2014年版の「世界寄付指数」(World Giving Index)によると、「他の人のために与える行動を最も多く行った国」のランキングにおいて、アメリカとミャンマーは同率1位となった。
イギリスのチャリティー団体「Charitable Aid Foundation(CAF)」が11月18日(現地時間)に発表したこの指数は、人々が行う寄付の全体像を明らかにするために、過去1カ月以内に「金銭的な寄付を行ったか」・「ボランティア団体の活動に参加したか」・「見ず知らずの他人を援助したか」という3つの項目についてアンケート調査を行い、その平均値に基づいて国ごとのスコアを算出したものだ。米世論調査会社ギャラップ社が135カ国で行った調査データに基づいている。
Based on Gallup data collected across 135 countries, the 2014 World Giving Index ranked the countries on three criteria. Respondents were asked if they had donated money, volunteered with an organization or helped a stranger in the past month.
Based on Gallup data collected across 135 countries, the 2014 World Giving Index ranked the countries on three criteria. Respondents were asked if they had donated money, volunteered with an organization or helped a stranger in the past month.
Based on Gallup data collected across 135 countries, the 2014 World Giving Index ranked the countries on three criteria. Respondents were asked if they had donated money, volunteered with an organization or helped a stranger in the past month.
Based on Gallup data collected across 135 countries, the 2014 World Giving Index ranked the countries on three criteria. Respondents were asked if they had donated money, volunteered with an organization or helped a stranger in the past month.
Based on Gallup data collected across 135 countries, the 2014 World Giving Index ranked the countries on three criteria. Respondents were asked if they had donated money, volunteered with an organization or helped a stranger in the past month.
Based on Gallup data collected across 135 countries, the 2014 World Giving Index ranked the countries on three criteria. Respondents were asked if they had donated money, volunteered with an organization or helped a stranger in the past month.
Based on Gallup data collected across 135 countries, the 2014 World Giving Index ranked the countries on three criteria. Respondents were asked if they had donated money, volunteered with an organization or helped a stranger in the past month.
Based on Gallup data collected across 135 countries, the 2014 World Giving Index ranked the countries on three criteria. Respondents were asked if they had donated money, volunteered with an organization or helped a stranger in the past month.
Based on Gallup data collected across 135 countries, the 2014 World Giving Index ranked the countries on three criteria. Respondents were asked if they had donated money, volunteered with an organization or helped a stranger in the past month.
Based on Gallup data collected across 135 countries, the 2014 World Giving Index ranked the countries on three criteria. Respondents were asked if they had donated money, volunteered with an organization or helped a stranger in the past month.
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