Hi! I'm Bree! 20, bisexual, genderfluid, 'she, her' pronouns, please.

I'm a Literature major. I'm working on writing a book or two (or more). I write fanfiction.

I like to reblog Transformers, Marvel, Harry Potter, and also random things I just reblog because this is my blog and I feel like it.

If you ever need anyone to talk to about anything, feel free to send me an ask.

Previously firetruckingawesomeness, the-bookkeepers, spicystilesstilinski

guuuuyyyyysssss remember as white people we don’t have the right to tell black people how to react to what’s going on in ferguson, we aren’t affected by this, we don’t have the same experiences as them, and we don’t have the right to tell them to be calm, we are protected by our privilege and telling others to stay calm and not be angry about this when we’ve never had to fear this is not something we are allowed to do stop doing that

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