i have exams for the next 2 weeks so i wont be active as often~






this is what okcupid looks like if you have access to the new options

and how it looks to other people

you do have to select a binary gender right now to be shown in results since everyone doesn’t have it yet and you still have to chose a binary gender to search right now

Wow. That’s huge. And you can select up to five, holy shit, yes. I get really nervous picking just one because of the fluid stuff but. Wow, good.


can we….not…

also gender non-conforming, transsexual and intersex aren’t genders + why is demisexual in there wtf

Great idea. Horrible execution.

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    *logs in to OkCupid* *squinty frown* I don’t have this access. This needs to change.
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    Well there goes any chance of me getting back on OkCupid…
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