American Restaurant Granted Permission To Sell Dog Meat

American Restaurant Granted Permission To Sell Dog Meat

A Los Angeles restaurant has been granted permission to consume and sell dog meat. A Filipino group successfully argued that the banning of the consumption of dog meat violated their religious rights.

Puchow de Manila Eatery and Fine Dining has been granted provisional permission to sell and consume dog meat, while the Supreme Court decides if their case has merit. The restaurant is allowed to slaughter up to 3 dogs per day, with the stipulation that they must be put down humanely. The World Animal Protection agency called the decision “shocking,” and vowed to fight tooth and nail to ensure this act is not allowed to continue.

In the Philippines today, there is an abundance of dog meat sold in restaurants and markets. The meat is as sold for as little as $1.30/kg. The trading and selling of dog-meat brings in nearly 3.8 million U.S. dollars per year, and nearly 500,000 dogs are killed for meat every year.

Eleven regions around the globe still consume dog meat. Those being: China, Indonesia, Korea, Mexico, Philippines, Polynesia, Taiwan, Vietnam, the Arctic, Antarctic, and Switzerland.

Puchow de Manila Eatery and Fine Dining says the dishes will range from American styled cuisine such as Chihuahua Chops to Korean-inspired dishes such as Boshintang (dog soup).

American Restaurant Granted Permission To Sell Dog Meat

  • Joleen Mooney Montrose

    Here in the United States the dog and the cat are protected and abuse of either will get you arrested. It’s not about what God did or did not do, but what our society says is right or wrong. People of other cultures to the U.S. need to abide with our laws. If they don’t like it they can return to their own countries where they can eat whatever they want.

  • Conservative Ohioan


  • Brittany

    really like who the fucks going to eat that ? that is sickening and i can tell you now if it comes to my state you’ve lost my business , id rather starve. thank you.

  • Bree Brains

    I’m outraged! Personally I think no animal should be slaughtered, but now were throwing domesticated animals such as dogs in the mix!? Animal abuse laws would go out the window! Could you imagen whats in the future for dogs? There would be dog slaughter houses, they would suffer the abuse cows and pigs do now. We already have so many cops today killing our dogs and now this!? Next thing you know they’ll be serving cats stew

  • Patricia Kozlowski

    You people disgust me!!! thenewsnerd is a laughing stock. Funny, when someone calls you out the comment doesn’t get posted, that alright, it is already circulating facebook about this farse. Get a life.

  • gypsy269

    omg,,this offends MY RELIGIOUS SENSABILITIES dont I HAVE RIGHTS?? oh yea,,,,thats right im an AMERICAN i dont HAVE RIGHTS!!!

  • Chris

    wow, seriously this is disturbing. go back to your own country if you want to do backwards ass shit like this. this is one of the more disturbing things i have seen in a while. as a pet owner i find this to be an outrage. You moved to the US, assimilate into the culture and follow laws that were in place or GTFO.

  • Sloover

    anybody who believes this is seriously gullible

  • + Raven Faust +

    Next will be cats?


    Who am I to tell my neighbor which of his animals he can eat. You can kill your dog, but you can’t eat it afterwards? What’s wrong with my country these days? When did we start thinking it’s OK to lord it over our neighbors for stuff this insignificant?

  • suku

    As long as the dogs are not domestic/people’s pets, then who the hell cares? Let them eat what they want. Dogs (and cats for that matter) aren’t any more special than pigs, chickens, cows, ducks, lambs, etc.

  • TheColfud

    they’re actually really good. Filled me up. :)
    You’re move internet

  • Melissa Thornton

    if Americans went to their country and started slaughtering cows and opening a restaurant to serve cow then yes they should protest but when they immigrate to north america they will have to realize that our customs are different here and we all don’t change to accommodate them that is 90% of what is wrong in north america today, we are loosing our own morals and customs and all the other nations immigrating to north america are enforcing their customs and rights on us rather than the other way around.

  • Julie_thomas

    They should.

  • Jim Monk

    May they ROT IN HELL.

  • david.fuller9394

    PIGS are definitely not smarter then dogs.
    If pigs are soo smart then why the fuck we don’t have them fuckers being a guide animals. You wanna know why cuz pigs are stupid. But they make great bacon.
    Cuz pigs aren’t as smart as you think chris bolton.
    Dogs are smart. Why you think deaf people and blind people and every other person thats handy cap they use DOGS.

  • Nick Flaim

    Burn it down.

  • Juan Garzon

    Assuming you’re using a biblical ground for this statement, my question is the following: where did you get that idea?

  • Juan Garzon

    *raises hand to face, five fingers, tan skin, decent nails, yep I’m not blind.

  • Maddie Opinion

    I’m filipino and I find this wrong on so many levels. The fact that the city granted to allow such a thing to happen disgusts me , even if it was put down humanely. This should never be acceptable. For all the dog and animal supporters out there who are disgusted with this, I’d like to take action against the restaurant and protest the fact it’s in humane and disgusting to be selling dog meat. We should also write a petition against the restaurant to take down the grant of selling dog meat and ban the restaurant. I’ll do my part and get signatures to ban this, and all of you animal and dog supporters should too