Can a fart be misogynist?

Top feminist academics that have respectable diverse doctorates from medieval art, 6th century English to Women’s Studies gathered at the University of Toronto meeting center to discuss if human flatulence could be sexist.
Ashleigh Ingle a proud feminist and an anarchist argued that because of patriarchal gender norms women were not allowed to release gas in public because of men’s unreal expectations of women to be clean and feminine. Furthermore she articulated that if a woman was to fart in the presence of a man and the man responded by farting louder than the woman, than that would be rape.Untitled-1
“By farting louder the man is using passive aggressive violence to position himself as dominant, this intimidates the woman to subconsciously not release as much flatulence and thus the woman fearing for her safety doesn’t fart as loud as a sign of submissiveness, this in turn contributes to rape culture and women being oppressed.”
Most women who experience #FartRape are too intimidated to report the sexual violence.
Most women who experience #FartRape are too intimidated to report the sexual violence.
The discussion boiled down to women’s bodies once again being controlled by society and women being told what to do.
Local activist Steph Guthrie a feminist advocate and community organizer who specialises in social media and interactive events proposed an online campaign to tackle this misogyny that “keeps women down and trapped in their own bodies. I just find it horrific that the patriarchy has been controlling women’s flatulence this whole time and we have just realised this now, it is time for feminist worldwide to re-educate women on how they are being discriminated against.

Guthrie’s twitter hash tag #FartRape has started to trend as women are taking control of their own bodies by naming and shaming men guilty of fart rape. Guthrie hopes the guilty men will be identified and then their workplace will be called up and their employer will be notified the type of person they are harboring in the workplace.
But Ingle argues that it simply isn’t enough, “Don’t tell women to fart louder tell men not to fart so loud” This is clear victim blaming and government should pass laws to make male farts above a certain decibel illegal to make human flatulence equal and not discriminate against women.
Unidentified Fart rapist. Image taken at  Wellesley subway station on unknown train line.
Unidentified Fart rapist. Feminist are warning any women on the Wellesley subway station to be on the lookout for this man
Science advocates have argued that because of sexual dimorphism men are larger, need a higher protein intake and thus can relieve more flatulence, but the speakers at the conference were adamant that it was a socially constructed gender norm that oppressed women to the point that they physically do not release equal amounts of gas as men.

52 thoughts on “Can a fart be misogynist?

  1. Wow, this was amazing! Great work! I write social deconstruction type articles too! (With a focus on Feminism) But I’ve never thought about this!
    Then again maybe I have. A woman I know once said “Girls don’t fart.” And it was this internalized notion that she as a woman was supposed to be “pure” for men to judge.
    This goes into a broader issue of societal expectation of women’s bodies as inherently pure and tender and something to be “preserved” Why is a woman shirtless selfie provide more negative connotations than a mans one?
    Anyways, great work. I’ll follow, since I look forward to reading more of your work ;) check out my blog sometime! I write about random stuff including feminist deconsructions
    • You’re an idiot for falling for this. This was a satirical article making fun of feminists, and you have effectively proved the point.
      You’re the laughing stock of society and you don’t even realize it. Grow up.
      • This may be satire, and I stand corrected if it is. The problem is that some feminists have claimed and acted upon notions equally ridiculous as this one, and so it’s hard to distinguish. Witness Scandinavian feminists who are campaigning to have urinals removed so that men will be forced to sit when urinating.
        Will the author speak up on the matter?
    • The wonderful world of University-ism and feminism how both are an oxymoron when it comes to the teachings of the new word order of feminism. Let the Idiocracy games begin as Ashleigh Ingle lead the way with fart-ism… One has to wonder if Extremism feminism is the proof that insanity has taken over the Feminist Movement…
  2. So what does it mean if I outfart the next woman who farts near me…is it fart rape because I’m ASSerting my power or is it me shaming her for not being able to fart as loudly??
    Oh, or is it friendly competition
  3. What a load of crap! A fart is just a fart. If he farts louder than you, then you fart louder and you both laugh about it. How is it not okay for them to tell us we cant fart, but okay for women to tell men that they cant fart so loud. It’s the same effing thing. You people take too much stupid things seriously and read WAY TOO MUCH into NOTHING. – A non-suppressed, non-man-hating, woman.
  4. I’m gonna kill myself. seeing the world turn to this is actually really depressing. In years to come, those still alive will see men being arrested for looking at women in any way the woman considers unfit, men will be completely submissive, ect…
    Well, seeya.
  5. I can’t take this shit. Femenists have completely lost my respect for their cause. I support EQUALITY, not special treatment. This is bullshit. This is the shit that makes us not respect women. This crap right here. This is why we think women are stupid and inferior to men. If you didn’t argue over such petty and natural things as a god damn fart maybe we would take you all a bit more seriously. Guys fart louder, often because we naturally attempt to. Certain circles have farting competitions with eachother. It’s just what a lot of guys do. And by the logic of this article, if a guy so much as farts in public, he will now be arrested. Bull-fucking-shit.
  6. This is a joke, right? I’m a proud feminist too, but this is the sort of thing that makes us not be taken seriously. I at least HOPE it’s a joke, since the premise is asinine and has nothing to do with any actual issues facing women in the real world. The scariest part is that I seriously can’t tell what’s a joke and what’s said in earnesty any more, given all the crap that people claiming to be feminists have said, which as I said just contributes to the overall negative image of a still necessary movement. So again, PLEASE be a joke! For the good of rational feminists everywhere!
  7. How can a person control when and how loud they fart anyways? I mean, OK, you can hope to make it silent by sitting so that the butt cheeks are more apart, but who can fart on command (or intent)? And why is farting something bad, when it’s so uncomfortable to hold it back?
    I can seriously not follow this discussion.
  8. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
    hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha OMG i can’t stop laughing, my sides they are gone.
    i am expecting a feminist to write about #laughrape done by my post and very interested in reading thier opinion on how laugh can be misogynist. i am also expecting some feminist to point out that men should be taught to laugh in a lower tone than womyn.
  9. As a recovering Fart Rapist, I want all men to know: let womyn fart. Like us, when the gasses are labored within, the health and wellness of internal organs decline. Ergo, it is like poison in there — it MUIST be released. I encourage all bytches to fart my way, and, in dutiful response AND repose, reply with a simply knowing fart, one which allows me to show I am NOT better, but equal and, yes, humble. I read this piece and the study and openly wept. and, openly farted.
  10. We all know that women’s are the worst because they hold them in and thus are concentrated to lethal and toxic levels. I once knew a female that got off on and requested that males release flatulence while giving oral sex. She became known as and nick named the fart snorter as a result of the story getting around. She disappeared and was never seen again. lol
  11. The problem with articles like this is they could very well be true. Is this true or false? Considering feminists think staring is rape and have something called the “RAPE STARE” and they also think verbal statements are akin to rape, some of them might be taking this seriously. There was already one comment of a girl up top who DID think this was serious. So regardless if it was a joke or not, women are taking it seriously. It’s like that whole FREE BLEEDING thing on 4chan meant as a joke but feminists thought it was real and started to do it. They are literally so hard up to find actual issues they believe satirical articles now.
  12. Can you please provide the source of your Ashleigh Ingles quotes? I have spoken with her, and I acknowledge that, from my perspective, she’s a raging bigot and feminist ideologue, but I find it difficult to believe that anyone would make such absurd claims. Possession of the original source, in whatever format would ease my mind should I wish to use her statements as an example to hold up for the absurdity of the claims made by certain feminists.
  13. I was having a bad day before i read this and now i can’t stop laughing hahahahahahahahahahahahaha. It reads like a drunk conversation in an elevator.
  14. Pingback: Anonymous
  15. What kind of retarded bullshit is this? Fart rape? People like this should just be wood chippered and fed to domesticated badgers, or at the very least sterilized and sent to an island where there is no way for them to communicate and spread their stupidity.
  16. God man I’ve got to invoke Poe’s law on this one. Is this women fucking serious? I dislike modern feminism with a passion and view it as a hate movement equal to supremacy movements. This just… I cant even, I haven’t laughed this hard in a while. holy hell. Well Feminists, keep spouting crap like this and guys and gals like me wont have to deal with your shit for much longer. lolol what a moron.
  17. I’m a doctor and I can tell you fart rape is very real. I had a patient who gang raped his wife, son and dog with a fart.
  18. Here’s an interesting research paper idea: mental stability of major feminist activists and thinkers past and present. It’s nonsense such as ‘fart rape’ that most certainly calls their sanity into question.
  19. This is absurd and trivializes actual rape. This article boils down to extremists blaming other people for their insecurities. Whether or not a woman feels that way is her individual problem. As a man, I’m sometimes embarrassed by farting in public too! I’m especially self-conscious about who nearby is going to smell it.

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