The proposed ratings system, inspired by the Bechdel test, will examine how in-game female characters are portrayed with regard to equality and diversity. The group recently received a 272,000 kronor (nearly $37,000) grant from Sweden's government-funded Vinnova agency to further its research.
"I do not know of any other project in the world asking this question and of course we want Sweden to be a beacon in this area," project manager Anton Albiin told Swedish publication The Local. "Of course games can be about fantasy but they can be so much more than this. They can also be a form of cultural expression - reflecting society or the society we are hoping for. Games can help us to create more diverse workplaces and can even change the way we think about things."
The group's research follows up on recent concerns raised by Anita Sarkeesian and other media critics, who highlight the one-dimensional treatment women characters often receive in video games.
[Image: 2K]