Is anyone else super angry right now? Because I am.
HE was the one who originally didn’t like his fans being called Cumberbitches. HE changed it to the Cumbercollective.
HE corrects everyone who says “Cumberbitches”.
HE’s the one who calls himself a feminist.
So why did he do this??
A week ago he was proud of his fans for the messages of support and love regarding his engagement. Now THIS??
We need a damn good explanation for this, VERY soon or I know for certain there will be a hell of a lot of disappointed members of the Cumber COLLECTIVE!
Posting this here as well honest question do you all ever get tired of bitching and ranting at this guy for nothing? all his so called fans do is bash bitch and attack the dude. Serious I don’t care at this point I used to like him as an actor but got sick of his whiny bitchy fans who make every thing and epic crisis of them being offended every day by something the poor fool does. Jesus does it ever get tiring bitching and ranting at the dude I can only imagine it makes him tired the funny thing is this is you all prove the stupid reporter right by all your ranting over nothing at all.
Can you not make uneducated comments on my posts please? You are the reason for stereotypes spreading. Why do people think of terrorists when they hear Islam? Because stupid people spread this thought. In 99.9% of cases, Muslims are wonderful and peaceful people (there are probably more terrorists in other religions or cultures than Islam). Point: stereotypes are almost always wrong for the majority. It’s the same with Benedict’s fans. 99% of them are intelligent, supportive and loving people. Yes, there are a few that scream their heads off and rant and rave, BUT THAT’S A MINORITY! If we supposedly “bitch… and rant…” about him all the time, why do we still call ourselves fans? If you are so annoyed by bitchy people in groups, how do you stand being in any group at all? There are bitchy people EVERYWHERE! There are bitchy people in every fandom, religion, culture, gender etc.
Yes, there are bitchy fans of Ben, just like there are bitchy people in every other group. I am a fan of Ben (needing a little explanation at the moment but still a fan), and you may think my comments were bitchy, but my intention was to say that a man that I thought I understood to an extent, has done something that, in my opinion, is totally out of character. I am simply confused by his contradictory actions.
Next time you want to voice your bigoted and shallow opinions, please do it somewhere else.
ironhandmaverick reblogged this from baker-st-skull-with-a-fez and added:
You have an idol with feet of clay
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baker-st-skull-with-a-fez reblogged this from kink5 and added:
Can you not make uneducated comments on my posts please? You are the reason for stereotypes spreading. Why do people...
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bn9889 reblogged this from baker-st-skull-with-a-fez and added:
My explaination: http://bn9889.tumblr.com/post/102920021859/ok-i-know-that-many-benedicts-fans-dont-look You might agree...
kink5 reblogged this from baker-st-skull-with-a-fez and added:
Posting this here as well honest question do you all ever get tired of bitching and ranting at this guy for nothing? all...
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