Think outside the box

Unus pro omnibus, omnes pro uno

クルーグマン"It's Baaack"とイングランド銀行"Money creation in the modern economy"


Abe Listening to Krugman After Tokyo Limo Ride on Abenomics Fate - Bloomberg

クルーグマンが日本への関心を強めたのは、1998年に"Japan's Trap"で管理インフレを唱えてからです。そこで、その詳細版の"It's Baaack: Japan's Slump and the Return of the Liquidity Trap"について振り返ってみます(下は山形浩生訳)。*1

It's Baaack: Japan's Slump and the Return of the Liquidity Trap 

Indeed, the normal view is that money is roughly neutral: that an increase in the money supply produces a roughly equiproportional increase in the general price level. Or to be more specific, an increase in outside money-the monetary base-must raise prices. 

まさにふつうの見方は、マネーはおおむね中立的だ、というものだ――マネーサプライが増えると、一般価格水準もほぼそれと同じ割合で増大する。あるいはもっと厳密に言えば、外部 (outside) のお金――つまり monetary base――が増えると価格は必ず上がる。

Money (which is to say, outside money) is supposed to be just plain neutral.

マネー(つまりは outside のマネー) は無条件でなにがなんでも中立のはず、なんだ。

an increase in the money supply in the current and all future periods will raise prices in the same proportion.


A monetary expansion that the market expects to be sustained (that is, matched by equiproportional expansions in all future periods) will always work, whatever structural problems the economy might have;







Banks, however, need hold only a fraction π of their deposits in reserves and will hold no more than necessary; they lend the rest out (which is how consumers get the money for the deposits). So bank deposits will be a multiple 1/π of the monetary base; the velocity of base will be 1, that of deposits ,π. And from here on, the model will work in pretty much the same way as the pure outside money model in the text. 

でも銀行は、自分たちの預金のうち π の割合だけをリザーブとして持っておけばよくて、必要以上は現金を持たない。残りは貸し出す(消費者が預金のお金を得るのはここからだ)。だから銀行口座はマネタリーベースの 1/π 倍になる。ベースマネーの速度は 1 になって、預金の速度はπ だ。そしてここから、モデルはおおむね文中の純粋な outside-money モデルとほぼ同じように機能してくる。

「銀行は預金者が預け入れる預金の一部を貸し出している→中央銀行が銀行にoutside money(マネタリーベース)を追加供給すると銀行が貸し出せる資金(loanable funds)が増える→マネーサプライ増加」ということです。

クルーグマンが好んで用いる「子守協同組合」 モデルでも、「単にクーポン(=マネタリーベース)発行量を増やせばよい」と説明しています。

Baby-Sitting the Economy

This could indeed lead to a slump—but need not if the management were alert and responded by simply issuing more coupons. That is exactly what our head coupon issuer Alan Greenspan did in 1987—and what I believe he would do again. *3

2012年にはNYTのコラムでも、「銀行は'loanable funds'を仲介している(→中央銀行が超過準備を増やすと'loanable funds'が増える)」と解説しています。

If I decide to cut back on my spending and stash the funds in a bank, which lends them out to someone else, this doesn’t have to represent a net increase in demand.

As I (and I think many other economists) see it, banks are a clever but somewhat dangerous form of financial intermediary, …

…, and the role of bank deposits as a key form of liquid assets, …

For in the end, banks don’t change the basic notion of interest rates as determined by liquidity preference and loanable funds — yes, both, because the message of IS-LM is that both views, properly understood, are correct. Banks don’t create demand out of thin air any more than anyone does by choosing to spend more; and banks are just one channel linking lenders to borrowers.


  • Money is created when a bank loans any excess reserves it holds.
  • Bank lending leads to new deposits in the banking system and a multiplier effect on the money supply.


Money creation in the modern economy - Quarterly Bulletin article - YouTube

One common misconception is that banks act simply as intermediaries, lending out the deposits that savers place with them. In this view deposits are typically ‘created’ by the saving decisions of households, and banks then ‘lend out’ those existing deposits to borrowers, for example to companies looking to finance investment or individuals wanting to purchase houses.

In fact, when households choose to save more money in bank accounts, those deposits come simply at the expense of deposits that would have otherwise gone to companies in payment for goods and services. Saving does not by itself increase the deposits or ‘funds available’ for banks to lend*5

Another common misconception is that the central bank determines the quantity of loans and deposits in the economy by controlling the quantity of central bank money — the so-called ‘money multiplier’ approach. In that view, central banks implement monetary policy by choosing a quantity of reserves. And, because there is assumed to be a constant ratio of broad money to base money, these reserves are then ‘multiplied up’ to a much greater change in bank loans and deposits. For the theory to hold, the amount of reserves must be a binding constraint on lending, and the central bank must directly determine the amount of reserves. While the money multiplier theory can be a useful way of introducing money and banking in economic textbooks, it is not an accurate description of how money is created in reality.

This description of money creation contrasts with the notion that banks can only lend out pre-existing money, outlined in the previous section. Bank deposits are simply a record of how much the bank itself owes its customers. So they are a liability of the bank, not an asset that could be lent out. A related misconception is that banks can lend out their reserves. Reserves can only be lent between banks, since consumers do not have access to reserves accounts at the Bank of England.

Money creation in practice differs from some popular misconceptions — banks do not act simply as intermediaries, lending out deposits that savers place with them, and nor do they ‘multiply up’ central bank money to create new loans and deposits.

  • 預金は銀行の負債であって貸し出せる資産ではない
  • 銀行は預金者の預け入れた預金を仲介して貸し出しているのではない
  • 準備預金は企業や家計に貸し出せない
  • 銀行は預金や準備預金を'multiply up'してマネーサプライを増やすのではない

イングランド銀行の金融政策 (世界の中央銀行)

イングランド銀行の金融政策 (世界の中央銀行)


Monetary policy implementation: Misconceptions and their consequences

The central misconception regarding monetary policy implementation is the proposition that monetary policy actions are effected through open market operations that alter some quantity aggregate, such as the monetary base or a reserve aggregate. Such a depiction of monetary policy implementation is prevalent in the academic literature and standard in leading macroeconomic textbooks.

Moreover, in models embedded with a banking sector that plays a non-trivial role, the characterization of monetary policy through the control of money supply implicitly assumes that central bank actions have direct bearing over banks’ supply of loanable funds, and thus on their intermediation activity. This presumes that central banks are more powerful than they really are

This is premised on the notion that central banks set the level of reserves as the operational target of policy and that banks’ deposit base, and thus their supply of loanable funds, is linked directly to variations in reserves through the money multiplier mechanism. In fact, the true causal relationship actually runs in exactly the opposite direction. The banking system creates deposits as they are demanded by the private sector, and the central bank’s main liquidity management task is to ensure a sufficient supply of balances for the system as a whole to maintain reserve requirements, if any, associated with those deposits. It is the amount of deposits that the banking sector can attract that determines the level of reserves not the other way around.



イングランド銀行の説明が正しいとすれば、誤解に基づいた"It's Baaack"の結論(日本への政策提言)をどう評価すればよいのでしょうか。

雇用、利子および貨幣の一般理論〈下〉 (岩波文庫)

雇用、利子および貨幣の一般理論〈下〉 (岩波文庫)

経済学者や政治哲学者の思想は、それらが正しい場合も誤っている場合も、通常考えられている以上に強力である。実際、世界を支配しているのはまずこれ以外のものではない。誰の知的影響も受けていないと信じている実務家でさえ、誰かしら過去の経済学者の奴隷であるのが通例である。虚空の声を聞く権力の座の狂人も、数年前のある学者先生から〔自分に見合った〕 狂気を抽き出している。

…, the ideas of economists and political philosophers, both when they are right and when they are wrong, are more powerful than is commonly understood. Indeed the world is ruled by little else. Practical men, who believe themselves to be quite exempt from any intellectual influences, are usually the slaves of some defunct economist. Madmen in authority, who hear voices in the air, are distilling their frenzy from some academic scribbler of a few years back. *7




  • 雨が降らない→「祈り」が不十分(神に伝わっていない)→より強く祈る
  • 雨が降る→効果が実証された



  • インフレ率が上昇しない→中央銀行のコミットメントとアクションが不十分→追加緩和
  • インフレ率上昇→効果が実証された


The Holy Grail of Macroeconomics: Lessons from Japans Great Recession

The Holy Grail of Macroeconomics: Lessons from Japans Great Recession

Even though quantitative easing failed to produce the expected results, the belief that monetary policy is always effective persists among economists in Japan and elsewhere. To these economists, quantity easing did not fail: it simply was not tried hard enough. According to this view, if boosting the excess reserves of commercial banks to ¥25 trillion has no effect, then we should try injecting ¥50 trillion, or ¥100 trillion.

At the risk of belaboring the obvious, imagine a patient in the hospital who takes a drug prescribed by her doctor, but does not react as the doctor expected, and, more importantly, does not get better. When she reports back to the doctor, he tells her to double the dosage. But this does not help, either. So he orders her to take four times, eight times, and finally a hundred times the original dosage. All to no avail. Under these circumstances, any normal human being would come to the conclusion that the doctor's original diagnosis was wrong, and that the patient suffered from a different disease.





Will Mounting U.S. Debt Spark Inflation? -- Forefront: New Ideas on Economic Policy from the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland

Debt monetization implies a permanent increase in the money supply …


The government in Zimbabwe, to cite the most extreme example, recently used money created by its central bank to reduce the value of the nation's nominal deficit—a practice known as monetizing the debt. Money creation grew so rampant in Zimbabwe that at one point inflation skyrocketed to an insane monthly rate of 79 billion percent.



インタビュー:アベノミクス極めて順調、構造改革断行を=浜田参与 | Reuters







