The comic, which features a zebra looting stores, and robbing bystanders is of course a reference to the recent situation in Ferguson Missouri, where SOME people have in-fact been looting stores and robbing bystanders.
Here is where the irony begins.
First, tumblr users decided to, once again, stereotype an entire group of people (in this instance bronies) due to the perceived actions of one member, or a small number of members of the group. This is in no-way similar to racial-profiling performed by police officers or members of the media.
Next, the tumblr users call for the murder of all members of the group, and attempt to incite violence. They even bring up human rights and claim that members of the group are not entitled to them.
All of this proposed violence, murder, and criminal behavior is, of course in protest of a comic that makes the implication that some of the protesters are violent and/or committing crimes (IN PROTEST of violence and murder).
As the notes piled up, the tumblr users roped another individual in to the tirade, Saberspark, for having made a comment earlier about Ferguson on Twitter.
They choose to express their disapproval with his opinion, by calling him a "greasy ass" brony, which sources inform us is body-shaming, another topic to which tumblr is vehemently opposed.
Some users attempted to be reasonable, and point out the irony and hypocrisy taking place, to little avail.
More interesting, is that the post that caused all of this, was actually not the full-comic, and only the very last panel. Therefore most of the story was actually unknown to those watching on the social media site and getting upset by it.
Catfood personally sought to alert readers to the now-compounding irony and hypocrisy of the situation.
This also happened. |
The threats of violence and calls for murder continue to roll in.
So, to recap for those of you playing at home:
Tumblr calls for killing and violence towards an entire group of people due to the actions of one person, based on limited information provided to them on social media...
In protest of comic which paints some protesters as violent, many of whom base their protest on the limited information provided to them on social media...
In protest of a killing under perceived prejudices resulting from stereotypes due to the actions of a small number of members of a larger group.
If your head isn't spinning by now tell us how.
The brain-trust at /mlp/ quickly turned many of the arguments right on their heads, pointing out that the only racism involved, is by those who are assigning a race to the zebras in the first place, as all official products literally keep their race a "gray area".
No seriously, Zecora is Gray on Gray.
So welcome to Day 3, where the message has been lost, and everyone is acting ridiculous.
There you go man. There you go.
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