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[–]startertPro-GG [非表示スコア]  (44子コメント)

Yeah TB has no clue what the fuck he's on about. The whole "race doesn't matter, it's class" thing is bollocks brought on by a lot of people who feel they can't bitch about racism but they can bitch about being middle class and not as rich as they'd like to have been.

I grew up in the third world. Spent 20 odd years in Africa. Even then I could recognize areas in which I was more priviledged than a majority of people I lived with. My parents were educated but they did not come from educated or rich backgrounds. My dad worked as a house boy for 10 years and was put through university by a basketball scholarship. My mother secured a job working as an air hostess in a now defunct airline with nothing more than a secondary school certificate.

Sounds simple enough, but we are talking about one of the most corrupt African nations on earth. I moved to the UK for a couple of years. Brits like to assume that they are above racism or that race doesn't matter. Go ask a Pakistani or a Jamaican or Nigerian if race doesn't matter there.

TB is just talking out of his arse like always. The fact that he saw life the same as every other white person does not extend to every racial minority and the day he gets that into his already fog headed fucking skull is the day I will have an inkling of even considering respecting his opinions on anything other than how to mash X and O and rage quit.

He has the very same conception of privilege like a lot of GG'ers do. They beileve class is somehow seperate from race, forgetting that class does to an extent get determined by what race you are especially in the west. Put a rich white man and a rich black guy in a high speeding car. Who is more likely to get pulled over?

If class was all about wealth then why aren't fucking rappers given the slap on wrists by the law? Why are rich Brown men still subject to pat downs at the ports? Why are black women assumed to be prostitutes when out with white men? Why are Asian men and Hispanic men unrepresented in many aspects of media even though they make up a high amount or participants.

TB is a grown man who has no idea whne to shut the fuck up about shit he has zero clue about. He needs to get off twitter and stick to vidya.

[–]Wakers [非表示スコア]  (34子コメント)

Jesus, can you make a post normally without coming across like a hyper-aggressive madman?

Sounds simple enough, but we are talking about one of the most corrupt African nations on earth. I moved to the UK for a couple of years. Brits like to assume that they are above racism or that race doesn't matter. Go ask a Pakistani or a Jamaican or Nigerian if race doesn't matter there.

Did he say race doesn't matter there? No, he didn't. What he said was that in a lot of areas in the north the whites are the least well off - having grown up in South Yorkshire I can attest to this. What you've done here is made something up that he didn't say so you can argue against him. Why?

Does racism against white people not exist in Zimbabwe?

Has there been no racism toward white people in Armenia, in Georgia, in Albania?

Of course class is separate from race. How can it not be? Are all black people in the world lower class in your eyes?

The whole "race doesn't matter, it's class" thing is bollocks brought on by a lot of people who feel they can't bitch about racism but they can bitch about being middle class and not as rich as they'd like to have been.

Just what? Is this actually a serious comment or are you just playing a role here?

Do you want to see what bottom-class whites look like? look up the word chav. Watch an episode of Traffic Cops from UK TV - these are people (often horrid, mind) living on £50 per week. They are as socially low as you can get.

[–]HSonethirdbfAnti-GG Moderator[M] [非表示スコア]  (3子コメント)

This is your warning for calling them a madman. I have to be fair to everyone.

[–]JesusDeSaad [非表示スコア]  (1子コメント)

TB is a grown man who has no idea whne to shut the fuck up about shit he has zero clue about.

Are you even reading the language on the other one?

[–]Wakers [非表示スコア]  (0子コメント)

He did, don't worry, the guy got banned.

[–]Wakers [非表示スコア]  (0子コメント)

Well, I said he posted like one, not that he is one.

But fair enough.

[–]startertPro-GG [非表示スコア]  (29子コメント)

Did he say race doesn't matter there? No, he didn't. What he said was that in a lot of areas in the north the whites are the least well off - having grown up in South Yorkshire I can attest to this. What you've done here is made something up that he didn't say so you can argue against him. Why? Does racism against white people not exist in Zimbabwe? Has there been no racism toward white people in Armenia, in Georgia, in Albania?

The fuck are you on about? His implication was that there are poor whites so there is no white priviledge. Just because you lived with poor whites, that does not negate the fact that your skin colour gives you a leg up against others when all things are equal. Do you think it would be easier to get out of that situation being a poor white man or a porr immigrant? And no, don't even dare say "le government gioves them benefits" because that is some bullshit forward from grandma that is akin to the U.S reagan version of the EBT queen with spinning rims on her lexus. TB then went on to say ..

Miracle of Sound accurately pointed out the genocide perpetrated against a portion of the Irish population and the hundreds of years of oppression that they suffered under the English. Sounds pretty damn racist to me. How about the Armenian Genocide? Unfortunately another part of history frequently white-washed and in many cases denied in America. I mean hell if you want to go for something obvious, you could argue the Holocaust (though some people will then wring their hands and say "well technically Jews aren't a race", you'll have to forgive me if I find being picky with the dictionary as intellectually dishonest in this regard). More recently, we've had the government-driven violence with its Fast-track land reform, in which land is being taken from white people (a 5% or lower minority in Zimbabwe), often by force. Supporters of Robert Mugabe, calling themselves the "War Veterans Association" literally went around murdering white farmers, according to the organisation Human Rights Watch.

Of all the examples he listed, the only racist example was the Zimbabwean farm attacks and even then, no bumbling idiot would say "that is not racism" .What people say is that in the western world there is no instituitionally sanction racism against white people as those institutions were built with whites in mind. And yes, that includes England.

He even has the nerve to quote the holocaust as an example of white being racially targetted, ironically bu other white people.

Of course class is separate from race. How can it not be? Are all back people in the world lower class in your eyes?

Class is not necessarily seperate from race. Race determines to an extent one's class among other things. The advantages gained from class priviledge also intertwine with some advantages gotten from race. Walking into a high end store as a white man is a completely different situation from walking in as a wealthy black man.

Jon stewart gave an example of two mates of his who walked into a building to shoot a video. One was a white guy in less than stellar clothing. The other was the black guy in the suit. Guess who got stopped and questioned? Shit like that is when the whole "wealth is the only priviledge" gets disproven time and time again. In the west, no matter which way you slice it, race determines greatly what class one will be perceived as even in the presence of other attributes because race is the most visible factor of the equation.

Just what? Is this actually a serious comment or are you just playing a role here?

Ask TB because that is the role he played.

[–]Wakers [非表示スコア]  (28子コメント)

His implication was that there are poor whites so there is no white priviledge.

Yep, as I thought - you read what you wanted to read and ignored what was actually said, as you tend to do.

He said there are places in the world where there isn't such thing as white privilege. Not that there being poor whites = no white privilege. Where you pulled that from I have no idea.

Your entire problem, every time you post, is that you are so blinded by your own opinions that you have completely lost the ability to read, understand and reply sensibly to anything that disagrees with them.

And yes, that includes England.

So the oppression and genocide against the Irish was what, then? Because that was poor white people being targeted for being Irish - by other whites. This doesn't mean that it doesn't count.

Or the riots a few years ago in places like Birmingham - where gangs of Pakistani and Indian youths terrorised property, business and homes owned by white people - does that not count because they were poor? Surely racism is the targeting of individuals because of their ethnicity, regardless of standing?

Walking into a high end store as a white man is a completely different situation from walking in as a wealthy black man.

You've done both, have you? Is this experience unified around the whole world? It just sounds like you're taking a very narrow point of view and applying it to the entire world, it's nuts.

Jon stewart gave an example of two mates of his who walked into a building to shoot a video. One was a white guy in less than stellar clothing. The other was the black guy in the suit. Guess who got stopped and questioned? Shit like that is when the whole "wealth is the only priviledge" gets disproven time and time again.

This speaks to the American-centric point he made. America does not equal "The West". It is just America.

In the west, no matter which way you slice it, race determines greatly what class one will be perceived as even in the presence of other attributes because race is the most visible factor of the equation.

This is a definitive statement that is again borne out of a very narrow field of experience that you applying to everywhere, again.

Class is not necessarily seperate from race

Well, you changed your tune really quickly, there, didn't you?

The whole "race doesn't matter, it's class" thing is bollocks

[–]startertPro-GG [非表示スコア]  (27子コメント)

Yep, as I thought - you read what you wanted to read and ignored what was actually said, as you tend to do. He said there are places in the world where there isn't such thing as white privilege. Not that there being poor whites = no white privilege. Where you pulled that from I have no idea. Your entire problem, every time you post, is that you are so blinded by your own opinions that you have completely lost the ability to read, understand and reply sensibly to anything that disagrees with them.

He said that and used fucking Engkand as an example just like YOU DID. And I said that is bollocks. This is what he said incase YOU did not read.

The concept of white privilege is very American too. You'll find a lot of British people, particularly Northerners like myself bemused by it. I grew up in pit towns, or should I say, ex-pit towns because Thatcher destroyed our economy when she broke the miners unions and put a lot of people out of work (which is why anyone thinking I support Thatcher is a goddamn moron). Our towns were vast white majorities but I can safely say we had no privilege, no advantages for being white.

How is that different from what I responded to or is your reading comprehension so low that you can't parse what I've been saying because you want to defend him at all costs?

So the oppression and genocide against the Irish was what, then?

Nationalistic/xenophobic going by today's backwards model of what constitutes race.

You've done both, have you? Is this experience unified around the whole world? It just sounds like you're taking a very narrow point of view and applying it to the entire world, it's nuts.

I've done neither but I have walked in as a middle class black man and I can tell you getting followed the 10th time is not fun.

This speaks to the American-centric point he made. America does not equal "The West". It is just America.

I've lieved in England as a black man. What point is he trying to make that I have not been a part of? The very first sentence I made was that brits retend that race is not a thing and I highly disagreed with that.

This is a definitive statement that is again borne out of a very narrow field of experience that you applying to everywhere, again.

Have you lived anywhere except from your first world bubble? Chnaces are no. So don't give me that bullshit of narrow field when you don't know what the fuck you're on about in the first place.

[–]HSonethirdbfAnti-GG Moderator[M] [非表示スコア]  (0子コメント)

Calming the rhetoric a bit would greatly help you. This is a forum for debate, not a forum to attack others.

[–]saint2eAnti-GG Moderator [非表示スコア]  (17子コメント)

ITT: People's lived experiences collide with others.

Settle it down /u/startert, you've had experiences, and so have others.

Try to see outside your experiences and try and understand other people's experiences before jumping down their throats.

[–]startertPro-GG [非表示スコア]  (16子コメント)

I understand where they are coming from and I have said they are blinded by living in first world bubbles like TB is. He's trying to extrapolates hsit he has no idea about whatsoever.

[–]saint2eAnti-GG Moderator [非表示スコア]  (6子コメント)

You say he's blinded by living in a first world bubble. Is this because you've lived in the first world as a white man?

[–]Wakers [非表示スコア]  (1子コメント)

You'd think when people on his side are finding problems with his posts that he'd get the message.

[–]saint2eAnti-GG Moderator [非表示スコア]  (0子コメント)

"Sides" have nothing to do with it. Being blinded by your bias and unwilling to accept other perspectives are more like it.

[–]startertPro-GG [非表示スコア]  (3子コメント)

You say he's blinded by living in a first world bubble. Is this because you've lived in the first world as a white man?

I've lived in the first world and third world as a black man. And I can say I was treated worse than my white peers especially considering they are they default? Or is this where you deny that whites are the default?

[–]saint2eAnti-GG Moderator [非表示スコア]  (2子コメント)

I'm sorry that you were treated that way. Do you think because of your experiences that all white people are treated better than all black people in the first world?

[–]Wakers [非表示スコア]  (8子コメント)

Look at this! Even when he says "I understand" he continues to firstly, not understand at all, and secondly apply his assumptions to people that disagree with him as fact!

extrapolates hsit


[–][削除されました]  (7子コメント)


    [–]HSonethirdbfAnti-GG Moderator[M] [非表示スコア]  (5子コメント)

    Second warning, clean it up.

    [–]Wakers [非表示スコア]  (7子コメント)

    How is that different from what I responded to or is your reading comprehension so low that you can't parse what I've been saying

    And as per usual - you start to lose an argument, can't cope with someone questioning your rather blinkered opinions and resort to "reading comprehension" jibes.

    It is pathetic.

    I've lieved in England as a black man. What point is he trying to make that I have not been a part of? The very first sentence I made was that brits retend that race is not a thing and I highly disagreed with that.

    Where did you live, out of interest? I bet it wasn't Middlesbrough. Or Ayr. Or Carlisle. Or Mexbrough. Or Kellingly.

    Have you lived anywhere except from your first world bubble? Chnaces are no. So don't give me that bullshit of narrow field when you don't know what the fuck you're on about in the first place.

    The irony. It pours.

    Thanks for posting this:

    The concept of white privilege is very American too. You'll find a lot of British people, particularly Northerners like myself bemused by it. I grew up in pit towns, or should I say, ex-pit towns because Thatcher destroyed our economy when she broke the miners unions and put a lot of people out of work (which is why anyone thinking I support Thatcher is a goddamn moron). Our towns were vast white majorities but I can safely say we had no privilege, no advantages for being white.

    Because it demonstrates nicely where he says that it doesn't exist everywhere - yet you took it to mean that because he said that, he therefore believes it doesn't exist at all:

    His implication was that there are poor whites so there is no white priviledge.

    Please talk about my reading comprehension again, it demonstrates exactly the type of person you are.

    [–][削除されました]  (6子コメント)


      [–]Wakers [非表示スコア]  (5子コメント)

      Yep, you've gone completely off the rails.

      Not only have you failed to reply properly to anything I've said, you've just made an entire, long ass post where the main point was that where you firstly incorrectly state:

      How the fuck would he know that he had no advantage for being white when he lived in an all white town?

      But you then commit the logical of error of saying that if a town were 100% white he would not know if he had an advantage in being white?

      If a town is 100% white (this is hypothetical now, but it was your error so we'll run with it), how does a white person have privilege over all of the other white people based on ethnicity alone?

      Tell me more about how race does not matter

      Eh? Where did I say that? What part of my posts are you misinterpreting now?

      I feel like, when we're arguing - you have a set of assumptions about me and you use those in your posts to address me.

      So, I'd just like to get it out in the open so I can understand your views better - where, exactly do you think I live, what do you think I, as a person, am like?

      [–][削除されました]  (4子コメント)


        [–]MysteriousGardener [非表示スコア]  (2子コメント)

        He said he lived in the North in majority white town so no white privilege and I said that is bollocks

        Did you just imply that people living in miner towns post-Thatcher had advantage because of 'white privilege'? How the fuck were they advantaged at all? Holy crap.

        [–]Wakers [非表示スコア]  (0子コメント)

        Nope. The logical error is TB living in an all white town and expecting white privilege in an all white town

        So still, he didn't say all white, he said massive majority white.

        Eh? Where did I say that? What part of my posts are you misinterpreting now?

        He said he lived in the North in majority white town so no white privilege and I said that is bollocks and you bla bla bla

        You didn't reply to what I questioned you about. I'm sure you know this, though.

        The logical error is TB living in an all white town and expecting white privilege in an all white town


        What I said was there can be no white privilege in a 100% white town. He did not say he lived in a 100% white town, nor did he say he expected it in an all white town.

        [–]adnzzzzZ [非表示スコア]  (7子コメント)

        Put a rich white man and a rich black guy in a high speeding car. Who is more likely to get pulled over?

        This really depends on where you live. In most countries in South America this type of discrimination doesn't really exist because black/brown people make up a huge part of the population. In Brazil, where I live, it's actually 50% white people and 50% black/brown people, so these issues really don't matter as much. Race and class aren't completely separated, less so in America apparently, but in lots of countries they are more separated than you'd think to the point where it becomes irrelevant in lots of situations.

        [–]startertPro-GG [非表示スコア]  (6子コメント)

        This really depends on where you live. In most countries in South America this type of discrimination doesn't really exist because black/brown people make up a huge part of the population. In Brazil, where I live, it's actually 50% white people and 50% black/brown people, so these issues really don't matter as much. Race and class aren't completely separated, less so in America apparently, but in lots of countries they are more separated than you'd think to the point where it's almost irrelevant.

        And that's why I used the qualifier of western countries didn't I? I never said around the world. I said in the west. England is in the west and I can say without question that the assertion that class and race is completely irrelevant in England is bollocks. Ask muslims or brown folk.

        [–]adnzzzzZ [非表示スコア]  (4子コメント)

        Is South America not a part of the western world? Regardless, TB's argument is how these views are mainly American... He doesn't at any point in his argument confine the issue to the western world alone. So even if you are right in what you said, I'm telling you that from my perspective in the country I live in his perspective makes sense. Ultimately his point is about not calling out people simply because they disagree with your point of view on some issue, but maybe consider that they have different perspectives because of where they grew up and that certain issues will be less relevant to them because in their day to day reality those issues don't exist.

        [–]startertPro-GG [非表示スコア]  (3子コメント)

        You'll find a lot of British people, particularly Northerners like myself bemused by it. I grew up in pit towns, or should I say, ex-pit towns because Thatcher destroyed our economy when she broke the miners unions and put a lot of people out of work (which is why anyone thinking I support Thatcher is a goddamn moron). Our towns were vast white majorities but I can safely say we had no privilege, no advantages for being white.

        That is what he said. He is basing living in a majority white town and not experiencing being treated better for beign white. If course he wont be treated better for being white. EVERYBODY IS WHTE. He then goes on to say he had no privilege for being white when the privilege is there but not noticeable because there are no other people to guage it against. So I don't get what your arguement is.

        [–]adnzzzzZ [非表示スコア]  (2子コメント)

        So I don't get what your arguement is.

        The argument is that people have different view points on these issues and when someone denies the existence of a certain issue they're usually talking about it from their perspective, so it's a bad idea to assume they're talking about the entire world and it's a bad idea to be angry at them, because they're just coming from a different reality. What you quoted is his point of view, so that's why he thinks "white privilege" is a dumb idea. I live in Brazil where I see people of all races all the time and lots of them are in different classes in society, so the notion of white privilege also makes less sense to me. Me disagreeing with you about white privilege doesn't mean I think white privilege doesn't exist anywhere, it's just an issue that I can't relate to because it's not a part of my reality. That should be taken into account whenever a conversation about white privilege is happening, for instance.

        [–]startertPro-GG [非表示スコア]  (1子コメント)

        The argument is that people have different view points on these issues and when someone denies the existence of a certain issue they're usually talking about it from their perspective, so it's a bad idea to assume they're talking about the entire world and it's a bad idea to be angry at them, because it's just a different reality.

        He is denying the existence of the issue in the UK speaking as someone who is regarded as the default within the UK. Of course he wont see privilege and my first post highlighted that fact. I don't get what your arguement is. I disagreed with him.

        What you quoted is his point of view, so that's why he thinks "white privilege" is a dumb idea. I live in Brazil where I see people of all races all the time and lots of them are in different classes in society, so the notion of white privilege also makes less sense to me. Me disagreeing with you about white privilege doesn't mean I think white privilege doesn't exist anywhere, it's just an issue that I can't relate to because it's not a part of my reality, and you should try to take that into account whenever possible so that conversation can flow more nicely

        SO basically yoou just disagrred with me disagreeing with him because I cannot see what the problem is here. I lived where he lived. And disagree that there is no issue. He is the default where he lives. By simple logic he definitely won't see the issue.

        [–]adnzzzzZ [非表示スコア]  (0子コメント)

        He is the default where he lives.

        This doesn't really matter. You're not getting my/his point. If he's the default where he lives and he doesn't see this as an issue then that's his reality. You can't change that fact. You're not gonna convince someone that something like this is real when they don't really experience it in any way at all. The point of his argument is that when discussions about these issues are happening on the Internet, a place where literally everyone from the world gathers, different backgrounds should be taken into account. So when someone wears a "sexist" shirt like that other guy, it's just very possible that his background is of someone who would like to wear clothes like those and that his workplace accepts this openly. People on the Internet not taking this into account and making a big deal out of it and failing to see the context are applying their backgrounds and their context to someone else's life. This doesn't really work and creates unnecessary drama in the world at large.

        Imagine this: everyone from everywhere airs their local concerns openly on the Internet and calls everyone out all the time. Suddenly men from less progressive countries start calling out women for wearing bikinis, or religious people start calling out gay people, or [insert background here] starts calling out [insert something this particular background cares deeply about]. This doesn't work because for a lot of people these issues just don't make any sense. A much better solution is for people to try to understand context and backgrounds first before calling people out, since it'd make the Internet a much better place where people aren't afraid of behaving like they behave normally.

        [–]CollisionNZPro-GG [非表示スコア]  (0子コメント)

        In NZ, no difference since they can only pull you over if you are breaking the law and generally speaking they don't know who they pull over till they walk up to the window. You get pulled over regardless if you break the +10km (4km sometimes) allowance over the speed limit.

        [–]sibtiger [非表示スコア]  (0子コメント)

        Brits like to assume that they are above racism or that race doesn't matter. Go ask a Pakistani or a Jamaican or Nigerian if race doesn't matter there.

        Or even a more observant white British guy.