Code on your box in the cloud via our Web IDE, your favorite Desktop Editor, or our Chrome application. Share boxes and code together right in your browser.
Nitrous helps Rails Girls focus on teaching how to code instead of troubleshooting their students' development machines.
Tom Dale and Yehuda Katz use Nitrous to easily collaborate on Ember.js, a powerful javascript framework, regardless of where they are.
Nitrous allows Steve Klabnik to break free from heavy unix machines so he can craft applications on his Chromebook Pixel.
Code a variety of languages including Ruby, Python, Go, NodeJS and PHP. Run web servers, databases, caches and more right from the menubar.
Our desktop application syncs files with your Nitrous boxes, allowing you to edit code comfortably using Atom, Sublime Text, Textmate or your favorite desktop text editor.
Requires Windows XP / OS X 10.7+ Lion or Newer
Code on our web-based editor, with your favorite text editor or via SSH. Your development box is accessible anywhere.
Since your box is in the cloud, you can code collaboratively with anyone. Get help from a friend and code directly on the same machine in the cloud.
Your ultra-portable 4G Chromebook just got a powerful development environment.