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GAP - Groups, Algorithms, Programming -
a System for Computational Discrete Algebra

The current version is GAP 4.7.5 released on 24 May 2014.

What is GAP?

GAP is a system for computational discrete algebra, with particular emphasis on Computational Group Theory. GAP provides a programming language, a library of thousands of functions implementing algebraic algorithms written in the GAP language as well as large data libraries of algebraic objects. See also the overview and the description of the mathematical capabilities. GAP is used in research and teaching for studying groups and their representations, rings, vector spaces, algebras, combinatorial structures, and more. The system, including source, is distributed freely. You can study and easily modify or extend it for your special use.

In July 2008, GAP was awarded the ACM/SIGSAM Richard Dimick Jenks Memorial Prize for Excellence in Software Engineering applied to Computer Algebra.

How to obtain GAP?

The current release is GAP 4.7.5 and it can be obtained from our downloads page. This website describes this release if not stated otherwise. Changes from earlier versions are described in the release history.

We Invite You to Cooperate

The GAP Group welcomes contacts with the GAP users and offers support for them. To keep up to date on GAP news (discussion of problems, release announcements, bug fixes), we suggest you to subscribe to the email-based GAP Forum. You may also follow GAP on Twitter.

Please tell us about use of GAP in your research or teaching. We may well want to provide a link to your work. If your work is published then we ask you to cite GAP like a journal article or book.

We maintain a Bibliography of publications citing GAP. Please help us keeping it up to date.

We welcome contributions to GAP. We provide an extensive documentation advising how to write a GAP code and also how to organise it in a form of a GAP package and inform you how to submit contributions to GAP.


GAP has been and is developed by international cooperation of many people, including user contributions. We gratefully acknowledge all this help as well as some funding. GAP was started at Lehrstuhl D für Mathematik, RWTH Aachen in 1986. After 1997 the development of GAP was coordinated in St Andrews. At present, the GAP Centers in Aachen, Braunschweig, Fort Collins and St Andrews are jointly coordinating the further development and maintenance of GAP.