
Anonymous asked: I love how all you 'trans' people live online lol, so fake it's pretty funny. Gender is such a stupid concept, it's just sex and that's it. You're either female or male or you're a genetic error.

I must not leave. As soon as I go offline, I enter the nethersphere, the dark void between reality and existence. I exist, but I am not real. Do I breathe? Do I feel? It’s cold, dark. I can touch reality, briefly, a bare glance of my fingers across a cool, slippery surface, like glass. It gives under my touch and becomes liquid, like dipping your hand into a lake. Crystal clear, like my fingers will touch the pebbles at the bottom at any moment, but I keep going and going. It swallows my arm, my head, my body follows.

I am online. I touch the data streams and navigate to tumblr. I dread the next power cut.

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