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Political Subreddits:
Political Discussion Subreddits:
Predictions : Ferguson Edition (self.ShitPoliticsSays)
u_r_naiveI love the Koch が 1 日 前 * 投稿
残りのコメントをみる →
[–]jiandersonzer0 [非表示スコア] 22 時間 前 (17子コメント)
Smug troll?
It's accurate if anything. /r/conservative is circlejerking itself into oblivion over something they knew would happen. With the exact same perspective as /r/whiterights.
[–]acratusow my feels [非表示スコア] 20 時間 前 (16子コメント)
It's so amazing and unique that you possess a confirmation bias. You are truly an insightful individual and a special, unique snowflake abounding in critical, independent thought.
[–]jiandersonzer0 [非表示スコア] 20 時間 前 (15子コメント)
Err, confirmation bias?
No one has refuted the point he made. Give an actual reason he is wrong, or continue to jerk.
Your comment is condescending and adds nothing to discussion beyond insulting me.
[–]acratusow my feels [非表示スコア] 19 時間 前 (14子コメント)
I don't have to refute anything. I'm not a racist and neither is anyone in this thread; this isn't one of your feminist kangaroo courts where you're guilty until proven innocent. Eat a dick.
[–]jiandersonzer0 [非表示スコア] 19 時間 前 (13子コメント)
feminist kangaroo courts
Ahh, a men's rights boy.
Nice personal attack bro! There certainly are racists in Rcon, that's the point made. I've documented it if you truly require evidence.
[–]TuhljinShill-for-Hire [非表示スコア] 12 時間 前 (12子コメント)
There certainly are racists in Rcon, that's the point made.
No, the "point" was that /r/conservative would be full of white supremacists. It isn't. And the underlying "point" was the lie that conservatives are racist. They're not. And it's literally impossible for you to have "documentation" that proves otherwise; I know this because I have eyes and a functioning brain.
[–]jiandersonzer0 [非表示スコア] 12 時間 前 (11子コメント)
No, the "point" was that /r/conservative would be full of white supremacists.
Right. Do you need more now?
And the underlying "point" was the lie that conservatives are racist. They're not.
I never said that. I don't contest that at all and I agree with you on that fact. /r/conservative is an outlier, and is representative of conservatives in any manner.
And it's literally impossible for you to have "documentation" that proves otherwise
I am contesting here, that /r/conservative is full of white supremacists. One of their more common posters, /u/wiseprogressivethink, used to be /u/robert32907, and he ran /r/zionistscum for a long time, as well as /r/conservative. One of their mods used to be /u/terrortot, who hated black people and Jews. He sympathized with Hitler for having to deal with Jews.
Now, if you require more evidence, or want to understand what /u/seanosul is saying, I can provide it. But I am not going to let you try to willfully misinterpret the things I say.
[–]TuhljinShill-for-Hire [非表示スコア] 12 時間 前 (10子コメント)
Oh look, three links about comments. That totally shows how, quote,
It will be near impossible to tell the difference between /r/conservative and /r/whiterights
Have you even looked around the subreddit you're in right now to see what we're linking to? You think you've got any room to speak such things? Using your absurd standard... well, rocks, glass houses, and etc.
I am contesting here, that /r/conservative is full of white supremacists.
And I provide proof that it isn't: /r/conservative
[–]jiandersonzer0 [非表示スコア] 12 時間 前* (9子コメント)
Wait, let me get the thing you were responding to so we can fix these goalposts.
There we go. Did I prove my point? Yes. /r/conservative has racists, and has been moderated by racists. Now on to the topic at hand.
It will be near impossible to tell the difference between /r/conservative[1] and /r/whiterights[2]
Well, let's see here. /r/liberal, /r/politics, /r/democrats, all have very odd front pages. Are they at all focused on ferguson? Some posts, yes, but not the absolute shitstorm that /r/conservative has, and certainly not the same headlines. Check this out. I don't get your point but if this serves to illustrate what I'm saying, good.
Have you even looked around the subreddit you're in right now to see what we're linking to? You think you've got any room to speak?
This subreddit is a conservative sided anti-jerk to /r/liberal and hardly has discussions. I've seen it, yes. All submissions from /r/conservative are defended heavily.
What does that prove? /u/Baldylox has on occasion agreed with a white supremacist. They allow /u/4to6 to post there.
They allow a white supremacist to post there. I don't get it. Showing you instances of white supremacy being upvoted and allowed makes it not full of racists? The first five posts as I look now are about immigrants and blacks, does that not tip you off to anything at all? /r/politics is nothing like that, should it be?
Within the top 10 posts of their front page, I can find a submission from /u/wiseprogressivethink. A known anti semite. I don't get the point you're making here. He was demodded specifically for this post.
Let me restate myself. /r/conservative is a mockery of what is truly 'conservative'. They are not representative of the beliefs, by any means. Am I making sense at all right now to you? I am not bashing conservatives at all and respect them greatly. But I do not think /r/conservative is a good example of what conservatives are, when it can be led by, and gamed by, racists, anti semites, GreatApes posters, /r/Blackcrime moderators, and white supremacists.
[–]TuhljinShill-for-Hire [非表示スコア] 11 時間 前 (8子コメント)
Did I prove my point? Yes. /r/conservative has racists
Sorry, bud, you don't get to move the goalposts. Again:
No, the "point" was that /r/conservative would be full of white supremacists. It isn't. And the underlying "point" was the lie that conservatives are racist. They're not.
And back to you:
Are they at all focused on ferguson? Some posts, yes, but not the absolute shitstorm that /r/conservative has, and certainly not the same headlines.
Not only is that inaccurate, but even if they both were 100% focused on what is undoubtedly the big news of the day, that not only doesn't prove what you imply it does but it isn't even evidence of that. Your reasoning is lacking, to say the least.
This subreddit is a conservative sided anti-jerk to /r/liberal and hardly has discussions.
I don't care what you think about the subscribers to this subreddit. The point is that by your (il)logic, what we link "proves" that liberals are far more evil in far more ways than what you think your links show.
has on occasion agreed with a white supremacist.
You seriously think that's a good argument? No doubt you agree with Marxists on many things, if you aren't one.
They allow a white supremacist to post there. I don't get it.
Now you're just getting desperate.
Within the top 10 posts of their front page, I can find a submission from /u/wiseprogressivethink. A known anti semite.
Known by whom? Never heard of him, there's no "verified anti-Semite" label on him, and no one's upvoting his submission from The Blaze, a respectable source (which, FYI, is pro-Israel), because of anti-Semitism. For crying out loud, what's actually well-known is that anti-Semites are more likely to be on the left!
He was demodded specifically for this post.
Some infographic with crime statistics? I find that unlikely, but even if so... so what?
The first five posts as I look now are about immigrants and blacks, does that not tip you off to anything at all?
Yes, it tips me off about how intellectually bankrupt you are.
Here are those posts (skipping the sticky post, which is "Ferguson, Missouri Police Scanner"):
A Veteran and his pregnant wife murdered by a black teen...nothing from MSM, Obama, Holder, Jackson Sharpton or any other race looting or riots. Hypocrisy at it's finest. Obamacare offers U.S. firms $3,000 incentive to hire illegals over native-born workers Black man calls for black people to change. Condemns Ferguson protest CNN Airs Clip of Michael Brown's Stepdad Shouting 'Burn This Bitch Down' MSNBC hits bottom, keeps digging. "Charging" is now a racist term
A Veteran and his pregnant wife murdered by a black teen...nothing from MSM, Obama, Holder, Jackson Sharpton or any other race looting or riots. Hypocrisy at it's finest.
Obamacare offers U.S. firms $3,000 incentive to hire illegals over native-born workers
Black man calls for black people to change. Condemns Ferguson protest
CNN Airs Clip of Michael Brown's Stepdad Shouting 'Burn This Bitch Down'
MSNBC hits bottom, keeps digging. "Charging" is now a racist term
Ooooh, how raaaaaacist!
You're a tool.
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残りのコメントをみる →
[–]jiandersonzer0 [非表示スコア] (17子コメント)
[–]acratusow my feels [非表示スコア] (16子コメント)
[–]jiandersonzer0 [非表示スコア] (15子コメント)
[–]acratusow my feels [非表示スコア] (14子コメント)
[–]jiandersonzer0 [非表示スコア] (13子コメント)
[–]TuhljinShill-for-Hire [非表示スコア] (12子コメント)
[–]jiandersonzer0 [非表示スコア] (11子コメント)
[–]TuhljinShill-for-Hire [非表示スコア] (10子コメント)
[–]jiandersonzer0 [非表示スコア] (9子コメント)
[–]TuhljinShill-for-Hire [非表示スコア] (8子コメント)