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[–]TheSocialistWalrus[S] -47 ポイント-46 ポイント  (35子コメント)

That's the only thing about the Scandinavian countries which has made me on the edge. It really does seem like racism is a serious problem over there and for someone like me, I just can't fathom even visiting a country which treat its non-white population like dirt.

[–]Jalmar 42 ポイント43 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Sounds to me like you had your mind set even before asking the question. You prolly just wanted to reinforce your own prejudice towards us Nordic people. Much like those backward Finns you are so afraid to encounter.

[–]tehzeroFIN 20 ポイント21 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Tell me where you are from so I can tell you about your country.

Oh you're American? I'm not gonna say anything but this your comment is kinda ironic.

I just can't fathom even visiting a country which treat its non-white population like dirt.

[–]Biiviz 12 ポイント13 ポイント  (4子コメント)

Black people in the US are different from black people in Finland. The black population in the US has had many generations of integration, yet you still have problems (over-represented in crime statistics). Our black population comes directly from Africa, a broken and conflicted continent. It will take a long time to improve attitudes and often rightly so.

There are two sides to the story of xenophobia.

[–]irvman 2 ポイント3 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Well I will change your blacks for Mexicans for a moment. A big reason I avoid the latino community in Helsinki is because they create another Mexico like in many heavy latino communities in America. While proud of the heritage the modern latino has bad habits like dishonesty which in Finland is a big no no. An example is having played a season with a Mexican team in Helsinki. Forgery of names to bring in players to move up. I just saw on spl.fi their latest futsal game and one of the names they are using is a buddy of mine who has not been in the country since summer. I could not imagine working for a Mexican restaurant. They would hire me under the table with crappy hours and lower wage most likely. But to a Finn would not do that to. Mexicans with power positions are indeed biased. These trouble foreigners themselves choose when to adopt the Finnish customs and when to be their own nationality, very biased. As a foreigner I will always opt first to work with a Finn first but that requires hard work in adapting. I know people living here for over 20 years that just don't want to speak the language.

[–]QpH 5 ポイント6 ポイント  (0子コメント)

[–]LiJunFan 2 ポイント3 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Well, I can only say I am anything but white, although I am not form any of the ethnicities that people mention here either (I'm mestizo: spanish+native american)

[–]jrohila 8 ポイント9 ポイント  (24子コメント)

I just can't fathom even visiting a country which treat its non-white population like dirt.

Define treating like dirt. And define a country that makes things better than us in this matter.

I would say that while some people have pure racism against people of other color, which happens in every country and with every kind of people: yes, non-whites can also be racists. Many times people who come to here as immigrants, perceive racism where there isn't.

In Finland for example to get a job or go a head in your life, things such as having fluent Finnish, and no if you have an accent then your Finnish isn't fluent, and be it vocational, collage or university degree from preferably from Finland or other western country is a must. Not to mention to look and act as the rest of the people. I for example wouldn't ever hire a person that displays religious symbols or cultural artifacts in his or her clothing, including Christians.

[–]ikeatables 2 ポイント3 ポイント  (0子コメント)

  1. Finland isnt scandinavian
  2. Sweden, a scandinavian country where i, as a finnish descendant l Iive, is possibly the absolute least racist country in the world. There is a political nazi party but these people exist in all countries. I've been to both countries A LOT and i can tell u ur conclusion is way off about 'scandinavian countries'. It depends where in sweden you live though as some parts are less modern, like i've gone through discrimination for being foreign but there are no countries where it doesnt exist