Homestuck, The World Ends With You, Zelda, Kingdom Hearts, Princess Jellyfish, Doctor Who,Daft Punk, P!nk, Sherlock, Attack on Titan, Dangan Ronpa, Off, Kill la Kill, Kid Icarus, Les Miserables, Black Butler, Hetalia,Vocaloid, Supernatural, Disney, Adventure Time, LOTR and The Hobbit, Portal 2, Markiplier, Animal Crossing,Professor Layton, Ace Attorney, Pirates of the Caribbean, Welcome to Night Vale, and Free! Female, single and ready to devour souls of little children. August 23,Virgo. Fourteen.Both my Quotev and Twitter account names are @sevenylime and Sevenylime. Thanks if you read all the way down, I know I'm a dork and my blog sucks.
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    That’s great and allBut is anyone bothered by the fact that that’s kind of a bullshit apology and they’re just basically...
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    Real question is why should words be banned in the first place? I understand there are derogatory terms that shouldn’t...