



"I condemn men because they’re inferior to women in all respects", Buzzfeed Senior Editor (and clearly not a member of a Supremacist Movement) Feminist Katie Notopoulos

Ever get the feeling Buzzfeed hated men for some reason? Meet their senior editor.

When I was talking about the stranglehold Social Justice Hatemongers had on New Media people thought I was kidding.

This woman in a position of tremendous power flat out stated her belief that males are naturally inferior by way of their birth.

No one has called her out on this.

She’s not a feminist, she’s a supremacist.  A true feminist would care about men and value them equally to her fellow women.  Calling her a feminist is a blight on our movement and frankly we don’t want her in it.

Senior editor of buzzfeed… accepted as a feminist by virtually everyone on the planet… makes blatantly supremacist comments for months unchallenged.. considers herself a feminist.. and runs a massive media website that slants wildly in favor of feminism.

Not a feminist. Right.

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  6. domineleonem reblogged this from check-your-privilege-feminists
  7. m-l-t reblogged this from youth-and-art and added:
    it’s literally a buzzfeed article it’s not like this is some obscure discovery
  8. justiceflakes reblogged this from check-your-privilege-feminists
  9. svencat reblogged this from trip-hop-on-pop and added:
    imagine the outrage if a major news site editor said the same thing about black people, or, hell, even women
  10. iamretrograde reblogged this from youth-and-art and added:
    Then who is a feminist? Give me two names. Except Christina Sommers, Karen DeCrow (r.i.p.), Suzanne Venker and Janet...
  11. generalchelseamayhem reblogged this from criticalfeminismisbest and added:
    A bit of research into the UnfollowAMan hashtag (because apparently that took off quite a bit after Katie Notopoulos did...
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  15. youth-and-art reblogged this from mr-cappadocia and added:
    But it’s likely that a lot of people who identify as feminists don’t know that this lady makes such supremacist...
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  17. birkinsmith reblogged this from hokuto-ju-no-ken
  18. this-is-tall-privilege reblogged this from dontneedfeminism and added:
    Yet another reason i dont like buzzfeed
  19. nicindieskies reblogged this from cornelius-rupert-travis
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  22. razuberry reblogged this from mr-cappadocia
  23. the-critical-feminist reblogged this from check-your-privilege-feminists and added:
    I really just want to point out that coming across the term “true feminist” is funny to me because it just makes it more...
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  25. flippleknob reblogged this from the-eagle-atarian
  26. termatofilakas reblogged this from check-your-privilege-feminists and added:
    Ha, she’s a joke. She might be Greek but we would never take her seriously
  27. tokyoicetea reblogged this from iminfectionimhuman
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  29. king-ryan-babewood reblogged this from check-your-privilege-feminists and added:
    People need to remember that feminism is a movement without restrictions. If someone says they are a feminist they are...