Last week, humans achieved the seemingly impossible. Scientists at the European Space Agency (ESA), led by Dr Matt Taylor, landed a spacecraft on a comet. Yet in an absurd twist, this act of human ingenuity, something that should have united and inspired us all, was used by some feminists as an opportunity to show how regressive humans are.
Only a few days after the defining moment of Taylor’s career, when he successfully oversaw the greatest achievement in humankind for the past decade, he was reduced to tears while giving a public apology for wearing a shirt featuring scantily clad ladies holding guns. What Taylor thought of as a quirky fashion statement was deemed by feminists on Twitter, and within certain sections of the press, as harmful towards women.
On the surface, this is a shocking case of political correctness gone mad. But this shouldn’t distract us from the depressing insight it gives us into modern feminism. During a week in which comedian Dapper Laughs was banished from British television, and a petition was launched to stop pick-up artist Julien Blanc from entering the UK, the shaming of Taylor confirmed that modern feminism is forsaking women’s liberation in favour of pettily policing people’s behaviour.