unfollowing me wont help you lose your virginity
unfollowing me wont help you lose your virginity
This photo should be on everyone’s blog at least once.
I wish they would recreate this picture with how they are now
Throw blood on all politicians. Throw blood on all cops. Make them see the blood on their fuckin hands.
because that’s…logical?
A vampire masturbating in front of a mirror
Bet you didn’t see that coming
I didn’t get it of wikipedia, I got it of the St Louis news website.
And that second part aint true
god isn’t real though
Why are we calling them POC? Why is that now a thing?
I’m not racist just stating fact but ya know
God, if they based everything on eye witnesses…that would be bad.
Are you basing it off one pic or the three pics released by the law thingy?
he had bruises on both sides of his face
Or educated but what ever floats ya boat.
Um, aboriginals get arrested all the time. You don’t think that doesn’t make me mad?
This is also fact