Is Complimenting a Woman Sexual Harassment?-Feminist Fridays
>majority of women
[citation needed]
I literally cite the statistic in the video but like why would you even bother watching that.
Y’know, typically when people “cite” things, they give an actual link to the original source so that everyone can review the data themselves and make sure that the presenter (or the data itself) is not biased.
You didn’t give a link, you just spoke. You’ll have to excuse me if I don’t feel like sitting through your video to find out whether or not you actually gave the title of the study/review that you got your data from.
Now if you wanna provide an actual link, we can continue the discussion.
Until then:
[citation needed]
I do give the title of the study with a graphic. It’s not my problem if you can’t be bothered to watch something before critiquing it or do a simple google search on something that would take .5 seconds to look up. Get your arrogance and laziness outta here.
Well lucky for you, someone else was willing to listen to you ramble on long enough to get the study.
And, unsurprisingly, I see how they managed to get such a high number.
Here are just a few of the things they consider “harassment”:
- Honking and whistling
- Calling out phrases like “hey baby,” “hey shorty,” and “mamacita,“ often referred to as “catcalling”
- Sexist comments and telling someone to smile
- Evaluative comments, both “positive” like “nice legs” and “negative” like “fat cow”
And here is the definition of “Harassment”:
“the act of systematic and/or continued unwanted and annoying actions of one party or a group, including threats and demands.”
None of the things I listed (Full disclosure: there are other criteria in the study that I did not list), constitute harassment if they’re being done as a woman is simply walking by.
A person calling out something to you, or telling you to smile, or even insulting you as you walk by, is not “harassing” you. Are they annoying you? Possibly, depending on who you are. But they aren’t harassing you.
So in short, the reason the number is so high is because the people who conducted the study obviously don’t know what the fuck “harassment” is, and used criteria that don’t meet the basic definition of harassment to increase their numbers.
Conclusion: The 66% number is bullshit. And on top of that, the 66% number doesn’t even talk about the frequency with which it happens. It just says that 66% have experienced it at some point.
If you look further into the report, it says 78% of women report “rarely or sometimes” experiencing street harassment. Plus another 14% that said they had only experienced it once.
That means that only 6% of women had actually experienced street harassment with any real frequency.
And considering how Feminists are always telling us how a majority of women have to deal with this on a daily basis, I’d say this report actually works more *against* you than it does in your favor.
So nice try, but it’s all a load of crap.
oh please dont try to get all fucking text book definition just because you feel it might help you win an argument. youre wrong and an asshole.
Prove it, or fuck off.