9 Photos Of Oppressed People With Striking Eyes That Will Change Your Perspective On Something Or Other

Posted Nov. 10, 2014
Via National Geographic

These pictures of people with striking eyes probably say something important.

1. People are more than just statistics. Sometimes they have striking eyes.

Via Stevegumaer.files.wordpress.com

2. It’s easy to forget how things really are in the world, but then you see these eyes and something changes.

Via Nedhardy.com

3. It’s hard to put how this picture makes you feel into words, but the fact is, the eyes say everything.

Via Grindtv.com

4. His eyes are just like our eyes, but he’s poor.

Via Blog.spiceroads.com

5. You can only imagine what these eyes have seen. Probably much different things than the things you’ve seen.

Via Theatlantic.com

6. This photo just so shows us that this man’s life isn’t that good or something like that.

Imgur via IAmNicolasCage

7. You can’t help but seeing these eyes and thinking, “This changes my perspective on things.”

Via Threadsapart10.wordpress.com

8. You think differently about stuff now. Because of her eyes.

Via Boston.com

9. Wow. You never realized.

Via Scotttraveler.files.wordpress.com