Happy international Explaining-to-men-why-there-is-no-need-for-an-international-men’s-day Day
Hey, I'm Pippa. Currently living and studying in the UK, but I'm originally from the Netherlands. Queer, pronouns are she/her/hers and they/them. Mixed race, South-East Asian and white.
I mostly blog queer stuff, race stuff and humour stuff, with occasional sea creatures, Pokemon and British comedy shows.
Follow me on Twitter @PippaAdler
I mostly blog queer stuff, race stuff and humour stuff, with occasional sea creatures, Pokemon and British comedy shows.
Follow me on Twitter @PippaAdler
Posted on Saturday March 8th, 2014 at 5:30 AM with 1,140 notes.
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Men have never done anything for anyone anywhere ever; fuck them and their day.
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hentaibrony98 reblogged this from welcome-to-the-ball and added:
maybe some SHUOLD explain it to me cuz it still doesnt make n e sense. men do JUST AS MUCH IF NOT MORE and get no...
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It’s still not needed.
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