“Cretans are always Liars, evil beasts and slow bellies” Titus 1:12
[frame_right][/frame_right]“Cretans are alway Liars, evil beasts and slow bellies” Titus 1:12 Cretan does not refer to a person from Crete; it is a description others make and a description Cretans have of themselves. The Cretan legacy is Bullshit and the Jezebel Spirit both born out of necessity because there is no other option once one rejects Jesus Christ as God. Cretans consummate their Divine Union to the Serpent (Satan) by rejecting Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost, the “Unforgivable Sin”. Unless Satan comes through, Cretans are on a one way ticket to Hell. God exists as a Trinity: Father, Son, Holy Ghost. Bullshit! God exists as Father, Son, Holy Ghost and the Word, which was made Flesh in Jesus Christ. Well crafted deception eh? Which Word? The Authorized Bible, the non-copyrighted, modern English rendering of the Hebrew OT and Greek NT by Holy (Separate) men moved by the Holy Ghost. Everything else (New Bible Versions, Quran, Talmud etc) is Cretan Bullshit, cleverly designed forgeries with enough truth to lure you in, and enough leaven to destroy your Soul in Hell for eternity. Backbiting, gossip, strife, innuendo, overbearing, self promotion, rebellion, narcissism, seduction are all part of the Jezebel Spirit and all part of the Cretan façade.
Hard to believe that in America, we have only the facsimile ie appearance of money and property title, with Courts, Judges and Attorneys acting as agents of a World Corporation but we are dealing with professional liars who honed their skills 4000 years before America was born. The land of the Free is made of Chattel Slaves with no right to pursue Property, only Happiness; go on read those Patriotic words again. As Luciferian Mason PT Barnum would say “There is a sucker born every minute”.
Cretans are Gnostics, damned to Hell by God; they attempt to pawn off the Cult of the Serpent as the House of God. The latest Google Doodle shows an archaeologist “Discovering” Cave Art depicting the Serpent “Diplodocus”, the Symbol/Logo of Calalus. The Dinosaur myth is of Cretan origin; Behemoth and Leviathan are the only Beasts mentioned in Scripture. Of 10 Vertebrae, 3 are faded or fading; a reference to the 10 Kings of which 3 are to fall? “Little Horn” (Dan 7:8) aka “Man of Sincomes at this point. There are 11 chairs at the back of the UN Meditation Room, behind Satan’s Altar, facing the Serpent; 10 Kings and 1 “Little Horn”. “Eyes of a man, and a mouth speaking great things”? It seems, the ultimate Cretan Bullshitter is about to be revealed.
Calalus was centered in the Hopi controlled 4 corners area where Cretan Shaman wrote Hopi “Great Purification” Prophecy stating the 5th Age (Helena Blavatsky copied this Bullshit calling it the 5th Root Race) will begin with the arrival of Blue Star; Disease, Great Dying, Earthquakes and the World rocking to and fro. Prophecy Rock in AZ states “When Blue Star comes Red Kachina will remove his mask in the plaza before the Uninitiated, and White Brother Pahana will then be revealed”. White Brother is Zeus/Lucifer by the way. You will want to be “Uninitiated”!
Bullshit is well crafted deception “When a well-packaged web of lies has been sold gradually to the masses over generations, the truth will seem utterly preposterous and its speaker a raving lunatic.” –Dresden James Earth is 6000 years old, fixed at the center of creation. It is not orbiting anything, nor moving in the slightest. There is no Force of Gravity, nor Evolution of any species from one to another. Every person on earth will die and be judged by Jesus Christ, the Beginning and the End. See what I mean?
Bullshit has both open and hidden meanings, called “Green Language” or “Langue Vert” which becomes Ouvert ie both Overt and Hidden or Occult. Green Man is Satan by the way. Other names are Language of Yes or Langue d’ Oc “Languedoc” where the Gnostic Cathars were executed. Languedoc then becomes Language of Oil as Oui equates to Oil in Old French; take a look at Oil Company Logos and their occult nature will step off the page; Oil Prices/Shortages? All Gnostic Bullshit. Languedoc is also Language of Light (Oc=Ocular or Sight); want the real Light? Ask Jesus Christ. Want Lucifer? You can have him. Other names are Twilight Language which Luciferian Francis Scott Key put in the Greek drinking song Anachreon in Heaven aka Star Spangled Banner and Mormon Stephanie Meyers put in the Twilight Series; Beautiful eh? BElla the main character mating with Vampires in kids books. Language of Birds is another; the Eagle symbolizing both Zeus and Esau; oh that’s right you thought it was God! Intentional Language is meant to Intentionally Deceive ie Bullshit; it is also called Closed Language because it is Closed off to the Uninitiated.
The best Bullshit? Evolution Theory, Heliocentric Theory, Gravity Theory, Nephilim (Alien-Human DNA) and Global Warning top the list. The very top? RH- Royal or Blueblood Nobility; no Monkey Genes for these White people dressed in Purple Robes: Berbers, Basques, Celts, Samaritans, Babylonians, Medeans, Mizrahi “Oriental” fake Jews, only Cretan Blood of the God Zeus for these misguided trolls! The White Bearded Jesus? Cretan Bullshit! That’s Zeus people! Mormon “White and Delightsome”? You guess it.
CIA asset Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda are also classic Bullshit which gave birth to a bin (Manger) full Osama’s babies AQAP, AQIP, AQIS, ISIS, al-Nusra, Ansar al Sharia, Boko Haram are actively planning to attack Europe and the US this summer according to DHS. FBI Director James Comey added that many American Jihadists (read Black Water or Greystone Mercenaries) are now coming home and cannot be tracked; that’s right, no Passport checks nor trouble obtaining state of the art weapons. CNN dutifully broadcast the Terror Alert May 21 with a new bagman after the fake bin Laden raid and elimination of Seal Team 6; Abdullah al Shami. His name means Servant of Allah in Damascus. So many imaginary Bullshit enemies we’ll need Waders for this round.
Cretans are Shaman, Magicians, Clairvoyants, Medicine Men, Bards, Seers, Witches, Gurus, Advisors, Politicians, Professors, Lawyers, Judges, Priests, Prophets and Pastors having titles Doctor, Father, Master, Rabbi, Reverend and Holiness. Cretans bewilder, amuse, confuse and amaze their largely unaware audience. Cretans take both sides of Religion, Arguments and Wars; a process of Dialectic: Thesis + Anti-thesis=Synthesis, a world without God.
History records them as Sodomites (Sodom is derived from CeDom “Scorch”, referring to the soul) whom God destroyed with Fire and Brimstone. Thelemite philosophy “Do what thou wilt” sums up Cretans who became known as Minoans of Crete (biblical Caphtor). The term “Bullshit” originated from Zeus (Lucifer) as a White Bull seducing the Phoenician Princess of Tyre, Europa and carrying her to Crete. Europa rides the Bull today at the EU Headquarters. Cretan Bullshit progressed to Egypt as the Apis “Word” Bull, the Golden Calf Idol at Mt Sinai in Arabia (Cretan Bullshit by Constantine’s mother Helena moved Mt Sinai to Egypt), Jeroboam’s Golden Bull Altars at Beth-El (House of El) and Dan (Judge) and the Wall St Bull which has created Debt Slaves of most everyone on earth; all of it masterfully created Bullshit by the same Money Changers Jesus turned the tables on 2000 years ago for turning His Father’s house into a “Den of Thieves”; today we call them Congregations and Synagogues.
Bull is Old French for “Fraud, Deceit”; Bullshit means “Deceiving, Deceptive, Nonsense” seen in Evolution Theory, Physics theories such as Gravity, Heliocentrism, Dark Matter and God Particles, all as much Bullshit as Hanukkah, Christmas and Easter. In Egypt, Cretans became known as Hyksos “Foreign Shepherd Kings” arriving in Egypt from Crete; “Priests of On” might ring a Baal here; “On” is the Cretan/Phoenician “El” and the Star of El/Saturn is the ensign of Israel, the Star of Saturn, Molech, Chemosh, and Milcom. Greeks referred to Egypt as “Land of the Gypsies”, the original Gypsies of Tower of Babel (Magdala=Magdalene; Babel=Gate of El) fame used the “Bee” to symbolize the Chaldean “Word” and their worldwide “Sting”, none more so than the Merovingian Kings of France who Bullshitted their way to creating the Holy Grail nonsense. After their expulsion from Egypt, Cretans were covered with volcanic ash from an eruption on Thera (Santorini); the resulting Tsunami also destroyed Knossos (named for Gnosis or Gnosticism) Crete; later they would occupy Pompeii with similar results from a vengeful God. From there to Phoenicia aka Lebanon, named after Laban, the Evergreen Tree flag was also America’s first flag. Cretans became Kahn-Baals (Priests of Baal) who taught Jezebel and King Solomon to whore after idols. Merchants of Death and Credit they established their Satanic religion of human sacrifice in the Americas (Ameru=Serpent) which they later called “Calalus” 700 years before Columbus. They began by using Solomon’s “Ships of Tarshish”, establishing a viable trade in Copper, used to make Brass Idols and Purple Dye to make Royal Clothing from the Atlantic to India. They later became Priests of Quetzalcoatl (Serpent god=Nehustan or Amurru), Viracocha, and Kukulkan where the White Bearded Jesus myth became accepted to the detriment of the world’s most successful civilization at the time. Their Astrological timing recorded on the Mayan Calendar aka Eagle Bowl, which like the Bull, the Eagle is another form of the Cretan Zeus (Day) aka Lucifer (Light Bringer). Prophecy Rock in Arizona (Calalus) even depicts the fork in the road which begins the Great Tribulation; Google it and notice the Swastika. The Calalus symbol of Behemoth (Diplodocus) can be seen at Sinclair (Holy Light) Oil; the recent “find” in Argentina of a 130ft, 77 ton Diplodocus simply Cretan occult communication indicating the start of the Great Trib (Rev 13) is set to begin with the Sabbath Goat on the Altar (77). The Serpent Priests are about to begin the largest human sacrifice in history beginning in America with radiation from Japan and disease from Arabia, which is why the American Eagle carries the Serpent.
God refers to the Cretans as Amalekites; worshippers of Molech, Melek, Milcom etc and has Sworn to be at War with them from Generation to Generation (Ex 17:16). Why? Cretans reject God and teach others to do the same from Pulpits, University lecterns and the Holy Wood “Silver Screen”. The Canaanite/Phoenician letter W is “Sin” (Allah is also Sin); the 23rd English letter corresponds to Chapter 23 to the Revelation of Jesus Christ, a Satanic inspired addition to the Last Will and Testament of God by Cretans at www.Wholisticworldvision.org/ who believe after God is dead, they can re-create Heaven on Earth.
Cretan Grigori Schwartz (Black Watcher) aka George Soros is using ill gotten gains in Silver price manipulation and TARP funds to start America’s Color Revolution May 16, 2014 in Washington DC called American Spring; a Color Revolution of “Green Man” to be sure; the playbook written by another Cretan Zbigniew Brzezinski in The Grand Chessboard. The Zionist side of WWIII will fight for the Star of Molech, the reason God removed the name Israel from Jacob (Amos 5:26; 7:2-3; 5-6 KJV). Talmudic fake Jew Grigori also used looted, US taxpayer borrowed money to finance Arab Spring Revolutions. Islam against Zionism to the point of physical, economic and moral exhaustion, at which point the Doctrine of Lucifer will be accepted is how this goes.
Narrow Path to Salvation is through Jesus Christ
Jesus is “God of the Living”; Memorial Day commemorates the Dead. Decoration Day was Cretan Bullshit instituted to appease families who lost sons fighting each other in the US Civil War; it becamer Memorial Day Weekend. An unprecedented gathering of Cretan Nicolaitanes will occur as Americans begin Summer. Jesus hates Nicolaitanes (Rev 2:6;15) because they Conquer (Nico) the Laity (Laitane) by elevating a man-made clergy. Jesuits are not Catholic let alone Christian http://www.angelfire.com/on/3angels/jesuitoath.html they have been ejected from most every nation on earth; Vietnam and the Cambodian “Killing Fields” a Jesuit masterpiece of Drug Running and unnecessary carnage; loading Drugs in Soldier’s Coffins; only a Jesuit would think of that, which they did in Afghanistan; using Global Hawk Drones is simply brilliant, and covering the Middle East in Depleted Uranium Radiation? Truth is stranger than fiction to be sure. It’s America’s turn to become the “Killing Field”.
Jesuit Pope Francis I, Ecumenical Latin Patriarch of Constantinople, His All Holiness Bartholomew I, the Sunni Sharia (Revealed) Law Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Muhammad Ahmad Hussein (in charge of the Al Aqsa Mosque and Mosque of Omar), Ashkenazi (Ashkenaz is the grandson of Japheth, not Semitic or Jewish) Chief Rabbi David Lau, Sephardi (Sepharvaim are not Jewish 2 Ki 17:30) Chief Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef and Maronite Patriarch (Maronites claim descent from Phoenician/Canaanites ie Cretans) Beshara Rai will travel mostly in open air vehicles to the Temple Mount, Zionism founder Theodr Herzl’s grave, the Church of the Holy Sepulchre (actually an ancient Grotto of Apollo), Mt of Olives, Pontifical Inst Notre Dame (Our Lady aka Cretan/Phoenician Asherah) of Jerusalem (“Spiritually, Sodom and Egypt” Rev 11:8KJV), the Edomite/Moabite/Ammonite Capital of Amman, Herod’s Wailing Wall and the Cenacle, the site of the Last Supper. Francis I is the Last Pope according to the prophecy/plan of St Malachy (Molechy) and the “Falling Away” has occurred, as he is willing to Baptize Aliens. WWIII could start with this visit.
2 Covenants: One to Hell; One to Heaven
There are 2 Lampstands, 2 Olive Trees and 2 Covenants; the first is a physical covenant through Abraham’s first born son Ishmael (“…they of the circumcision; whose mouths must be stopped”) Titus 1:10; Gal 4 which leads to bondage; the second “New Covenant” is purely Spiritual through Abraham’s second son Isaac and leads to the Holy Ghost and a relationship with God through the Atoning blood of Jesus Christ. Jesus warned Satan (Devil, Lucifer, Serpent, Dragon) is a Liar who “Deceiveth the whole Earth” (Rev 12:9). Beast means “Wild Animal; Absent Morality or Restraint”; a person with “Liberty” who is “Free of God”, in “Fraternity” with like minded people who believe they are “Equal” to God. Man Evolving from Animals? Cretan philosophy at its core. “Slow Belly” is Slothful person, a parasite living off “Tithing” following the Serpent, God consigned to crawl on his belly eating dust seen in the word Adam or Edom “Red”; an “Earth Dweller”. The choice of Covenants you make will have consequences that last forever. Both Covenants will end in Fire; one short lived and Physical, the other Eternal and Spiritual.
Cretan, Greek “Cretismos” means “Cretan Behavior” or “LYING”.
Cretans are the “Leaven” Jesus referred to; He hates Nicolaitane Doctrine (Elevated Clergy). Cretans refer to Christians as “Poor Fellows” because they are being led to slaughter by their own “Wolves in Sheep’s Clothes”. Jesuit Law Professor Adam Weisaupt said “Oh, mortal man, is there nothing you can not be made to believe?” Lies such Christmas, Lent and Easter are quite a coup. Jesuit Pope Francis I carries the Satanic Twisted Crucifix and stated on May 12, Aliens from Mars are welcome to Catholic Baptism if they will convert; to what? Recognize him as the Vicarious Christ on Earth of course. Aliens are made up nonsense and Baptism is between you and Jesus Christ with the Holy Ghost, not Holy Water from a Cretan wearing the Mitre of Dagan, carrying the Satanic “Twisted Crucifix” sitting on the Chair of Peter above the Shahada “There is no God but Allah”. Cretans teach Hanukkah, Purim, the Talmud and Kaballah to Jews and anyone else capable of believing Jesus is boiling in His own excrement in Hell and Rabbis argue with God and win. Menorah? 8 arms surrounding Shamash (Sun God) sound like a symbol God created? Star of David? Hardly, the Seal of Solomon is the Cretan symbol used in Witchcraft, the symbol of Saturn/El/Satan. The Peace Sign? The Cretan symbol of formal rejection of Jesus Christ. The Dove Symbol? Samaritans use it; check it out on the TBN (Trinity Broadcasting Network) Logo, ELOHIM Books, Calvary Chapel and most every other church; lot’s of Lying Cretans to choose from there. Jesus said “Be wise as serpents and harmless as doves” He also warned of “Wolves in sheep’s clothes” going by the titles Father, Master and Rabbi. Trans-substantiated Sacrament? Cretan created Cannibalism; Mass means Sacrifice and Consumption of the Host folks! Like TULIPS? Total Depravity, Unconditional Election to Salvation, Irresistible Grace, Limited Atonement for God’s chosen Elite, and Fixed Pre-destination from birth to heaven are the Cretan Bullshit John Calvin (Samaritan Cohen) used to destroy Protestants.
Cretans are the “Bankers” Jesus turned the tables on for selling Doves (Samaritan Symbol) and sacrificial animals at the Temple. Jesus said “His Father’s House” had been turned into a “Den of Thieves”; today we know them as the IMF (International Monetary Fund), World Bankers and the Federal Reserve. July 1, 2014 FATCA Legislation will control flight of capital and conversion of Cretan Fiat Currency into Foreign Currencies, Gold or Silver. George Soros bought Bank stocks before the US taxpayer Bailouts and sold them May 2014. “Tax” and “Tithing” collectors. The 16th Amendment was never ratified, merely a Cretan deception. Only Levites are allowed to collect Tithing, not your Cretan Rabbi, Priest, Pastor or Imam. Cretans profit from manufacturing War, their Chaplains on both sides of every War encourage “Veterans” (Beast of Burden) to shed blood on the battlefield in the vain hope of eternal glory; Jesus of course said “He who kills with the sword must be killed with the sword”. Cretans use “Science” (Vain babblings in opposition to the Word of God in 1 Ti 6:20KJV) to create a 13.7 billion yr old Universe with Earth revolving around the Sun and Man evolving from Alien refuse. Dark Matter? Monkeys and Man with common ancestry? Gravity? El/Saturn is the “God of Forces” Daniel warned of (Dan 11:43). Pre-trib Rapture? Cretan Lies. Cretans are Politicians; professional Liars ending National Sovereignty in order to bring Many under the Yoke of ONE. The phrase “E Pluribus Unum” sound familiar? Cretans are Terrorists; al-Qaeda means “Solid Foundation” or “Foreign Toilet”; Osama bin Laden (Lion of Ladon) is CIA asset Tim Osman (Ottoman Turks were founded by Cretan Osman I; funny eh?) ISIS means “Throne” or “Satan’s Seat”. Hezbollah means “Party of God”; about as much to do with God as the Jesuits “Society of Jesus”. Boko Haram means “Western education is a Sin”; pretty funny since al-Qaeda is a created myth by Stanford University professor Ibn Sayyid Qutb and Allah is the 4200 year old Akkadian moon god “Sin” eh? Remember Nigerian Christmas Bomber Abdulmutallib? Abdul Mutallib is the name of Muhammad’s uncle and inventor of Islam; Talib is the root of Taliban meaning “Student”; Obama, Kerry, CIA and Pentagram officials are meeting with and arming these Cretans right now; hilarious isn’t it? Cretans called “Templars” robbed Arab caravans while Cretans called “Assassins” robed European caravans; the US just opened a US Customs by-pass in Abu Dhabi in April, the HQ of the Ismaili “Assassins”. Cretans are University Professors wearing the Square Cap on their Round Skull (Temple of Wisdom) seen in the Masonic Square and Compass used to create Heaven on Earth; AGAIN! Minus Christians and Jews of course! Jesus refers to them as “Earth Dwellers” and those who “Destroy the Earth”. Why Dwell and Destroy one’s home? They believe they are Gods whose Phoenix will rise from the ashes and they taken directly to Heaven as the Mormon “House of Enoch” (Cain’s Enoch not Seth’s) Cretans manufacture disease such as AIDS, SARS, MERS-CoV and Ebola because “We Can” according to Dr Ron Fouchier. Creating at Ft Detrick and spreading 1918 “Spanish Flu” with Vaccines; resurrecting the Virus and adapting it to Birds; putting dead birds in Swine feed and tossing dead Swine in rivers feeding Shanghai before using the Witch’s Brew in Ferrets to concoct MERS-CoV and opening direct flights from the UAE to the US without Customs Inspections sound smart to you? MEP of Marseilles France Jean Marie LePen told his fellow Cretans on May 21 “Mr Ebola could solve the global population and illegal immigration problem we face in 3 weeks” How about intentionally causing 9/11/2001, the Fukushima meltdown and the Deep Water Horizon disaster and warning ahead of time in the movies Patriot, Hereafter and Knowing? All right there on the Druid Holy Wood Silver Screen just like Dorothy’s Silver Slippers. Watch the new Maserati commercial and tell me you are not asleep in the Opium Field too big to move?
Take 10 minutes and read Confederate Albert Pike’s letter http://www.threeworldwars.com/albert-pike2.htm to Italian Revolutionary Giuseppe Mazzini if you don’t believe it; both Cretans were Luciferian Masons and Witches. WWIII was planned long ago and will destroy unlike any previous war ever could. Arab Spring is the Islam side of WWIII; American Spring begins May 16, 2014 and is part of the Zionist side.
Don’t believe the lies FOX (F=6; O=15=6; X=24=6; Rupert Murdoch is a Knight of Malta) News, Paul Vallely and Harry Riley are spewing about Israel being God’s chosen nation; God removed the name Israel (Amos 5:26; 7:2-3; 5-6) for the Star of Molech on the Flag of Israel and calls Jerusalem “Spiritually Sodom and Egypt”.
Cretan is a word derived from Creation, and refers not to people of Crete (Crete=Caphtor, the ancestral home of the Phoenicians, brothers of the Philistines) anymore than the word Samaritan refers to Samaria. Cretans leaned their “Craft” from their grandfather Ham, whose incest with his Cainite mother (only Noah was “Perfect in his generations”) produced their “Cursed” brother Canaan. Cretans are the sons of Egypt founder Mizraim. Egypt came to be called Aegyptios or Land of Gypsies (Romani=Rom=Rome=Man); the northern hemisphere mapped as the Great Pyramid; the Stellar Time tracked by the King’s Chamber Shaft and Solar Time by the Sphinx. Caphtorim (Crete/Cretans/Phoenicians) had the famous Queen, Jezebel and 1000 trained prostitutes became wives and concubines to King Solomon, teaching Israel to worship El/Molech and sacrifice their children to Idols such as the Hexagram “Star of Molech/Saturn/El”. Jesus referred to Samaritans as the “Wolves”, providing the only example of guaranteed Salvation (Luke 10) because of Samaritan/Phoenician subtle but eternally deadly lies; Simon Magus, the Samaritan/Cretan originator of the first fake Christian “Cult”.
All Cults follow teachings of a Central figure; all Cults are patterned after the Cretan/Samaritan Cult of Simon Magus. Not in a Cult? Guess again. Lutheran? Martin Luther. Protestant? John Calvin (real many Samaritan Kohen); Presbyterian? John Knox; Methodist? John Wesley; Unitarianism? Michael Servetus? Mormon? Joseph Smith. Catholic? Emperor Constantine. Jesuit? Ignatius Loyola. Orthodox? Emperor Constantine; Muslim? Muhammad. Buddhist? Siddhartha Guatama; Kaballah? Maimonides, Sabbattei Zvi, Jacob Frank; Zionist? Theodr Herzl. All this should ring a Baal!
Cretans aka Phoenicians use the Arabian-Egyptian Phoenix (Pa Hanok=House of Enoch) symbol which became the basis of Enochian Magick and symbol of “Wolves in Sheep’s Clothes” destroying nations, religion and science from the inside as “5th Column Traitors”. Ever been around or tried to argue with a person possessing the “Jezebel Spirit”? It’s one bald faced lie after another. Cretans create conditions for War and create Patriotic fervor in Soldiers whom Cretan Henry Kissinger calls “Soldiers are dumb, stupid animals to be used in our wars”. Here are a few examples of Cretan concepts.
American: America is now and has been a Corporation since 1871 (Honest Abe was a lying Rosicrucian) and Foreign Creditors are about to take possession of the Corpse (TPP and TAP ring a Baal?). America is a word derived from the Edomite god Amurru, Canaanite Amar, Druid Amorica, Cathar (Gnostic) “Amor” (Love) or Ameru, the “Serpent” held by the Eagle (Zeus) on the Great Seal of the United States. “Life, Liberty, pursuit of Happiness”? Happy means “Wisdom” in Welsh, the land of the Chaldeans in Britain. How’s the “Happy” song sound now? Similarly, Japan means “Land of the Rising Sun”, but not all Japanese are Sun (Zeus, Sol or Lucifer) worshippers. Iran means “Noble Caste”; Solis Invictus is called Mithra; Iran, Zoroastrianism (Star Seed) and Mithraism making sense? Catholic and Orthodox Priests wear the Mitre (MIthra), how about now? Catholic means “Universal”; Cathars take their name from Cath; recall the song “Stars make love to the Universe”? China means Sina, or “Wilderness of Sin”; the ancient name was Cathay meaning “Sons of Heth” Hittites or Cath “Cathars”, but certainly not all Chinese are Hittites or Gnostic Cathars. Russia=Crimean Rus/Ros or Tauri. Korea=Korah or Core; Britain means B’Rith or Birthright Covenant (Cain, Japheth, Elam (Persia/Iran), Ishmael, Esau are meant here. Hungary=Huns; Poland=Pole or Polish referring to Rough Stones versus Polished Stone Altars; God’s are Rough which is why the Sanhedrin in Jerusalem tramples the Cross and passes 33 steps of Smooth Stones on their right every day. Bulgaria=Bogomils; Romania=Romani Gypsies; Egypt=Land of Gypsies etc etc. The point? Cretans are “Ubiquitous” ie Everywhere at the same time; the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) Magazine has this slogan below the Pale Horse “Death” for this reason. How’s the All Seeing Eye above the Pyramid on the Great Seal look now?
Cretans are the Cult of El/Saturn
Saturn’s symbol is the Trident, symbolizing the Triple Goddess of Witchcraft Hecate with the Horned God Cernunnos (CERN and the God Particle might ring a Baal); a Devil’s Pitchfork used to separate Wheat from Tares if you will; Born Again Christians and real the 12 tribes of Jacob listed in Rev 7 KJV (Note: Ephraim and Dan are not on the list) are the Tares here. Hundreds of Black Water (Xe Services, now Academi, named after Plato’s Philosophical Academi in Athens) and Greystone mercenaries funded by the CIA and US State Dept through US taxpayers are creating Chaos in the Ukraine whose Flag (Ensign) is the Trident. International Banker Arseniy Yatsenyuk usurped control of the Ukraine and Jesuit/Knight of Malta/Cretan Joe Biden’s son and fellow initiated Jesuit, Hunter Biden was just appointed Legal Director of Ukraine’s largest Natural Gas producer Burisma Holdings; it’s good to be a Cretan, for now! The US and EU rejected Independence Votes in E Ukraine with more Russian sanctions promised (An overt act of war) Poseidon with his Trident Spear is the guardian of the Crimea; home to exiled Molech worshipping Sarmation Priest Kings. Why Crimea and the Ukraine? Cretans must fake the post Millennial gathering around Jerusalem and Jesus Christ called “Gog and Magog”; Cretans added Rus or Rosh to the list in Eze 38:1 for this reason; know this, Russia is not Rus or Rosh; Moscow is not Mesech and Siberian Tobolsk is not Tubal; this is perhaps Satan’s greatest deception. MH370 (cryptogram for Elohim) is a Cretan managed False Flag (Mysterious Cargo is very likely SARS, MERS-CoV and or Weaponized Ebola flown to Diego Garcia for distribution); Malaysian Air symbol is the Trident. The world is not quite ready to know every Commercial Airliner is subject to hacking and remote control by Blackstone Group and Jacob Rothschild; pilots can do nothing about it. Cretans can remotely open the cabin pressure outflow valve and say goodnight! The Trident is Neptune’s (Poseidon) Spear. Operation Neptune Spear was the fake raid by Seal (Sea, Air, Land are 3 of the 4 elements of Witchcraft, Earth, Air, Water and Fire) Team 6 on Osama bin Laden; their long awaited, biblically determined, TIME to strike is now. The goal is to bring “Order out of Chaos” (Ordo ab Chao); a New Secular Order (Novus Ordo Seclorum) without God a part of it via the time tested Revolutionary slogan “Liberty, Equality, Fraternity” with everyone on Earth an Oath initiated Luciferian under common leadership of One “E Pluribus Unum”. Maserati uses the Trident and blatantly declares the time to strike is now http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ErH6SOy1nxk. The United Nations Planetary Initiative blatantly states “Nobody shal enter the New Age unless he or she accepts a Luciferian Initiation”. If these phrases sound familiar, it’s because they are American. Saturn V rockets were used by Cretans to fake the Apollo Moon Landings. The “Eagle has landed”; well not quite, the Eagle is Zeus and the “Most trusted man in America” and 30 yr voice of the Bohemian (Bohemian and Gypsy are synonymous) Grove Owl called Molech, Walter Cronkite lied for his Luciferian Mason Cretan brothers.
Cretans are Sons of Zeus (Anu) “Tuatha de Danaan” (Sons of Danu), the grandsons of Saturn aka Phoenician “El”. Tuatha de Danaan is equivalent with “Elohim”, or “Sons of El”; Superman as “Kal El” (Hindu goddess of death Kali and El; Cute eh?) in the Red and Blue (Lower and Upper limit of Visible Light) Suit Quetzalcoatl, the Red and Blue Serpent Bird might wear. El/Saturn is Kronos meaning Time, Calendar or Chronometer.
Saturn is Time and Time is Up
2 Pet 3:8 informs us Jesus will return when Creation is 6000 years old; Cretans have a little surprise for the last 3 1/2 years however, called the Great Tribulation. 1656 yrs Creation to Flood + 2160 years Aries to Pisces + 2160 years Pisces to Aquarius (began Mar 20, 2014 by many accounts and was astrologically confirmed by a Planetary Grand Cross Alignment and Lunar Eclipse) and 21 years for Sargon the Great to be declared “Legitimate King”; all totaled, Creation will be 5997 yrs old this Feast of Tabernacles (Oct 8, 2014), and what a coincidence NOT! on a Lunar Eclipse.
“God said let there be light…divided the light from the darkness…and called the light Day” Gen 1:3-5. Zeus means Day, so where does God dwell? The pitch black darkness, the true Light in the Holy of Holies of course! God came in Flesh, was rejected and Crucified East of the Temple forming the New Covenant by Tearing the Temple Veil top to bottom allowing the Light (Zeus) in. Not just any Light, but the Light of the Rising Sun aka “Solis Invicti”. On Easter Sunday? Not quite; Easter is the Eastern Star Venus aka Lucifer; Zeus became the Light of Sunday “Dies Solis” on Day 1. Sunday Sabbath? Sure, just like Santa is Jesus NOT! Priests of Cybele looked for Attis under the Pine Tree. Druids awaited the Rising Sun at Stonehenge before sacrificing and drinking blood of slaves on the Solar Sabbath Altar. Now you know why the Statue of Liberty, Lady Freedom, Britannia, Columbia and Mormon Angel Moroni face East. So where is Jesus now? In your Prayer Closet waiting for you to ask Him into your Body! I would do this while there is still TIME!
The Saturn myth begins where else but in what we call the North, above the Pole (Santa=Satan; Superman both come from there) with Mars aka Greek Ares, the “UNKNOWN GOD” worshipped at the Areopagus or “Mars’ Hill” Acts 17:19-24. The men of Athens couldn’t understand what Paul was preaching because they are “Spiritually Discerned” through the Holy Ghost (Acts 2:13) and Jesus is the Holy Ghost (1 Jn 5:7KJV). This Saturn, Mars (God of War) and Venus (Lucifer) alignment can be seen in the Mormon Visitor’s Center, just north of the Eagle Gate where the Eagle (Zeus) clutches the Beehive (Bee is Chaldean for Word) under the inverted 5 pt Star “Baphomet” (Baph + Metis=Union of Spirit and Wisdom). No you know why Mormo is one of 77 names used for Satan; no offence to rank and file Mormons but ever notice “Moroni” and “I Moron”?
Zeus was sired by the she-goat Amalthea (Turkomen are the ultimate Cretans because they appear Jewish, Christian and Muslim and change at will; Erdogan is a 330 Freemason; Amalthea is the name of theTurkish Aid ship to Gaza) in a cave on Mt Ida (Idaho and the Snake River making sense now?) near Knossos, the city which became the root of Gnosticism, the search for Secret, Mystic or Arcane Knowledge. Why Amalthea? Amalekites are at war with God (Ex 17:16); Amalthea is their GOAT (God Of All Things), the Feminine Thea or God; Theosophical (God Philosophy) Society making sense now? It better; Hitler, Stalin, Chairman Mao, Bush Sr, Bush Jr, Jeb Bush, Kerry are all initiates of this Brotherhood of Death Society and WWII was only the prequel.
Cretanism is the 6000 yr old religion of Gnosticism; Cretans go by titles Jesus warned against Father, Master, Rabbi (Mat 23:8-10); Pope Francis I is a Jesuit serving the Jesuit General Adolfo Nicholas aka “Black Pope”; he wears the Philistine Mitre of Dagan, carries the Satanic “Twisted Crucifix” and the Cretan title Pontifex Maximus. Now maybe Jesus’ warning not to call any man Father upon the earth (Mat 23:10) will make sense. Titles Jesus as God in Flesh reserved for Himself are Melchisedek (Gen 14, Ps 110, Heb 7) and Reverend (Ps 111). Luciferian 330 Masons Al Sharpton, Jeremiah Wright, Jesse Jackson, or Billy Graham look like Jesus to you? Cretans go by these titles.
Cretans are known in history as Chaldeans, the Priests, Soothsayers, Artists, Metal Smiths, Astrologers, Warriors and Magicians of Babylon aka Ur of the Chaldees (Ur means “To Shine”) their Tower of Babel was the “Gate of El” and the EU will finish it. The United Nations Religion Initiative or URI is the modern day Ur; the URI states “Nobody shall enter the New World Order unless he or she accepts a Luciferian Initiation”.; Shiny eh? Minoans, the mythical offspring of the Phoenician princess Europa, seduced by Zeus in the form of a White Bull which raped her in the Ocean, producing the hideous 1/2 Bull 1/2 Man “Minotaur”; Cretan King Minos is equivalent with the 1st Dynasty Egyptian King Menes. Golden Bull, Apis Bull, Jeroboam’s Bull Altars at Dan and Bethel and the Wall St Bull all originate with the Saturnian Zeus Cult. There is your Beast from the Sea. Curetes (Priests of Cybele) who today wear the Yarmulke; Jewish? Hardly, Amalekites at war with God until this last Generation ends with removal of the Holy Ghost. The Yarmulke is worn hidden as a Kippah under Mitre’s of Dagan on Priests and Bishops, under Fedoras by Talmudic initiates and under Arab Turbans once worn by Levite Priests, the first born sons of Aaron’s descendants. Phoenicians, Philistines, Essenes, Theraputes are other names.
Cretans Destroy what God Creates. Jesus uses the term “Earth Dwellers” at the start of the Great Tribulation (Rev 11 is the view from Heaven and Rev 13 the view from Earth) and returns to “Destroy them which destroy the earth” (Rev 11:18 Fukushima, Deep Water Horizon, Depleted Uranium munitions, GM Food, Fracking, Geo-engineering, Ebola, AIDS, SARS and it’s MERS-CoV derivative are examples. Barbara Marx Hubbard brags “We are the riders of the Pale Horse Death”; the same horse on the cover of CFR Magazine.
Victory for Europa the Whore of Babylon
Occult Communication is hidden in gestures, hand signs, symbols and pictures. At the May 8th VE Day celebrations in Moscow, Russia telegraphed the intent to deliver ARS (Acute Respiratory Syndrome) in 2014. I refer the reader to this story http://www.conspiracy-cafe.com/apps/blog/show/42238308-twilight-language-biohazard Recall, Prince Phillip controls WHO Director Margaret Chan and has stated his desire to control world population by being reincarnated (a Cretan doctrine as Buddha also uses the Trident symbol) as a Killer Virus; he Queen Elizabeth and Barack Obama all met with Pope Francis I in April in front of artwork depicting the Cardinal Grand Cross Planetary Alignment of April 23, 2014, a highly anticipated event for Chaldean astrologers.
Antibody nf-kBp65, Russian License Plate 0001 MO-77, and Russian Destroyer #808 depicted in the VE celebrations in Moscow tell an occult story. nf-KBp65 is linked to SARS and related MERS-CoV infection. The antibody regulates the body’s immune response to infection as well as activates latent viruses in the body such as Bubonic Plague. The new series Extant begins in July and refers to the idea of Standing Out or being Revealed; notice the word Extant morphs from Extinct in the promotional ads being shown.
Crimea, Odessa, Ukraine and Venice were/are home to the exiled Molech worshipping, child sacrificing Sarmation Priest-Kings called “Black Nobility” http://one-evil.org/content/entities_locations_venice.html Today, as they were 500 years ago, they are the Int’l Bankers and Merchants of Death. Sarmation means “People of the Prince”; the Prince is Lucifer; they possessed an immunity to the original Bubonic Plague and likely do today as well.
The latest Google Doodle commemorates Oxford educated Communist Party member Dorothy Hodgkin; her Communist/Eugenics mentor, Professor John Bernal wrote “The World, the Flesh & the Devil”. Folks, Red Flags are flying.
The ultimate man-made Bio-weapons MERS-CoV aka SARS and Ebola may be about to be unleashed as described in Mat 24 and Lk 21; America is prepared with 1000 mobile hospitals and JBAIDS test equipment in all 50 States. Dr Ron Fouchier resurrected the original Ft Detrick created WWI Flu Virus and adapted it for Human to Human transmission as SARS and MERS-CoV. These diseases like Ebola and AIDS are man-made creations tested on the battlefield. Ft Detrick created the Bio-weapon and Ft Riley vaccines spread the 1918 Spanish Flu. Ft Detrick was later implicated in Bio-weapon use during the UN sponsored Korean War. Foxes (Cretans) guard their own hen houses; the UN Security Council chose the Int’l Red Cross (same logo used by the Knights Templar) and WHO (World Health Org) to investigate Japan’s Bio-weapons research Unit #731 (Japan’s PM and Tokyo Mayor are sons of it’s founders; Aum Shinrikyo Sarin Gas and Fukushima are examples) and US Bio-weapon missions flown to Korea from Okinawa; Smallpox, Cholera and Plague were all tested on North Korean, Russian and Chinese soldiers. Don’t expect one moment’s sympathy when the pre-planned sequel to the Korean War begins. On May Day Molech/Baal’s/Communism’s Birthday Odessa was targeted for a Chemical Gas/Fire sacrifice
The first 2 Temples were destroyed on 9 Av; the 3rd Temple, made of Human Flesh will also be destroyed on 9 Av. Christopher Columbus killed 90% of natives along the eastern seaboard of the Americas with Disease and Disease will end America. Christopher Columbus “Discovered” America BS! sailing across the Flat Earth BS! to India BS! and his flagship Santa Maria was just “Discovered” May 14 off the coast of Haiti/Dominican Republic. BS! Christopher=Messiah; Columbus=Columbia the Roman Goddess of Freedom and Liberty from God; his real name was Fernando Zarco. Columbus was a Molech/Saturn worshipping Sepharvaim (2 Ki 17:30) ejected from Spain on 9 Av 1492 for being an Allumbrado (Luciferians or Illuminated Ones); Columbus was a false Christian convert, Knights Templar and Rosicrucian initiate who flew the Red Templar Cross on his ships full of Smallpox; Hispaniola “Little Spain” was to be the start of a new Dominican (AD refers to Domini or Edomite “Red” Dominion) Republic aka “New Jerusalem” in “Amorica” Feel the love (Amor) yet? Google pictures of Christopher Columbus and he will be seen initiated into the “Left Hand Path” (Left Hand across the Heart, thumb extended; fingers forming a W). The Columbus Lighthouse at Punta Cana on the Dominican Republic is a giant, illuminated sacrifice center shaped like a Cross. CNN announced the “Discovery” at Columbus Circle in NYC; 7 Left Hand Forks in Broadway (Jesus is the Narrow Path; the Broad Path leads to Destruction of the Soul) and one arrives at Union Square Park where the US Flag is supported by the Fasces (Bundle of Rods tied with Red Cord around an Axe Blade) in front of the Virgin Record Building and the NY “Midnight Clock” which counts down and up from Midnight minus the last second in 17 digits. The Hand Sign Columbus is pictured with is used by the Men of Jahbulon who are taught in Masonic ceremony God is Jah Baal and Osiris (On); this level is the Rainbow Arch Degree and is forman Blasphemy of the Holy Ghost. The Thumb extended up is Fidelity with the Cult of Saturn and the 4 fingers often form a W, the Phoenician letter for “Sin”, the Akkadian moon god Sin is also called Allah. The occult message here is Disease but there is more.
The Phoenician letter W means “Sin” and “Tooth”. Trident (Triple Goddess in union with the Horned God Cernunnos) means 3 Teeth; the 4th Beast of Iron has 3 Teeth of the previous 3 Beasts. Will the 4th Beast make its debut on 9 Av (Aug 5, 2014)?
License Plate 0001 MO-77 0001 is the Beginning MO “Modus Operandi” is the “Great Work” aka Revenge, seen in #77 “Lamech’s Revenge” from Gen 4:24 is called the “Sabbath Goat on the Altar” by the self professed “Great Beast” Aleister Crowley aka Dad to Barbara Bush. The Sabbath Goat comes from Lev 16:8-10; Jesus is the real Scapegoat sent to the Wilderness to absolve the Sins of the Congregation (Everyone on Earth who accepts His blood sacrifice). Azazel is Satan, the false Scapegoat; America will be the false Scapegoat for Rev 18 Babylon, turned into a Wilderness in 1 Hour according to Melchisedekian Prophecy (Mormon Church has planned for this). MO is also Missouri, the USS Missouri was the location for Luciferian Masons Douglass MacArthur and Emperor Hirohito ending phase 2 of Luciferian Mason/Witch Albert Pike’s plan for 3 World Wars. Recall, Obama bowed to Hirohito’s son Akahito bringing a delivery of MOX (Plutonium-Uranium Mixed Oxide) Fuel to Fukushima just ahead of the planned re-fuel and planned meltdown. The latest Godzilla movie made its debut coincident with American Spring. Godzilla refers to the mother of Tubal-cain, Zillah (Gen 4:22) the instructor of artificers in metal and patron of Freemasons worldwide; Radiation from Japan is destroying the Earth; 1st in its path is America. The hand across the heart used by Columbus, Hirohito, Karl Marx, Joseph Stalin, Pat Robertson, Ignatius Loyola, Anton LaVey, Aleister Crowley, Pope JP II, Benedict, Francis, Kabbalist Rabbis, Martin Luther etc etc conveys a meaning of Fidelity to the “Secret Chiefs” or “Planetary Guides” (Lucifer’s Demons) The UN Planetary Initiative boldly declares “Nobody shall enter the New Age unless he or she accepts a Luciferian Initiation”. The message here is WWIII is right around the corner with the Sabbath Goat on the altar. Sorry folks, but America (Amar=Canaanite God of the West; Amurru=Edomite Serpent God; Ameru=Serpent) is the Sabbath (Scapegoat) Goat to be sacrificed this time!
Destroyer 808 Jesus represents Destruction of the 8th and final Covenant between God and Man. Zero is the root of Zoroaster (Star Seed seen in the series Extant) and the final Battle of Good versus Evil in their Satanic doctrine. It means Naught, Null, Desert, Wilderness in Arab numerology. The second 8 is Man’s replacement for Jesus Christ seen in the 8 arms of the Hanukkah Menorah surrounding the sun god Shamash aka Zeus/Lucifer.
EU: Unfinished Tower of Babel “Gate of El/Saturn”
The most powerful person in the EU is Angela Merkel aka Hitler’s daughter; Satan’s Seat (Throne of Pergamum) is in Berlin awaiting transport to the 3rd Jerusalem Temple. The downward pointing Triangle hand sign featured by Celebrities and World Leaders is called the Merkel-Raute; fidelity with the Tower of Babel and its missing Seat #666 if you will. “As Above, So Below” should ring a Baal here; combine the Upward and Downward Triangles and the Star of Molech is produced; tilt the Star of Molech away from the Sun 230 and “Ezekiel’s Wheel” is created on Earth.
Zeus as the White Bull is the Throne of the Whore of Babylon; today this Woman (Europa) Rides this Beast in front of the European Union HQ in Brussels built as an unfinished “Tower of Babel” where WWIII is in the final planning stages at the home of the computer called “The Beast”. ISIS means “Throne”, Isis was depicted with these same Bull Horns holding the Sun. Knights Templar (World Bankers, IMF) and Assassins (Ismailis who control Yemen, Oman, Kuwait, Qatar, UAE, Iraq, Iran etc aka Kingdom of Ormus) carried Black Virgin Statues of Antichrist in the lap of Isis all over Europe and Asia from North Africa aka Islamic Maghreb). ISIS, al-Qaeda (Solid Foundation), al Nusra (Western education is Blasphemous), AQIM are all US creations. Saturn’s weapon of choice is the “Trident” symbolizing the Female Trinity in union with the “World Pillar”.
Self Immolation: The Ultimate Sacrifice
The ultimate sacrifice is that of God Himself. Amurru is the Edomite God and source name of America. Trident means “3 Teeth”; the 4th Beast has Iron Teeth is made of the first 3 Beasts; the 3rd Beast is Edomite Dominion which will come out of WWIII and the destruction of America. The US Navy uses the Trident Logo and has a planning map with most of California and the Mississippi River valley submerged; couple this with Weaponized Ebola and MERS-CoV; collapse of the $US; NERC (Nat Elec Reliability Corp); Boeing’s CHAMP EMP Drone crashing the US Power Grid; Atomic Power Plants melting down; LA Earthquake; East Coast Tsunami; Yellowstone Eruption etc and most people around the world will believe Rev 18 fall of “Babylon” has occurred. Don’t be fooled, Cretans planned all this long ago. What comes after that? US “Operation Blue Beam” turns the Ionosphere into a giant TV set with pictures of the fake Messiah appearing all over the world.
Acceptance of the False Messiah is the “Artifact of Doom” seen in the Illuminati Card Game Card #7. Cretans set up the plan for WWIII to pit forces of Islam against Zionism; Cretans control both sides of the Dialectic: Thesis + Antithesis = Synthesis aka “New World Order”. Card #7 is a “Hate Plague” which reaches its fruition in Armageddon. Israel is preparing by building a radiation hardened bunker called Project 911 on Site 911 in Beit Shemesh (House of the Sun) with the Mezuzah “The LORD our God is One” denying Jesus Christ over every door. Completion date is coincident with the Grand Climax Ritual “Begone Dull Care” at Bohemian Grove July 27, 2014. (Anniversary of the Aurora Theater shooting during the premier of Dark Knight Rises) 9 Av 2014 is Aug 5, 2014. August is the western 8th month; 8/5=1.618 aka Phi or Ratio of Life. Just coincidence? Don’t bet eternity on it!
America: World’s Debtor’s Prison
Want to leave? FATCA (Capital control legislation) goes into effect July 1; just pay you and your children’s share of the $17.6 Trillion Debt Why $17.6 T? Abraham’s Covenant with God originated in Gen 17:6 and ends at Rev 17:6. America is a Debtor’s Prison created in Washington DC at the IMF HQ. Why $17.6 T? “And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus…” The woman is MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT; THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH.
Bill of Rights? “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness” has nothing to do with “Property”; Debtors cannot own Property as they are Slaves to Creditors. The Gold Braid surrounding all 50 State and Federal Flags indebts all Americans to an equal share of our Debt.
Property Title? Guess again; Alodial Title is an appearance of Title, much like Fiat Currency is the appearance of Money. They mean nothing to Creditors who own the Mortgage (Mort=Death; Gage=Note) on the real Title.
35 US States have now voted for a Constitutional Convention to be held this summer; Congress is currently re-writing the Bill of Rights. An example of prior planning is in Common Core (Bill Gates financed with $2.5 Billion) textbooks; the 2nd Amendment only provides for Gun Ownership as part of a regulated State Militia. Just Swear allegiance to your State Governor who sold you out to the Federal Government who in turn sold America out to International Bankers, UN Security Council and the International Criminal Court in front of the Gold Braided (Gold Braid means the US Constitution is no longer in force) Flag in front of the Fasces Logo on all 50 State National Guard Flags and you can legally carry a gun. Now can you see why all 50 State National Guard Units were given JBAIDS Test Kits? “Control oil, you control nations. Control food, you control people” Cretan Henry Kissinger. The USDA is purchasing .40cal S&W submachine guns with night sights and 30 round magazines; right out of Joseph Stalin’s playbook before 20 million Ukrainians were starved to death.
The US is one pre-planned, self inflicted disaster away from Martial Law.
FEMA and DHS are advertising for Crisis Actors. Want to star in a Crisis Simulation like the Century 16 Aurora Colorado shooting, Sandy Hook Elementary, Boston Marathon or Malaysia 370 (signs in China were written in English)? Atlanta is hosting a casting call for a scheduled Terrorist Event Drill June 27-29, 2014, nice timing with the DHS issued a Terror Alert on May 21, 2014 for al-Qaeda’s alphabet soup of offspring. A similar Terrorist Event Drill was being conducted on 9/11/2001. Condi Rice didn’t believe Terrorists could ever commercial airliners but NORAD and the FAA ran just such a drill 33 times. Is the Stanford Professor not too bright or a Cretan spewing Bullshit like the Sandy Hook coroner who can’t tell the difference between a handgun and a Bushmaster-223?
Forget the Cretan Bullshit and establish a relationship with Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ is Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the Ending. He shed His blood for the Remission of Sin (Light=Lucifer; Allah=Lucifer=Sin). Jesus is Melchisedek, King of Jerusalem and Priest of the Most High. He is the author of the Covenant with Abraham, Authority of the Kingship of David and the only Priest anyone will need for eternity. I humbly suggest you stop listening to the Cretan in robes handing you a Communion wafer and grape juice and head for your Prayer Closet to establish a one on one relationship with the Creator of the Universe before the Destroyers are turned loose. TIME is getting short!