Issue 39: Spring 2002
Lost Creek Wilderness by Erika Williams
Watch the Monkey Scare the Children by Catherine Hanrahan
Issue 38: Winter 2001
They Drink His Tequila and Watch His Huge Arms by Scott Southwick
You in America by Amanda Ngozi Adichie
Issue 37: Fall 2001
"Property Lines" by Justine Wilson
"Car Trouble" by Gail Siegel
Issue 36: September 2001
"Penny" by Susan M. Henderson
"Walking Lucky" by Shannon Cain
Issue 35: August 2001
"The Chickens" by Jim Nichols
"Early" by Cindy Dale
Issue 34: July 2001
"What She Wished For" by Terry DeHart
"Tuesday, The Bad Zoo" by John Warner
Issue 33: June 2001
"Somebody's Lying" by Donna George Storey
"My Brother, Made of Clay" by Heather Fowler
Issue 32: May 2001
"Running the Room" by Pia Z. Ehrhardt
"Mr. Arbidian Makes a Contribution" by Audrey Johnson
Issue 31: March/April 2001
"Once Upon a Clothesline" by Cynthia Hartwig
"Princes on Airplanes" by Avital Gad-Cykman
Issue 30: February 2001
"Why I Have Never Been Arrested" by Inga Szdorik
"Endangered Species" by Eric Bosse
Issue 29: December/January, 2000/2001
"NGO Girl" by John Leary
"Scissors, Paper, Rock" by Beverly Lucey
"My Immaculate Reception" by Susan M. Henderson
Issue 28: November, 2000
"Probably Somewhere" by Roy Kesey
"Vacilandos" by John Leary
Issue 27: October, 2000
"A Short Journey by Car" by Liam Durcan
"101 Ways to Examine Your Life" by Danielle LaVaque-Manty
Issue 26: September, 2000
"Blue Light" by Bob Thurber
"Bristly In The Middle Near The Bud" by Tracy Falke
Issue 25: August, 2000
"First Love Twice" by Rebecca Carmi
"The Patron Saint of Rule Breakers" by Girija Tropp
Issue 24: July, 2000
"Happy Marriage" by Tara Cottrell
"Gift Wrap" by Beverly Lucey
Issue 23: June, 2000
"I Would Never Hurt You" by Justine Wilson
"Weekend at Nguyen's" by Mark Epting
Issue 22: May, 2000
"Sonora Coyote" by Steve Frederick
"The Junkie Muse" by Isabelle Carruthers
Issue 21: April, 2000
"Liza Blooming" by Jai Claire
"Lust Perks Up the Taco Gnome" by Christopher Painter
Issue 20: March, 2000
"Robert" by Mary McCluskey
"In the Lion Zone" by Beverly Jackson
Issue 19: February, 2000
"The Bay of Blue Reflections" by Joseph Faria
"Looking for the Side Door to Heaven" by Felicia White
Issue 18: January, 2000
"Bucket of Worms" by Betty Jane Hegerat and Marie Huston
"Brother, What Strange Place is This" by Tom Saunders
Issue 17: December, 1999
"The Gentle Breath of Betrayal" by Miguel Angel Escargaza
"The Talk Adults Talk" by Heather Fowler
Issue 16: November, 1999
"Orchestrations" by Gerard Siino
"Create-Your-Own" by Cynthia Hartwig
Issue 15: October, 1999
"On Grandmother's Farm" by Cezarija Abartis
"Dead Mothers" by Heather Fowler
Issue 14: September, 1999
"Call" by Pat Rushin
"Storm Bird of the Serengeti" by Joyce Baker Porte
Issue 13: August, 1999
"Benediction for a Murderer" by Leslie Powell
"Our Florida Vacation" by n. m. kelby
Issue 12: July, 1999
"La Corrida" by Jules Harvey
"Signals" by Bill Pettitt
Issue 11: June, 1999
"Boll" by Seth Shafer
"Howie's Death" by Darin McGregor
Issue 10: May, 1999
"Love in Nebraska" by T. L. Morganfield
"A Bite Out of Time" by Ian Bradford Lyonn
Issue 9: April, 1999
"The Color of Time" by Amy Sterling Casil
"Hole" by A. Ray Norsworthy
Issue 8: March, 1999
"Imagine I'm Somebody You Love" by Terry Bain
"A Man With a Dim Halo" by Luis V. Anthony Núñez
Issue 7: February, 1999
"The Horrible Aesthetes" by Nicholas J. Barnes
"Slices, Dices, Makes Thousands of Julienne Fries" by Gail Sproule
Issue 6: January, 1999
"Alice" by Day" by Mason West
"Winning Claire" by Sean Klein
Issue 5: December, 1998
"Conditions" by Chara M. Curtis
"Fix" by Kevin Dolgin
Issue 4: November, 1998
"Spawning Grounds" by Arthur Lee
"Survivor's Assistance" by Bob Arter
Issue 3: October, 1998
"Coffin Fishing" by C. B. Adams
"Destroyer of Dreams" by Robert Raven
Issue 2: September, 1998
"A Special Kind of Pain" by Jim Ruland
"Unborn" by Laura Joyce
Issue 1: August, 1998
"Black Chicken" by Lea Robertson
"Dressing the Ark" by Mare Freed