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[–]just2quixotic -26 ポイント-25 ポイント  (20子コメント)

The pay gap is a load of shit. I own a bagel shop, & if I could pay women 25 cents less per hour, I would hire nothing but women. However, my highest paid employees, (my batcher & my baker) are women & if I tried to pay them less, they would quit & go work eleswhere in a heartbeat.

[–]ChaseTx 14 ポイント15 ポイント  (1子コメント)

Did you even read the linked comment?

[–]TheVegetaMonologues 2 ポイント3 ポイント  (0子コメント)

For real. I'm not a feminist, and I spend more time than I should being critical of the way people construe data to argue feminist points, but the OP is rock solid.

[–]lifeprowler 9 ポイント10 ポイント  (2子コメント)

You clearly did not read any of the above. She specifically mentioned why your simple example doesn't necessarily apply.

[–]SexLiesAndExercise 13 ポイント14 ポイント  (11子コメント)

Fucking seriously?

Because laws have been passed requiring equal pay for equal work, you can't just pay women less for X units of identical work. Which was something you could do in my mother's time and was generally "justified" with the notion that men work to support families but women only work for "pin money" so women don't "need" money as much ergo shouldn't be paid as much. But basically if you have an assembly line and you pay a man $Y per widget and a woman $X per widget you are going to lose a lawsuit so that doesn't happen anymore. Well, not much.

That was literally the fist paragraph of the first part. Do you lack the desire to change your existing views, or do you just lack the ability to comprehend text?

[–]just2quixotic -5 ポイント-4 ポイント  (8子コメント)

They are paid for their skills & knowlege, not piecework. Nice bit of shrill screaching over something you obviously don't understand. You just jump in assuming they do some low-skill factory piecework. What they do require a fair amount of skill & knowlege & some managent. But you just assume I must not have reading comprehension because I don't share your assumptions.

Further, there are numerous article debunking the pay gap; have one here: The Pay Gap is a Complete Myth

Now, can you read that & understand it, or do you just lack the desire to change your views based on evidence & citations?

[–]lolthr0w 6 ポイント7 ポイント  (7子コメント)

Let me break this down for you:

The pay gap is a load of shit.

Your claim. Let's see how you support it.

I own a bagel shop, & if I could pay women 25 cents less per hour, I would hire nothing but women.

You own a bagel shop. Ok.

However, my highest paid employees, (my batcher & my baker) are women & if I tried to pay them less, they would quit & go work eleswhere in a heartbeat.

Your two highest-paid employees are women.

So your basis for the pay gap not existing in the entire country, across all industries, is two employees in one shop.

Hey, here's a fun idea. You ever considered that your example might be a little bit skewed by how you're discussing cooking positions, which women are stereotyped to be good at?

[–]pwnslinger 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (1子コメント)

You do pay them less... than you would if they were men. Or maybe you don't! But many others do, it has been demonstrated.

[–]just2quixotic -1 ポイント0 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Again, if women worked for less (statistically speaking over time for whatever reasons,) I would hire nothing but women. But the fact is, they do not & will not work for less than their male counterparts.