
by Geordie Tait

Hi everyone! Since asking dishonestly-worded questions intended to extort incriminating and inaccurate answers is a ‪#‎GamerGate‬ specialty, I thought I would have a short question and answer session here to explain my various remarks and highlight the intellectual dishonestly, inconsistency, and lack of moral fiber that GG shows in everything it does, including belching leading questions through their Dorito-dusted goatees.

Hopefully this will set the record straight. Here we go.

Q: What do you think about #GamerGate?

A: I believe they are an evil organization analogous to the Ku-Klux-Klan or Westboro Baptist Church.

Q: What do you think about the importance of fighting for ethics in gaming journalism?

A: I don't think any failing in ethics even exists. Especially relative to mainstream journalism.

Q: But you may be wrong about that. Assuming a shortfall in ethics exists, what do you think about the importance of fighting against it?

A: I think that, relative to the historical plight of women, it couldn't be less important. I absolutely don't give a shit about ethics in games journalism. If Game Informer came with a hypnotic centerfold and Newspeak word search, you couldn't pay me to give a fuck.

Q: What does the plight of women have to do with #GamerGate? We don't harass women.



(falls over, can't breathe)


Q: Look, I hardly think-


Q: Shut up, will you? I guess you refuse to give a real answer because you can't reach one through reason, debate and scientific thought-

A: I knew you were going to say that. You turds have all the knowledge about honest reason, debate and thought as your time playing CoD under the name [FU]ShitFaggot has taught you. Or at the very least, you've learned how to try to sound like an authority figure by wheeling those words out of your mouths and taking a right at the corner of Soul Patch Ave. and Pimple Pkwy.

Q: Answer the question or I will tell the crumbs in on my sweater that you're a Cultural Marxist.

A: Fine. Here's what the plight of women has to do with #GamerGate. Women have been unequal with men since the literal dawn of human civilization. It started with the early dependence on upper body strength to hunt or harvest putting dudes on a pedestal, and baby-making taking women out of commission for 9 months out of the year.

The inequality and suffering that females have endured since then, and continue to endure, should be and could be the great moral exemplar of this age. Instead of parents teaching children about cruelty to the innocent by talking about the Crucifixion, 9/11, or the Holocaust, they should be talking about 10,000 years of misogyny, rape culture, unfair social gerrymandering, and unpunished sexual assault.

I could go into 100,000 words of specifics, but you get the idea. The only reason these things aren't in textbooks in every school is we have all been carefully trained to think they don't matter. And I refuse to accept that anymore. It is IMMORAL to minimize the plight of women. Immoral in the same way that stoning a woman to death is immoral. Immoral in the same way that jailing a black man for 50 years on the charge of stealing a stick of gum is immoral. It is EVIL.

#GamerGate acknowledges none of that. As far as you people are concerned, women have it fine, have no right to complain, and all those uppity feminists need is a good dicking. The people who REALLY need support are those downtrodden gamers! Bitches like Zoe Quinn, Anita Sarkeesian, Felicia Day etc. are just running their mouths to enhance their profiles or get rich.

Thus it follows, #GamerGate is an evil organization and an insidious one. If a genie gave me the chance to snap my fingers and blink one group out of existence - ‪#‎GG‬ or the KKK, I'd choose #GG. I don't mean to minimize racism, but everyone ALREADY KNOWS that the KKK are a bunch of scumbags to whom an ear shouldn't be lent.

Q: Why do you hate black people?

A: This is about the caliber of question I've been getting from #GG on Twitter. I don't hate black people even a little. Next question.

Q: So you want to send everyone in #GamerGate to the Nazi gas chambers to be killed? You believe they all deserve to die?

A: There are a ton of problems with that statement and it bothers me that nobody in GG can seem to spot them. But I'll try to explain.

I was being intentionally uncompromising in my statements in order to demonstrate a few things re: this cause.

a) The idea of human life having an intrinsic value that supersedes the resolution of the greatest moral dilemma on earth is just wrong. It serves only as a derail and I wanted to make that clear.

b) The Holocaust is a very inflammatory subject and on purpose I wanted to use it to make the point that we need to realize that the plight of women in culture has been and remains a terrible suffering that should be addressed.

The problem is, people understand gold teeth getting pulled, numbers being burned onto arms and prisoners getting jammed into gas chambers by the hundreds. Because of the intrinsic misogyny laced throughout history, they DON'T understand 11,900 years of marital rape being both common and unreportable, or disgusting inequalities being writ large into Holy Books resulting in - among other atrocities - the long-standing status of menstrual blood as unclean. And they don't understand centuries of being burned at the stake for having a pet cat and herbs growing in your window planter.

They don't consider these institutionalized, ingrained evils. But they fucking well should. I think the disenfranchisement and gross sexualization of women throughout history is actually worse than the Holocaust. And I am not afraid to say it.

Q: Why-
A: -do I hate Jews?
Q: Wow. How did you know I was going to ask that?
A: Let's just say I had an inkling based on your questions up to this point. But for the record, I don't hate Jews.

Q: Why do you minimize the Holocaust?

A: By acknowledging that gas chambers are a terrible punishment making sure to clarify that I'd only care to copy the infamous methods and not the innocence of the victims, I don't believe I have minimized it at all. I have asked several Jewish women I trust to give me an honest assessment of my words, and so far they have not been made uncomfortable. I am satisfied with that litmus test in conjunction with own common sense.

Q: Why do you hate female gamers?

A: Care to rephrase that?

Q: #GamerGate has women in it. Doesn't it go against your feminist ideals, and show you to be patronizing, when you won't accept their choice to participate and the agency it represents?

A: If I was a white abolitionist (of which there were many noble ones even if it wasn't their cause) and someone warned me "A few dozen house Negros may perish in the process of freeing 4,000,000 from the horror of slavery..." I'd still be able to proceed, even as I felt sorry for the victims. Of course, even hypothesizing death as a possible fate is pretty ridiculous since I only use it as a way to show the depth of my convictions.

Q: How can you possibly justify Anita Sarkeesian receiving so much money when the videos she's produced have been poor to average at best?
A: First, I don't concede that what she's produced has been poor-average. Second, I literally wouldn't care if Anita received $100,000 for doing nothing but twiddling her thumbs.

Q: How can you possibly say that?

A: Easily. Africa literally asked for $777,000,000,000,000 from the West back in 1999 based on estimates of what it cost their continent to be ravaged by slavers. That works out to 1.073 QUADRILLION today. How much do you think women are owed for their historical marginalization? Even a very conservative estimate has got to be hundreds of billions of times as much as what Africans are owed for what was done to them from 1619 to 2013. And like I said, that is at the very least very low and likely absurdly low.

If Anita had raised $1,000,000,000 and responded by mailing a middle finger to every man in America and moving to Morocco, I wouldn't have cared at all. Women need a quadrillion trillion billion iterations of that amount JUST TO FUCKING BREAK EVEN.

If you put a cap on the reparations - a percentage of the GDP of the Western world equal to the percentage of the population comprised of women, I guess that would be fine. I'm not a TOTAL ogre.

Q: You are fucking out of your mind. I should have known after KingPol dismantled you in that interview and made you look stupid.

A: If you think they actually came out ahead in that interview then you're even dumber than I thought. Outnumbered 4 to 1, working on no sleep, suffering from short-term memory loss and hindered vocabulary, I still filigreed those dumb-asses.

Q: I'll give you one last chance to recant and tell everyone that you don't truly believe that the world would be better if #GamerGate was, as a group, sent to the gas chamber.

A: If the only cure for women being set free from tens of thousands of years of inequality, sexual assault, rigged politics, misogynistic media, all kinds of state-sanctioned rape, roadblocks to education, and a million other hardships that have relegated them to an unwarranted (and could have been prevented) status as the world's 'second-tier' gender was #GamerGate NOT being sent to the gas chamber, and final decision was mine, they would be some gassed up motherfuckers.

I'd like to add that I would also sacrifice my own life to attain the same result, if by some magic that was what it took.

Anyway, #GamerGate, go fuck yourselves, eat shit, I hope you get trampled by Clydesdales etc. In a few months or years you'll be gone, and I'll still be here, laughing.

- GT
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