer. Please explain to me why you think we as a nation should protest his death. I want to understand your point but I am concerned you are using the wrong example. Please help me to understand.
      Thanks for your time.

  2. great article. thanks for sharing!

    1. trash article. only valid point was made on accident: people need to carry guns to prevent robberies and other crime as it happens. although i'm guessing like the writer, many people are afraid of dangerous criminals. so i dunno how effective a group of scared people with guns will be. heres an idea, give me a gun and a license to kill and i'll clean up the streets. u let the cops do it

    2. You are truly an idiot and apparently not very well educated either.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Thank you Tonya! It is because of persons like Kyle that America is suffering. What a true Moron!

    5. Kyle, please go to school and get an education. Please asap!

    6. Kyle you are correct. If these business owners had guns they could defend what is theirs. Like a famous movie once said- These groids cannot be bargained with, cannot be reasoned with, they will not show pity or remorse or fear and they absolutely will not stop ever, until whitey is dead.

    7. Until "whitey" is dead. Does this mean you believe that any law abiding white person should also die?

    8. Since you're deleting all of the different comments that disagree with this ridiculous article.... I am very excited to be deleted! :)


      I am copying and pasting this from a future lawyer---- yes, I am proud that my lawyer friends have read the law and studied justice.
      "According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, U.S. attorneys prosecuted 162,000 federal cases in 2010, and Grand juries declined to return an indictment in 11 of them. ELEVEN. However, cases involving the indictment of police officers are an exception to the norm. It's notoriously difficult to indict a police officer. The bias inherent to jurors, prosecutors, and the authoritative reputation of police can all effect the outcome - and statistically - the outcome tends to favor the cop. "

  3. Myopic, but an opinion one should be entitled to express.

    1. It's not myopic or an opinion for that matter. It's his perspective. Narrow, maybe but it is his experience. You aren't allowed to call it myopic.

  4. Very well versed. Thank you for your wisdom.

  5. From a white police officer, and I mean this honestly, from me to you - Thanks for this.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I quit reading after he said his "beautiful Irish/Jewish wife".....so outta touch with the black race I can't even take you serious, dude....smh

    1. So what you're saying is that you are a racist. You are so hung up on "being black" that you can't deal with someone marrying whoever makes them happy regardless of what they look like. Here's a hint, you don't have to be a ghetto thug asshole punk to be black. The sooner YOU and all of those who think like you understand that, the sooner the race issue will be solved.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Now there is pure racism. Thank you for that. You have shown the rest of the world what it truly means to be a racist. Jesus didn't die for you so you could hate. I hope you find peace and a place in your heart for love.

    4. Wait are you saying that as a white Jewish woman I cannot marry a black man, and that he cannot be a proud black man who is equally as proud of his wife. Are you saying that black men should only marry black women. If that's what your saying try saying it this way...white people should only marry white people. The KKK says that, AND it's considered racist. Why is it ok for you too say it, and why is it not racist

    5. Wow your comment seems pretty racist to me. It's got to stop, not everyone in this world is bad, their are awful people, but generalizing everyone together solves nothing. Stop the hate!

    6. Blacks are just as racist as anyone else in this country. Quit bitching and make a change. This isn't the 60's anymore.

    7. In addition, your statement is a great representation your "struggling black race." Black males have no issue screwing white women as a "trophy/prize" (as I have been told myself by black men). In essence, does it matter. This statement is just living proof that you rock the stereotype and are ignorant as anyone else. Now go hold your gold cross on a chain and spew more contradicting ignorance.

    8. This comment has been removed by the author.

    9. Wow, if anyone is racist here it's you. He can't have a beautiful Irish/Jewish wife? WOW.

    10. Did you not read the part where the author stated he is black?

    11. He didn't specifically say what color her skin is.

    12. um, yes he did....at the end of the article "I am a young black man" - the profile pic to the right is a bit of a give-away too.

  7. Very well said. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

  8. Great perspective- thank you for posting.

  9. Ferguson isn't about Michael Brown. Ferguson is about a much greater and invasive problem - how people of color are treated by the police and the criminal (in)justice system, today and historically.

    There is a reason that polls show that a majority of African, Hispanic and even Asian Americans thought there should have been an indictment in this case and a majority of white Americans did not. The distrust of police that many people of color have of the police and the criminal justice systems originates from the individual and collective experiences of law-abiding people, not criminals - although people of color often receive much harsher sentences, fines, etc. than white people who commit crimes.

    I am a Harvard-educated lawyer, General Counsel of a company, a homeowner, a taxpayer, and I don't trust the police or the criminal justice system. Looking at my FB wall, the majority of my friends, who are similarly educated and professional people, don't either. If we feel that way, based on personal experiences, then how do you think people of color who are less-educated, less-affluent and who live in poor neighborhoods feel - not criminals, but the working poor.

    N.W.A. wrote "Fuck Tha Police" almost 20 years ago. I encourage you to read the lyrics. For a lot of people of color, that sentiment holds true today, and is justified.

    Crime is a problem in the (poor) black community and that needs to be addressed. However, I also urge you not to lose focus on the legitimate grievances that people of color (across this country) have with the police and the criminal justice system.

    1. I like how you refer to yourself as a "Harvard educated lawyer", then reference the song "Fuck Tha Police ". Kind of makes your point invalid.

    2. What is so funny to me is how they also assume that Michael Brown is guilty of robbing a store without a proper trial or investigation. Turn around and this cop gets all his defenders coming out of the wood work defending this poor excuse for a cop.

    3. Video evidence doesn't lie! But his families lawyer doesn't want to talk about the circumstances leading up to the shooting.

    4. Haha.. The black people that said he had his hands up, took their story back and told the truth. He attacked the officer. Pure and simple hunny

    5. James,

      I am a graduate of Harvard Law School (class of 1999) and also Phillips Academy (Andover) and Wellesley College. If my education taught me anything, it was that knowledge doesn't always come in a pretty package.

      There are words in that song that I don't use (same with "The Vagina Monologues), but I don't dismiss a text, a show, a song, or a person, just because vulgarity is used or violent thoughts are expressed.

      And, honestly, based on my own experiences with the police, there are times when I too have thought, "fuck the police".

      As I wrote in my earlier comment, I'm not focused on Michael Brown. The Michael Brown incident was just gasoline on a much larger issue. Darnell Ford may want to focus on the small, but I was urging him not to lose sight of the bigger issue, and there is a much bigger issue - the treatment of people of color by the police and the criminal justice system.

      However, if you are so scandalized by my reference to that song, you have missed the point or want to miss the point.

    6. I sure am glad I wasn't Harvard-educated. I might have turned out as dumb as KristinH...

      I suppose all those savages out there burning buildings and then shooting at the firefighters are "not criminals, but the working poor" too, huh? (yeah, that is actually happening - listen to the scanner traffic)

      Mr. 80s: Michael Brown would have gotten due process for the robbery if he hadn't attacked and tried to kill a police officer in the interim. Brown thought he could bully Ofc Wilson like he bullied the store owner. He was dead wrong.

    7. You're right Kristen H., there is a bigger issue and it's not the Police. It's parenting. Just look at the reaction of his stepfather.

      I'm confused at how you say "I want to miss the point". There is no point here to be made. Oh wait, if you disrespect, fight and over power a police officer, he will shoot you to protect himself. I would expect that you would do the same thing, regardless of color.

    8. James, you and "unknown" keep focusing on Ferguson. I don't approve of people engaging in criminal activity. Funny, though, how black people rioting are "savages" and white folk who do the same thing (over Joe Paterno's firing, in opposition to desegregation, at concerts, after their sport's team loses (and sometimes wins)) are "rowdy", but I digress.

      As for Michael Brown's step-father, what he said was wrong, but I am not going to harshly judge what a man says who lost a child and feels that justice for that child has not occurred.

      I'm not a criminal and I am not the working poor either. Technically, I'm probably in the top 2% in income for a person in my age group. My mother is an attorney and owns her own business. My father (now deceased) owned his own business.

      Many of my friends are similarly educated and equally affluent. My point is (yes, I'll try one last time), if people like us have negative interactions with the police - and it's a common theme- then what do you think the experiences are of people of color who live in working class and poor neighborhoods?

      I wish you goodnight.

    9. Miss Kristen, first and foremost I want to thank you for you insight, successes and stability as a black women in our society. Secondly I would like to thank you for your genuine support for the black community. Your statistics are reality as opposed to a plasma test. Stay resilient and true to truth. Mr James, have you ever heard a judge, priest, nun, doctor, nurse, attorney, teacher ever quote a lyric containing a word of profanity? Surely not! My point? Simply that you don't have one sir. I wish you goodnight as well.

    10. Hannah Moore, really!? Lol. You're attorney just cited one in her post. And quite honestly, you're just the one that brought race into this.

      KristinH. And I were having a decent debate. We're allowed to do that.

      Statistics? What statistics were mentioned here?

      And my opinion, it does matter. Just as much as yours.

      Just because you threw around some big words, does not make you that smart.

      And with that, I say goodnight.

    11. And I correct myself. KristinH brought race in as well.

      Just to enlighten you ladies, I do not see black, brown or white. I see green. The Army taught me that. I have friends of all races that I rely on daily to protect me, knowing I will do the same for them. Maybe it's weird for you ladies to here I would actually die for any of my Soldiers, regardless of race.

      Are blacks targeted by police where the population is predominantly white? No! But those that break the law do.

      This will never change, unless they change the way they live. Unlike KristinH, I didn't grow up with money, but I was taught respect and hard work. That's why I say parenting is the problem.

      Do I think burning and looting small business is the solution to these problems, he'll no! Now you're taking away someone else's hard work. This was a town already plagued by unemployment. How stupid is it to burn down what few jobs were there, then complain about how hard it is to change your way of life because there are no job?

    12. I'd like to see some statistics on the demographics of community described racial injustice. I've not committed a crime, but if an officer told me to freeze, you better believe I'm going to freeze. As a fat Alaskan Native/French Canadian/Finn/German/Hungarian and who knows what else, could I be profiled? If the majority of people committing crimes had the same characteristics as me, yes, I might be profiled. The police across the nation know the statistics of crime in their areas. They know the good neighborhoods and the bad, where most drug deals are made, which neighborhood stores are hit the most, etc. I'd like to know the statistics from Internal Affairs across the country the percentage of bad cops. How many were cited, fired, etc. Profiling of police is also a problem. One thing for sure, conclusions are reached without having all of the factual evidence. We can try and convict anyone before a trial has ever started.

    13. Every race deals with police brutality! Throw away the race card already. There are just some cops out there that flex their muscles and then there are good honest cops, people are still people. Some are good and some are bad, but you can't bunch everyone together because everyone's not the same.

    14. NWA released "Fuck Da Police" in 1988, ya nerd. Don't they teach math at Harvard? ;)

    15. We had an incident in our white educated family this year with the police lying and wrecking havoc - causing great financial stress as well as fear. Until you experience that you really cannot even speak to this issue well. You can only try to empathize. Translate that to decades of systematic unfair and unjust treatment toward African Americans. Ferguson is not about Ferguson. It is about a broken system and we should all be fed up with that.

    16. Ms. KristinH, Polling the audience may have worked on the game shows but should never be the barometer for justice. This case has been so convoluted by the media and “social” sites. There have been so many opinions espoused as gospel it would make a fact checker’s head spin. Everything’s put out as fact, when nothing could be further from the truth (both sides). That’s where the grand jury comes in. With your extensive background in law, I’m curious to see what your take is on the evidence put forth by the State AG and DOJ councils? Did they tank the case? My opinion is that this is not a good case to make your argument of bias. Others are out there, I'm sure. Also, If you have no faith in your justice system it must be very painful to make those payments to Cambridge, I guess it just makes for a good qualifier for facebook posts and advice. We could make some common sense changes to our system, I agree. However, even in its current state it’s hands down the best in the world which I think was the overall point the author was trying to make. How would the Crimson academics debate this one? Veritas! MJP

    17. Harvard is a liberal bastion. I've lived in or near Boston for a long time. Trust me when I say not all people who go to Ivy league schools are as supremely intelligent as they claim, rather many of them are brainwashed by wealthy educrats who have seemingly taken over our institutions of higher learning.

      In this particular case, KristinH, you're ignoring the evidence just like everyone who is out rioting and causing civil unrest as a means to right the perceived "social injustices" caused by our men and women in uniform on a regular basis. Yet, for every case like this one, there are thousands more examples of white police saving and protecting minorities from violent crime. For every case like this one, there are thousands more homicides caused by gangs and criminals which the police you are denigrating have to clean up on a daily basis. Do you care that the white police officer who had to do what was necessary to save his own life now has to go into hiding to protect himself and his family from the wrongful "frontier justice" waiting for him in the streets? Instead you choose to use his case as an example of what is wrong with the police in this country. What about what's wrong with the populace that is out there looting and causing violence? Even the man who was robbed by Michael Brown prior to the shooting had his store destroyed by angry rioters who want justice for a man who, for all intents and purposes, got what he deserved. It's not justified on any level.

    18. Foolish, foolish people in here. Good on you Kristin for bringing up the bigger picture. This article is trash because he's missed the issues entirely.

  10. Darnell- I commend you for taking the first step toward bridging the gap. A beautiful and eloquent essay, honestly written and clearly because you care about our country. A country that is a wonderful mix of many people with many differing viewpoints and life experiences. We all need to be willing to be honest about our feelings before we can ever begin to heal our country.

  11. Lawyer man, you should read the lyrics to 8 Ball by N.W.A. and enlighten us uneducated folk on the true meaning of the song...

  12. Absolutely beautiful! God bless you all the way!

  13. There is a social contract in America. We, as citizens, give our police the authority to use force to administer our laws. As well, we give them the benefit of the doubt when questioned about how much force was needed. In return, they pledge to protect us from injustice and harm while demonstrating restraint and responsibility. I have served on a jury charged with judging the criminality of a police officer in a very similar situation in Cleveland, Ohio. Although it did not receive much attention by the media, the energy of the event and the emotions honestly displayed by the witnesses and both the victim's and the officer's families and friends told me our jury's finding was going to be as difficult a decision as I/we would ever make. After almost a week of testimony, and gut wrenching deliberation by our cross-racial, cross-economic, cross-educational, cross-age, cross-gender jury we unanimously found for the defendant, a policeman who was trying his best to do a very difficult job under very difficult circumstances...and then many of us wept. I believe because of my role on that jury I can better understand that while we have not completed the journey toward full equality in America the vast majority of us know what to do and we are moving forward with our vision.

    1. Bud,

      I appreciate your comment. I also appreciate your acknowledgement that full-equality is a path that we are still traveling on, but have not yet reached the end of.

      My hope, that I tried to convey above, is that Ferguson doesn't make us lose sight that we are still on that path.

    2. Sorry, but I never signed any social contract. Especially not one giving people permission to initiate violence on peaceful people on my behalf, all in the hopes that they somehow lack the negative sides of human nature. To do so would be pretty damned immoral.

    3. yeah, but your parents did when you were born so you could have a legal identity, with their authority as your legal guardians

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. All of u are.caca shit. Talkers .. well written. Fuck the police I bet you if it was a black or Hispanic killing a police he would be in jail since day one and with no questions asked and no protest going on. Fuck you white racist mother fuckers. Hijo de putas. Muerencen blanco sucio de mierdas

    1. Wow!!! It is very hard to take someone serious when they cannot make an educated comment without using obscene language. Also, you do know that calling someone racist while pointing out their race is the exact definition of what you yourself are doing right?

    2. Diana is one of the hopeless one's. I can't decide whether her comment is scary or comical.

  16. You carry a gun to the ATM? You're part of the problem with our gun obsessed culture which has some of the worst gun violence in the world. You say our country takes care of people, but we have holes in our social safety net you could fit entire states through, from healthcare to homelessness to low wages to medical leave. We're one of the worst among developed countries when it comes to those basics, and sometimes worse than many poor countries. As far as racism in the justice system, look at the disparities in sentences based on race, including for capital crimes, and in traffic stops, "stop and frisk" programs, and police shooting unarmed black men because their keys/wallet/candy bar looked like a gun. Look at human rights reports from reliable sources like the UN about our racist police brutality problems. This isn't just an issue of perception. There's no shortage of reliable data on all of this. Sure we have some things to be happy about or proud of, but that doesn't mean the problems don't exist. Just like good cops don't mean bad cops aren't out there along with bad policies. And actually there are innocent people in prison. http://www.innocenceproject.org/

    1. Totally agree with your comment about guns. People can say "i have a right to bear" blah blah blah but that rule doesn't fit within the context of our modern day society. People can't be trusted even if they are a good citizen. It's bad mentality and only promotes violence directly or indirectly.

    2. Criminals will always be able to obtain guns to enable them to kill innocent people. I for one am glad that my home and my children are protected in the event that said criminals decide to choose my family to carry out their evil deed. My husband carries, because it's his right to protect his family, It's us or them. And I would bet that if God forbid you were ever in a situation where you were faced with a gun carrying CRIMINAL, you would wish you had a way to protect yourself. .... your family. ... and maybe even a crowd of innocent movie goers, shoppers, or school children.

    3. I don't know where you got your statistics, but you are incorrect. The cities and states that have the most gun control actually have the highest crime rates. That means those allowed to carry guns are having the least amount of crime too. As a criminal are you more likely to victimize someone who has a gun and could kill you, or someone with no means to protect them? Are you gonna try to steal, rob, rap, or attack someone with a gun? Here are the statistics to those of you that want the facts and to educate yourselves. http://www.neighborhoodscout.com/neighborhoods/crime-rates/25-most-dangerous-neighborhoods/http://www.armedwithreason.com/the-gun-free-zone-myth-no-relationship-between-gun-free-zones-and-mass-shootings/http://crimepreventionresearchcenter.org/2013/12/murder-and-homicide-rates-before-and-after-gun-bans/
      Many of you won't read these cause you don't care or because they won't support your theory, but these are the facts. You can't argue with the statistics.

  17. Young man, you are a good writer per se; however, you unfortunately are not in touch with the realities of black men. I'm wondering if you would travel to Ferguson perhaps on the same street that this poor young man was brutally murdered on and feel safe? You have obviously led a very sheltered life and seem disconnected from the black race. It's obvious when you detail your beautiful Irish Jewish wife as if you have a special prize that no one else has in a wife? Is it the color of her skin that makes you feel impelled to glorify her race or is it a lack of interaction with your own? You cannot do that in the real world. I can tell that you are young and have a lot more to learn. Do take the initiative to do so. I challenge you to go to severely poor, black neighborhoods and try to at least have a conversation with a black man (young or old) I feel you would be enlightened and educated in a way you have never experienced before. In addition, there are black celebrities in Hollywood that speak on the same subject of police on black brutality and racial profiling. I promise you that they didn't steal skittles nor an item worthy of a human life being snuffed out of existence to never live again. You should never minimize the struggles of blacks in America with police officers as you may one day find yourself cringed against asphalt with bullets penetrating your skin possibly wondering if you will live or die. I certainly hope as a black mother that you never experience such son. You should study Black History, revisit your thoughts, meditate and repost something with validity. I hope that your aspirations become successful realities in this cruel world.

    1. "you unfortunately are not in touch with the realities of black men" ??? I'm looking at his picture and he looks like a pretty average black guy to me. He seems to be one of those people who thinks for himself. He is humanizing himself, while folks like you insist on stripping any identity from black men. It is that attitude that puts black men like him in society's "other" category. If you want to help back men, stop trying to pigeonhole them and allow them to be individuals. The will not be free until you allow them to be more than simply their race.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. So essentially your argument is, "I'm doing fine, so there must not be a larger issue."

    That is a bit ignorant, don't you think?

    1. If you put your head in the sand deep enough - it gets all cool and quiet.

    2. Dan.....all I could do was giggle at your response! Some just dont get the moral of the story!

  19. I'm all for celebrating the wonderful people we have in this country and the great things that they do. Just recently in my hometown a local police officer started a crowdfunding campaign to get a hearing aid for a struggling member of our community and not only did they give him a hearing aid, but also a moped, dental work, numerous job leads, and over $12k to get back on his feet. I'd love to see more stories like this, but critiquing the problems that exist does not mean ignoring the good that we have.

    We should also celebrate those who bring attention to and fight against the systematic injustices present in our law enforcement, our courts, and our political system. That doesn't include looters and rioters, but it does include the protesters. The protesters are not saying that we shouldn't have police, or courts, or government; they are demanding that we address injustice. We didn't make the progress that we have by turning a blind eye to injustice. Mr. Ford is doing that when he sets up his straw men to dismiss any criticism of the current state of affairs.

    "Do you really think prisons are full of innocent people...?" 'Full' as in the majority of inmates were convicted of crimes that they did not commit? Certainly not, that is a straw man. However, I do recognize that "for every ten people executed in this country, one innocent person has been exonerated." Undeniably we are incarcerating and executing innocent people, and disproportionately people of color. I find that deeply troubling. I wonder why it doesn't trouble Mr. Ford.

    "Do you really think ... law-abiding citizens are joining the police force just to kill black men?" Of course not. That's an even bigger straw man than the last. However, I do recognize that "young black males in recent years were at a far greater risk of being shot dead by police than their white counterparts – 21 times greater." Perhaps Mr. Ford doesn't worry for his children because their skin is lighter than his and they live in the suburbs, but parents of black children in the cities do have to worry about racial discrimination and police brutality. I'd like very much to see an end to that.

  20. A person who thinks Michael Brown was the start of this just hasn't been paying attention. Hasn't been counting the bodies..... And apparently missed the fact that a 12 year old boy was killed in his own city on Sunday, for carrying a bb gun.

    1. I support this author for carrying a weapon, but I think if he was ever interacting with police and they saw his weapon, his entire opinion would quickly change.... Or at least the opinions of his surviving family members

    2. I believe the 12 year old you are referring to was carrying a bb gun that looked identical to a real gun and was pointing it at people in the park. What would you want the police to do if you were the person looking at the end of a handgun, not knowing it was a bb gun. What if he was pointing it at your child even after the police told him to drop it and put his hands up, and he didn't. You have this very idealistic outlook that these people are completely innocent, angelic kids who have done nothing wrong and are just targeted by the police. Just walking down the street and the police killed them dead.

    3. lesleybrey, thank you. Everyday there are reports of these "innocent" children taking guns to school. But no one acknowledges that. Don't get me wrong, I am all for LEGAL and RESPONSIBLE gun ownership.But kids aren't taught the consequences of what will happen if you have a gun, real or not. Nor are they taught to obey the orders of a police officer, nor show them any respect.

    4. It is all about respecting authority and tragedies do happen yes but I also do not hear you ranting about the 20 year old caucasian male who got killed by an african american police officer either, once again by accident. Have respect for others, their property and their lives and you should have no issues. Rob a store and assult an officer of the law and you will have issues, plain and simple that is all that happened here.

  21. You should totally post this to theonion. Seriously, matches it better there...!

  22. Well written, thank you for sharing from a white stay at home mother of almost four who is married to a honest hard working tattooed Mexican man that also does not fear the police. We teach our children to have respect and know that police and all service men and women are here to protect us!

  23. Thank you for sharing this!! My brother is an officer of the law, he did not chose this career to "kill black men" or anyone for that matter. He chose this career because is a proud man who serves and protects.
    The words you spoke are very well written and very much appreciated!

  24. Well said. We live in a very dangerous world and generalizations are very damaging. Take the case for what is people. Actually look at the facts before bringing race into it.

  25. As a small business owner, thank you! Good luck on your start-up! And, if you know any programmers who can help with a shopping cart issue on Magento commerce framework.. let me know. Banging my head against the desk, yes #firstworldproblems and I am recognize this! Great article! laura

  26. this is the most idiotic pandering trash i've ever read.

    1. "i'm a black dude who has never experienced racism, therefore it doesn't exist." get stuffed.

  27. Very Nice Article. I wish ALL people see the world s you do !!

  28. This writer is a fucking idiot. Go curl up with your "African", "Jewish/Irish" and "middle class" labels and take comfort in your guns. The rest of us label-free "Americans" will be trying to change things. (Pro tip - you're no more "African" than I am, moron.)

    You're part of the fucking problem, idiot.

    1. Actually....I believe you're part of the problem. By referring to yourself as a label-free "american" you are, in fact, labeling yourself. You have completely made your comments irrelevant by your use of language, disregard for the actual conversation, and disrespect towards anothers opinion. You may not agree with him...you may hate his point of view...but attacking and belittling him make you invalid. Oh, and I can see from your pic that you happen to be a middle class white guy. And judging your use of the language and personal attacks you are most likely a liberal who believes that everyone's opinion counts(as long as it's the same opinion you hold).

      Please check yourself. The attitude displayed by you here adds nothing to the conversation.

    2. Dude, chill. Here, have another bong hit........

    3. If you are educated as I hope you are, you have completely made your opinion moot because of the vulgar way in which you chose to state your point. Honestly I must ask do you know what you are changing or are you informed on the situations that have actually taken place throughout this process. I agree with James you need to check your personal attacks and try a valid point that can spur a decent conversation.

  29. If the cop wanted to kill him why didn"t he just run him over,since he was walking down the middle of the street.oops !

  30. > Do you really think police are the bad guys? Do you really think prisons are full of innocent people and that law-abiding citizens are joining the police force just to kill black men? Do you really think anyone that is NOT a sociopath really WANTS to KILL anyone?

    You're painting in too broad strokes. Nobody thinks police are the bad guys. But a lot of people think *a few* police are the bad guys.

    If you don't think there are any sociopaths on the police force, I can provide a bunch of links to news articles. It is *these* cops that protestors are angry at. Not the people who, as you say, put their lives on the line to protect us.

  31. Very good article. Note the amount of anger in many of the comments.
    This is what freedoms is about, to marry anyone you want to and to be creative in out of the box ways. Do they envy you? Maybe they think you betrayed the black race! Suffering people bonded in pain and anyone who leaves the ghetto to better their lives, is put down.
    Spoiled children. And we white people often show a poor example to these poor people.
    These poor people might try to live with a soul full of spirit and love and goodness, maybe this will attract to them a better life.
    Remember.....a bulldozer is good for tearing down but a bulldozer is not a hammer! You need hammer and nIls to build a better life. So much easy to destroy rather then to give birth and to nurture a life.
    Freestone wilson

  32. Thank you for taking the time to write this. You are obviously a well-educated American who, when it truly counts, stands up for what is right. America is a great country. I wish all this racism and negativity would end. MOST people just want to go about their daily lives, love their family and friends, and not have to worry about being in danger. The cops are there to protect us. Such generalized hatred is destructive in many ways, even to one's own self.

  33. I think the thing that irritates me most about this case is the attitude that racism only goes one way. That white people are racist against black people. When in fact if you read many of these comments, the racism is going in the other direction.

    It makes one wonder, would there be protests and riots about any of this, had the police officer in question been any race other than white?

    1. this is the racial equivalent to #notallmen

    2. "Justice for Dillon Taylor!"


    3. Kathryn, I have been asking that same thing, about what the reaction would be if the office had been black. Bottom line is the officer was trying to do his job. A job that requires quick thinking and reaction. That boy made the decision to challenge authority both verbally and physically. Regardless of how "insignificant" the injuries were, It's still considered assault on an officer! I find it hard to believe that any black police officer would have handled it differently.

  34. Bravo! Beautifully written. We all have been watching this story as we stay silent. Why? Because to speak out...If you are white, you are racist. If you are black, you are a traitor to the African Americans. You blogged the simple truth. I would much rather live in your world than all the HATERS world. Police make this world a safer place to live.

  35. Through all of this I keep wondering to myself how millions of people of all races somehow avoid getting into situations where a police officer is pointing a gun at them. Every day, and year after year millions of people from every point on the planet somehow avoid getting into this situation. The situation for Michael Brown was never a race situation, it was a situation where a young man made a string of poor decisions on that day. If he leaves the convenience store and pays for the cigars, then the police call is never made and officer Wilson does not even pursue the area. Even from there, if he makes the right decision after a request from the officer, then he goes home to his family and his life carries on. These simple facts remove the element of race, and this whole discussion changes from what cops should or shouldn't do when pursuing a criminal who is black, and makes it a discussion of how citizens should act in this world to avoid putting themselves and others in danger. I don't know enough about the totality of the interaction between police and the black community, but to me Michael Browns day of reckoning was sadly determined by several of his own actions.

    1. Very well said!

      And I'd like to connect what you said to a number of the comments that people have made regarding the struggles of black people in Ferguson. Those who blame strained relations with the police on the poverty of black people.

      The poor choice that Michael Brown made the day he was killed had absolutely nothing to do with struggle or plight. He did not steal food because he was starving, he stole cigars.

  36. A black person is killed every 28 hours in this country; two black people are week are killed by police officers. The water in Detroit is turned off for many people, all poor, mostly black. 16 million children go hungry in the United States every day. The author is lucky that the problems facing most of the people who share the same skin tone as him are not facing him.

    Side note: It was less that 50 years ago in this country that interracial marriage was made legal in all fifty states.

    This man makes me think of all of the young women who say, "I'm not a feminist, but..." He has reaped the benefits of so many who have come before him. He should be standing in solidarity with those who have not.

    1. If 2 black people are killed per week by the police, that equates to 0.00027% of the black population. Or if you prefer 2.7 per million.

      That's probably why the author of this article feels safe.

  37. You do sound grateful for your life as described in your essay. However, for millions of Americans - black and white - they have a very different reality. I believe that this is what fuels their anger and justified resentment. Those of us who are lucky to not be in their shoes, have a responsibility to understand and help.

  38. Consider yourself blessed that you have never been humiliated, detained or unfairly targeted by police officers. This is not about all white police officers. This is about Darren Wilson and the corrupt structure in St. Louis County and Ferguson that allowed him to get away with murder.

  39. This was a very well-written article with valid points. Judging the man who wrote this knowing nothing of his background and where he came from is the initial ignorance. I do agree that there are *unjust* police on the force but many are assuming that the whole police force is like that, whether it is personal experience or what they have heard. The problem we are dealing with now is that everyone is charged on emotion and feelings versus arming themselves with facts of the story. Familiarize yourself with the video evidence, the autopsy facts and even the fact that he was given a jury of interracial peers for justification. Learn what is behind the "acts of injustice" and knowledge that it is a police officers right to use deadly force if he feels it is necessary, and attacking would be a necessary justification. The police force is here to protect and serve allowing everyone to go about their lives as safely as possible and those who choose to ignore authority will go under scrutiny.
    Here is a video that says it best: https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=10152498262148715
    Leaving you with anither piece of mind, if this was such a tragedy I encourage you to check out the shooting in Utah that happened just two days after this shooting. An African American cop shot a caucasian teen accidentally, there was no riot, no real media coverage, and no full for social media vocalization.

  40. Thank you for getting this right. We have got to stop blaming everything bad that happens on race. People have the right to protect themselves against possible threats, I would say even more so as policeman who are held responsible for protecting our safety. If certain policeman have a history of abuse of power, by all means remove them from the streets. Like you, I believe in carrying a gun to protect me and my family. If someone's actions appear to threaten me, they are very likely to receive a few self defense rounds, regardless of whether they are white, black, asian, etc. I pray that I never face that situation, but the police face similar situations all the time.

  41. Thank you, thank you for being a voice of reason and common sense...so uncommon in these times! I've shared your voice on Facebook. God Bless You!

  42. I'm a Caucasian male that has been subject to discrimination many times. I will also offer I will protect myself and my family by use of deadly force if necessary.
    What happened in Ferguson is an outrage plain and simple. All humans are given a right to choose their own actions..racism is a choice born out of ignorance and continues to control so many people.

  43. Your comments are very insightful...I would add to all the other hateful comments made here that hate really never solves anything.

  44. Open your eyes my brother don't live blindly. See, hear, feel. You are so out of touch.

  45. If only you had diversified your new sources before writing this. Maybe also pick up a history book. Maybe also attend some town meetings to see how terrible our legislative system is. Maybe stop working so hard and think about the issues facing our country and existence.

    Just because you perceive your own life as being devoid of protest and conflict does not mean that the actions of others are pointless and unnecessary. You obviously have fallen victim to the fabricated and corrupt ideology of individualism and self-worship that our media tries so hard to perpetuate. I can't blame you though because once you realize that your efforts to lift yourself above others is inherently destructive to you and those around you, it will hit you hard and your life will change.

    You neglect to understand that there were other cultures before the one we have now. These other cultures took thousands of years to establish and nourish. Whereas our "western industrial-consumerist" "culture" is only a mere 150 years old, if that. And you seem to think that these are the best of days?? How naive. The Native Americans being a prime example of a culture that had learned the ways of its land and the boundaries they could not cross in order to thrive for centuries. Then of course we came with weapons and disease and decimated their way of life. But thankfully, there are still some of them around to help teach us that we don't have to live like we are.

    What I'm saying is that, there are things out there to fight for. To speak up for. In any way that gets you heard. You are fighting for your family by starting your business and doing what you can to make that a reality for you. I only hope that you exercise good ethics and respect for your place on this planet. The power structure we have live in will make it much harder for you than it needs to be. And one day, you will face resistance. Ask yourself then, is there a better way? Maybe then, you will realize that there are a lot of things wrong with our system.

    Will you stand up and fight, or will you continue to criticize others already in the fight?

  46. You and my husband should be best friends! Only, I'm irish Catholic...

  47. I might sound prejudice here since I am a retired police officer, but how can a person black or white look at all the evidence and not come to the conclusion that this officer was justified in shooting Mr. Brown. I guarantee that this officer would have shot Mr. Brown regardless of his skin color given the same circumstances. I know there are bad police officers out there. There are bad people in any profession. The one thing I got tired of was black people telling me I stopped them just because they are black, no I stopped you because you did something wrong just as I would stop a white, red, yellow or any other person if they were doing the same thing. Do people realize that most police officers including myself would give their life for anyone of any color. I would go into a burning home, rescue you from a burning vehicle, or take a bullet for you and not give it a second thought regardless of your skin color. That is what I swore to do when I took that oath. People as a whole no longer respect police anymore and I feel it is only because of a very few that should not carry a badge. I guess we all need to live in a country where they behead you for no reason and then maybe America would not seem so bad.

  48. This comment has been removed by the author.

  49. Wow! From one Dr. Ford to another Dr. Ford, thank you for such a great message.

  50. If you don't break the law you will have a wonderful day (generally speaking) If you are an idiot/criminal/hill billy/crooked stock broker/tax evader/drug dealer etc...Your day will probably not be so good. It's common fucking sense.

  51. Well, I would like to agree with you except there are TWO different justices for blacks and minorities vs. white people. In case you haven't noticed white people riot. What were the rioting over? Pumpkins, surfing, a person who covered up child molestation was fired, etc. https://storify.com/betakateenin/white-people-riots. WHERE is the outrage? Why is there a double standard? Oh, I'm glad you don't fear the police... but what about the law abiding black men who were shot for no reason? Carry a BB gun in Walmart and get killed [John Crawford], or the young man who was reaching for his wallet and was shot 41 times [Amadou Diallo], or the young man who was shot for just walking down the stairs in a project [Akai Gurley].... I could go on, but by now I'm sure you get the picture. What we will never know is the other side of the story.... Michael Brown is dead. I thought we were all innocent until proven guilty... and that happens with a trial--Michael Brown will not get a trial with the exception of the one that's being held in the public court. I'm glad that you are so naive. I just hope that your naivete won't come back to haunt you some day. Best.

  52. Saying things like "The way people of color are treated by the police" is an ignorant statement. There are many, man police in this country and many, many people of color. "The police" is not one entity any more than "people of color" are. Only one cop shot Michael Brown. Would it make everybody feel any better if the cop who shot him was black? I hope not. Corrupt cops should not be on the force, but it isn't "the police" who are doing these things, it's individuals. I was mugged by two black guys once and i don't blame all black people, i blame those two.

    The article written here by this man, who by the way, does say that he is african american, is brilliant.

  53. I recognise and understand your point of view. However, you seem to be viewing what happened in Ferguson as a stand-alone incident. What took place between Office Darren Wilson And Michael Brown was a tragic symptom of a mach larger problem. You're right, the police are here to protect us and for the most part they do a very good job. Their job is extremely stressful and they work under a huge amount of pressure meaning that mistakes are unfortunately both inevitable and often catastrophic.

    In this particular case, the full evidence is unavailable and what is accessible online is contradictory. Therefore I wont try to say whether not Officer Wilson made the only choice he could, or not. I don't know and neither do you. That said, no matter what the teenage boy did or did not do, the US constitution guarantees the right of due process, Michael Brown died before he could receive that right. That in itself is a tragedy, and even more so because it is not the first time it has happened. Talking about whether or not he is "innocent" in the legal sense of the word is irrelevant and amounts to victim blaming. Consequently it is nonconstructive and serves as a way to ignore the real issue, which is that African Americans in the United States are disproportionately targeted by the police.

    To Give a concrete example, in 2013 the New York 'Stop and Frisk' policy was enacted 169,252 times. 56% of those stopped were black, compared to 29% Latino and 11% white (New York Civil Liberties Union). The majority of stops that yield contraband result in drug arrests (New York Civil Liberties Union). As a result, young, predominantly African American men, receive prison time for marijuana possession. This results in a criminal record and often condemns them to poverty, making crime more likely. So the argument you seem to suggest - that responsibility lies with those choosing to break the law - is flawed. In truth, white are just as likely to carry/use/deal drugs as blacks, but blacks are 4 times more likely than whites to be arrested for doing so (Pew research).

    So in conclusion, yes, the police are a force for good and they deserve a huge amount of respect and yes, we do have responsibility as a society to look at both sides of the issue. However, we also have a responsibility to ensure that all members of our society are treated fairly and equally. It is clear stereotypes about poverty and race still plague our law enforcement system. While it is unproductive to lay the blame for this at the feet of an individual, it is also unproductive to blame the targeted group for their own suffering. In the wake of too many of these tragedies, It is time we interrogated the root of these injustices rather than dismissing them as a result of bad parenting.

  54. 7/18- Jimmie Norman, white male murdered by black male. No national news.
    7/18- Terry Taylor, white male murdered by black male. No national news.
    7/17- Cindy Raygoza, white female murdered by black male. No national news.
    7/11- Luis Aguilar, 91 year old hispanic male murdered by black male. No national news.
    7/10- Brittany Simpson, white female murdered by black male. No national news.
    7/6- Sarah Goode, white female murdered by black male. No national news.
    7/6- Jeffrey Westerfield, white male murdered by black male. No national news.
    7/5- Perry Renn, white male murdered by black male. No national news.
    7/3- Laurey Kennedy, white female still in coma from beating by black male. No national news
    7/3 Eric Mollet, white male murdered by black male. No national news.
    7/2 Rupert Anderson, white male murdered by black male. No national news.
    7/2 Jennifer Kingeter, white female murdered by black male. No national news.
    6/30 Jim Brennan, white male, murdered by black male. No national news.
    6/29 Paul Shephard, white male, murdered by black male. No national news.
    6/27 Shirley Barone, white female, murdered by black male. No national news.
    6/27 Penelope Spencer, white female, murdered by black male. No national news.
    6/27 Inga Evans, white female, murdered by black male. No national news.
    6/26 Jake Rameau, white male, murdered by black male. No national news.
    6/25 Gina Burger, white female, murdered by black male. No national news.
    6/24 Nathan Dasher, white male, murdered by black male. No national news.
    6/22 Jonathan Price, white male, murdered by black male. No national news.
    6/20 John Whitmore, white male, murdered by black male. No national news.
    6/18 John Yingling,white male, murdered by black male. No national news.
    6/17 Allyn Reeves, white male, murdered by black male. No national news.
    6/15 Michael Beaver, white male, murdered by black male. No national news.
    6/11 Angela Cook, white female, murdered by black male. No national news.
    6/11 Nathan Hall, white male, murdered by black male. No national news.
    6/7 Harry Briggs, white male, murdered by black male. No national news.
    6/5 Laura Bachman, white female, murdered by black male. No national news.
    6/2 Robert Mohler, white male, murdered by black male. No national news.
    6/1 William Headley, white male, murdered by black male. No national news
    Just saying!!

  55. Race....There is no gray area. We are all different. We are all the same. If you don't want to be profiled or shot, by the police (or your peers), Don't be an asshole! Personally, I assume that if I act like an asshole I'll be treated like one. Pushing a store clerk around, stealing (on video) being aggressive, approaching a cop after being told to freeze there's an obvious chance I'll get shot. So, I don't do those things. And guess what? I don't have to worry about getting shot by the police.....Too bad I still have to worry about thug assholes though.

  56. I respect you expressing your beliefs, even though they not be popular. As an Asian American, I have experienced racism from whites and African Americans. I would never judge an entire race from a few boneheads. I too have been stopped in towns where they do not see many Asians and to be let go on my merry way without a ticket. Yes that sucks but I do not hold it against cops in general. But I always remember when you need cops and call 911, they are always there to help regardless of your race. I do not envy them having to deal with the public. I find if you show respect, you get respect in return.

  57. 7/18- Jimmie Norman, white male murdered by black male. No national news.
    7/18- Terry Taylor, white male murdered by black male. No national news.
    7/17- Cindy Raygoza, white female murdered by black male. No national news.
    7/11- Luis Aguilar, 91 year old hispanic male murdered by black male. No national news.
    7/10- Brittany Simpson, white female murdered by black male. No national news.
    7/6- Sarah Goode, white female murdered by black male. No national news.
    7/6- Jeffrey Westerfield, white male murdered by black male. No national news.
    7/5- Perry Renn, white male murdered by black male. No national news.
    7/3- Laurey Kennedy, white female still in coma from beating by black male. No national news
    7/3 Eric Mollet, white male murdered by black male. No national news.
    7/2 Rupert Anderson, white male murdered by black male. No national news.
    7/2 Jennifer Kingeter, white female murdered by black male. No national news.
    6/30 Jim Brennan, white male, murdered by black male. No national news.
    6/29 Paul Shephard, white male, murdered by black male. No national news.
    6/27 Shirley Barone, white female, murdered by black male. No national news.
    6/27 Penelope Spencer, white female, murdered by black male. No national news.
    6/27 Inga Evans, white female, murdered by black male. No national news.
    6/26 Jake Rameau, white male, murdered by black male. No national news.
    6/25 Gina Burger, white female, murdered by black male. No national news.
    6/24 Nathan Dasher, white male, murdered by black male. No national news.
    6/22 Jonathan Price, white male, murdered by black male. No national news.
    6/20 John Whitmore, white male, murdered by black male. No national news.
    6/18 John Yingling,white male, murdered by black male. No national news.
    6/17 Allyn Reeves, white male, murdered by black male. No national news.
    6/15 Michael Beaver, white male, murdered by black male. No national news.
    6/11 Angela Cook, white female, murdered by black male. No national news.
    6/11 Nathan Hall, white male, murdered by black male. No national news.
    6/7 Harry Briggs, white male, murdered by black male. No national news.
    6/5 Laura Bachman, white female, murdered by black male. No national news.
    6/2 Robert Mohler, white male, murdered by black male. No national news.
    6/1 William Headley, white male, murdered by black male. No national news
    Just saying!!

  58. God knows all things and at the end He will be the final verdict. Lord help this country

  59. After all the talk and self awareness of privilege, I kept expecting a punchline. It never came.

    Was the lack of punchline the punchline?

  60. Shorter: "I'm a black man and I have indoor heating so the rest of you need to just shut up about this rampant police violence towards black men."

  61. People missing the point, the guy was a though, black, sure but that's not the Point here, the Police officer was not trained for this situation and he should have been. He Should be able to apprehend a criminal even of that size with no use of external force, if he and the other Officers who did the same where trained correctly these kind of things would not be happening, Policies and Training are 100% wrong in the U.S., there is a reason why Police elsewhere shoots 90 rounds in a year/country. Police Officers need to be retrained and the whole System that is in place right now regarding Policies overthrown and reevaluated. Use of Deadly Force has to be restricted to the last resort before facing death yourself and after you exhausted numerous methods to prevent such. This Police Officer killed another Human without hesitation and without using any other means that would have had likely a different outcome, without even thinking about what he has done he goes on Camera and says that he would repeat the same thing any day, i call that ignorant. The reaction of the people there is wrong but since nothing is done and no one understands why this continues, violence is the only last resort they have, its wrong but all they got to bring attention to this matter.
