the vast majority of my white friends growing up are now ultra conservative republicans…
thinking about how one of my best friends from home used to play up her japanese-ness (she is 1/4) and hung out with mostly black folx in middle and high school… but is now posting shit about mike brown deserving extrajudicial execution (not in those words)…
how white does one have to be to not notice that every other person in the room is white…
how white does one have to be to defend darren wilson while twerking and wearing butt pads…
how white does one have to be for your favorite rapper to be mac miller…
how white does one have to casually get a romney bumper sticker four years after running around high school yelling ‘my president is black’…
young white folx terrify me, no lie.
there are reasons the only public place i ever go to back home is the gym.
i’m reminded of a post i reblogged a while back about how when we are young it is easy to ignore that our white friends’ parents are republicans. but then as we grow older we realize that it’s not just their parents… our friends start becoming political in all the wrong ways, just like their parents and grandparents before them. and then one day it’s too much and we realize we can’t be and are not friends anymore. our childhood white friends are the very people who anonymously troll us online. they are the very people who call us chinks and yell ching chong at people who look like us when we are not near. they are the people who are restricting our rights, our access, our life chances, our livelihoods with their votes and money. they are the “educated” white folx who think everything is up for debate and their imagination is more valid than our lived experiences. they are the monster under our bed that we opened the door and welcomed into our homes in the first place.